The Five Corners Quintet Songtexte
This Could Be the Start of Something
Jukka Eskola
Mikael Jakobsson
Tuomas Kallio
Timo Lassy
Antti Lötjönen
Teppo Mäkynen
Chasin' the Jazz Gone By
- Blue Cycles (von The Five Corners Quintet feat. Okou)
- Trading Eights
- Interlope
- This Could Be the Start of Something (von The Five Corners Quintet feat. Mark Murphy)
- Straight Up
- Three Corners
- Case Study (von The Five Corners Quintet feat. Okou)
- Lighthouse
- Before We Say Goodbye (von The Five Corners Quintet feat. Mark Murphy)
- Unsquare Bossa
- The Devil Kicks
- Jamming (with Mr. Hoagland) (von The Five Corners Quintet feat. Mark Murphy)
- Taxi Driver: Prelude / Blues / Night Prowl / Bloodbath / Finale