The D’Oyly Carte Opera Company Songtexte
Iolanthe: Nightmare Song
Gründung 1875, Auflösung 1982
George Baker
Brenda Bennett
Nellie Briercliffe
Ada Davies
Aileen Davies
Muriel Dickson
Marjorie Eyre
Darrell Fancourt
Radley Flynn
Sydney Granville
Martyn Green
Elsie Griffin
Neville Griffiths
Winifred Lawson
Bertha Lewis
Henry Lytton
Susan Maisey
Richard Mitchell
Elizabeth Nickell-Lean
Derek Oldham
Leo Sheffield
Jeffrey Skitch
Glynne Thomas
D'Oyly Carte: The Last Night (Compilation)
- The Yeoman of the Guard: Introduction by Town Crier / Here Upon We're Both Agreed
- The Yeoman of the Guard: A Man Who Would Woo a Fair Maid
- The Yeoman of the Guard: Finale Act One
- Trial by Jury: When I Good Friends Was Called to the Bar
- The Pirates of Penzance: I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General
- The Pirates of Penzance: Poor Wandering One
- The Pirates of Penzance (reprise)
- H.M.S. Pinafore: I Am the Monarch of the Sea
- H.M.S. Pinafore: When I Was a Lad
- H.M.S. Pinafore: Never Mind the Why and Wherefore
- Iolanthe: Loudly Let the Trumpet Bray
- Iolanthe: If You Go In
- Iolanthe: Finale
- The Grand Duke: The Roulette Song
- Princess Ida: I Am a Maiden
- Princess Ida: The World Is but a Broken Toy
- Princess Ida: Wouldn't You Like to Rule the Roost
- Princess Ida: The Kissing Song
- Ruddigore: My Eyes Are Fully Open
- Ruddigore: Ghosts High Noon
- Ruddigore: When the Buds Are Blossoming
- The Mikado: Our Great Mikado
- The Mikado: Three Little Maids
- The Mikado: Finale Act 2
- The Gondoliers: Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes
- The Gondoliers: We're Called Gondolieri
- The Gondoliers: I am a Courtier Grave and Serious
- The Gondoliers: Once More Gondoliers
Gilbert & Sullivan: 56 Favourites (Compilation)
- Trial By Jury: Hark the Hour of Ten Is Sounding
- Trial By Jury: Judge's Song
- H.M.S. Pinafore: We Sail The Ocean Blue / Buttercup's Song
- H.M.S. Pinafore: My Gallant Crew / I Am the Captain of the Pinafore
- H.M.S. Pinafore: When I Was a Lad
- H.M.S. Pinafore: Never Mind the Why and Wherefore
- H.M.S. Pinafore: He Is an Englishman
- The Pirates of Penzance: Pirate King's Song
- The Pirates of Penzance: Oh Is There Not One Maiden Breast? / Poor Wandering One
- The Pirates of Penzance: How Beautifully Blue the Sky
- The Pirates of Penzance: I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General
- The Pirates of Penzance: When the Foeman Bears His Steel
- The Pirates of Penzance: When You Had Left Our Pirate Fold
- The Pirates of Penzance: Ah! Leave Me Not to Pine Alone
- The Pirates of Penzance: A Policeman's Lot Is Not a Happy One
- The Pirates of Penzance: With Catlike Tread
- Iolanthe: March and Entry of the Peers
- Iolanthe: The Law Is the True Embodiment
- Iolanthe: When I Went to the Bar
- Iolanthe: When All Night Long
- Iolanthe: When Britain Really Ruled the Waves
- Iolanthe: Oh Foolish Fay
- Iolanthe: Nightmare Song
- Iolanthe: If You Go In
- Iolanthe: Finale: Soon As We May (von Sir Malcolm Sargent)
- The Mikado: If You Want to Know Who We Are / A Wandering Minstrel I
- The Mikado: Our Great Mikado
- The Mikado: Behold the Lord High Executioner
- The Mikado: I've Got a Little List
- The Mikado: Three Little Maids From School
- The Mikado: Braid The Raven Hair
- The Mikado: The Sun Whose Rays
- The Mikado: Here's a How-de-do
- The Mikado: A More Humane Mikado
- The Mikado: The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring
- The Mikado: Tit Willow
- The Mikado: There is Beauty in the Bellow of the Blast
- The Yeomen of the Guard: Is Life a Boon?
- The Yeomen of the Guard: Where I Thy Bride
- The Yeomen of the Guard: Hereupon We're Both Agreed
- The Yeomen of the Guard: Strange Adventure
- The Yeomen of the Guard: A Man Who Would Woo A Fair Maid
- The Yeomen of the Guard: When A Wooer Goes A Wooing
- The Gondoliers: For the Merriest Fellows Are We
- The Gondoliers: We're Called Gondolieri
- The Gondoliers: From the Sunny Spanish Shore
- The Gondoliers: In Enterprise of Martial Kind
- The Gondoliers: I Stole the Prince
- The Gondoliers: When a Merry Maiden Marries
- The Gondoliers: A Regular, Royal Queen
- The Gondoliers: Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes
- The Gondoliers: There Lived a King
- The Gondoliers: In a Contemplative Fashion
- The Gondoliers: Small Titles and Orders
- The Gondoliers: I am a Courtier Grave and Serious
- The Gondoliers: Finale: Once More Gondolieri
Gilbert and Sullivan Edition (Compilation)
The Gondoliers (Version with dialogue)
- Overture
- List and learn
- Good morrow, pretty maids
- For the merriest fellows are we
- See, see at last they come to make their choice
- Buon' giorno, signorine!
- We're called gondolieri, but that's a vagary
- And now to choose our brides!
- Are you peeping?
- Thank you gallant gondolieri
- From the sunny Spanish shore
- In enterprise of martial kind
- O rapture, when alone together
- There was a time, a time for ever gone
- I stole the Prince
- But, bless my heart, consider my position!
- Try we life-long we can never
- Bride-groom and bride!
- When a merry maiden marries
- Kind sir, you cannot have the heart, our lives to part
- Do not give way to this uncalled-for grief
- Then one of us will be a queen
The Gondoliers (Version with dialogue) (continued)
- Now pray, what us the cause of this
- Replying, we sing as one individual
- For ev'ryone who feels inclined
- Come let's away - our island crown awaits me
- Now, Marco dear, my wishes hear
- Then away they go to an island fair
- Of happiness the very pith
- Rising early in the morning
- Take a pair of sparkling eyes
- Here we are, at the risk of our lives
- After sailing to this land
- Dance a cachucha, fandango, bolero
- There lived a king, as I've been told
- In a contemplative fashion
- With ducal pomp and ducal pride
- This polite attention
- On the day when I was wedded
- To help unhappy commoners
- Small titles and orders for mayors and recorders
- I am a courtier grave and serious
- Here is a case unprecedented!
- Now let the loyal lieges gather round
- Speak woman speak, we're all attention!
- The royal prince was by the king entrusted
- Luiz! Casilda!
- One more, gondolieri
The Grand Duke
- Overture
- Won't it be a pretty wedding?
- Pretty Lisa, fair and tasty
- By the mystic regulation
- Were I a king in very truth
- How would I play this part
- My goodness me! What shall I do?
- Ten minutes since I met a chap
- About a century since
- Strange the views some people hold
- Now take a card, and gaily sing
- The good Grand Duke of Pfennig Halbpfennig
- A pattern to professors of monarchical autonomy
- As o'er out penny roll we sing
- When you find you're a broken-down critter
- Come hither, all you people
The Grand Duke (Continued)
- As before you we defile
- Your loyalty our... At the outset I may mention
- Yes, Ludwig and his Julia are mated!
- Take care of him - he's much too good to live!
- Now Julia, come, consider it from this dainty point of
- Your Highness, there's a party at the door
- Now away to the wedding we go
- So ends my dream...Broken ev'ry promise plighted
- If the light of love's lingering ember
- Come, bumpers-aye, ever-so-many
- Why, who is this approaching?
- The Prince of Monte-Carlo
- His Highness we know not
- We're rigged out in magnificent array
- Dance
- Take my advice - when deep in debt
- Hurrah! Now away to the wedding
- Well, you're a pretty kind of fellow
- Happy couples, lightly treading
- Overture di Ballo
- Allegro moderato alla Marcia
- Allegretto grazioso
H.M.S. Pinafore (Act One)
- Overture
- We shall sail the ocean blue
- Hail! Men o'war's men..I'm called little buttercup
- The nightingale sighed
- A maiden fair to see
- My gallant crew...I am the Captain of the Pinafore
- Sir, you are sad
- Sorry her lot who loves too well
- Over the bright blue sea
- Sir Joseph's barge is seen
- Now give three cheers...I am the monarch of the sea
- When I was a lad
- A British tar
- Refrain, audacious tar
- Can I survive this overbearing
H.M.S. Pinafore (Act Two)
- Entracte
- Fair moon to thee I sing
- Things are seldom what they seem
- The hours creep on apace
- Never mind the why and wherefore
- Kind Captain, I've important information
- Carefully on tip-toe...He is an Englishman
- Farewell, my own
- A many years ago
- A joy! Oh rapture unforseen
Iolanthe or The Peer and The Peri (Version with dialogue) (Act One)
- Overture
- Tripping hither, tripping thither
- Iolanthe! From thy dark exile
- Good morrow, good mother, Good mother, good morrow
- Fare thee well, attractive stranger
- Good morrow, good lover! Good lover, good morrow!
- None shall part us from each other
- Loudly let the trumpet bray
- Entrance of the Lord Chancellor tha's
- The law is the embodiment
- My well-beloved Lord
- Nay, tempt me not
- Spurn not the nobly born
- Lords, it may not be
- Said I to myself, said I
- When darkly looms the day
Iolanthe or The Peer and The Peri (Version with dialogue) (Act Two)
- When all night long a chap remains
- Strephon's A Member Of Parliament
- When Britain really ruled the waves
- In Vain to Us You Plead
- Oh, Foolish Fay
- Though p'r'aps I may incur your blame
- Love unrequited
- If you go in you're sure to win
- If you're weak enough to tarry
- My Lord, a suppliant at your feet
- It may not be
- Soon as we may, off and away
The Mikado or The Town of Titipu (Version without dialogue) (Act One)
- Overture
- If you want to know who we are
- Gentlemen, I pray you tell me maiden...
- A Wand'ring Minstrel I
- Our great Mikado, virtuous man
- Young man, despair
- And I have journey'd for a month
- Behold the Lord High Executioner
- As someday it may happen that a victim...
- Comes a train of little ladies
- Three little maids from school are we
- So please you, Sir, we much regret
- Were you not to Ko-Ko plighted
- I am so proud, If I allowed
- With aspect stern and gloomy stride
- The threaten'd cloud has pass'd away
- Your revels cease! Assist me, all of you!
- Oh fool, that flee-est My hallow'd joys!
- For he's going to marry Yum-Yum
- The hour of gladness is dead and gone
- Ye torrents roar! Ye tempests howl!
The Mikado or The Town of Titipu (Version without dialogue) (Act Two)
- Braid the raven hair, Weave the supple tresses
- The Sun Whose Rays Are All Ablaze
- Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day
- Here's a how-de-do!
- Miya sama, miya sama, o n'mma no maye ni
- From ev'ry kind of man Obedience I expect
- A more humane Mikado never did in Japan exist
- The criminal cried as he dropp'd him down
- See how the fates their gifts allot
- The flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la
- Alone and yet alive
- Hearts do not break! They sting and ache
- On a tree by a river a little tom tit
- There is beauty in the bellow of the blast
- Fanfare
- For he's gone and married Yum-Yum
Patience (Version with dialogue) (Act One)
- Overture
- Twenty love-sick maidens we
- Still brooding on their mad infatuation!
- I cannot tell what this love may be
- Twenty love-sick maidens we
- The soldiers of our Queen
- If you want a receipt for that popular mystery
- In a doleful train two and two we walk all day
- Twenty love-sick maidens we
- When I first put this uniform on
- Am I alone and unobserved?
- If you're anxious for to shine in the high aesthetic..
- Long years ago - fourteen, maybe
- Prithee, pretty maiden - Prithee
- Though to marry you
- Let the merry cymbals sound
- Now tell us, we pray you
- Heart broken at my Patience's barbarity
- Stay, we implore you, before our hopes are blighted
- Your maiden hearts, ah, do steel
Patience (Version with dialogue) (Act One continued, Act Two)
- Come, walk up, and purchase with avidity
- We've been thrown over, we're aware
- And are you going a ticket to buy?
- Hold! Stay your hand!
- True love must single hearted be
- I hear the soft note of the echoing voice
- But who is this, whose god-like grace...
- List Reginald, whilst I confess a love that's all...
- On such eyes as maidens cherish
- Sad is a woman's lot who, year by year
- Silvered is the raven hair
- Turn, oh turn in this direction
- A magnet hung in a hardware shop
- Love is a plaintive song
- So go to him and say to him, with compliment ironical
- It's clear that the mediaeval art alone retains...
- If Saphir I choose to marry, I shall be fixed...
- When I go out of the door
- I'm a Waterloo House young man
- After much debate internal, I on Lady Jane decide
The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty (Version with dialogue) (Act One)
- Overture
- Pour, Oh pour the pirate sherry
- When Fred'ric was a little lad
- Oh, Better Far To Live And Die
- Oh, false one, you have deceived me
- Climbing Over Rocky Mountain
- Stop! ladies, pray! A man!
- Oh, is there not one maiden breast
- Oh, sisters, deaf to pity's name, For shame!
- Poor wand'ring one!
- What ought we to do, Gentle sisters say?
- How beautifully blue the sky
- Stay, we must not lose our senses
- Hold, Monsters!
- I am the very model of a modern Major-General
The Pirates of Penzance or The Slave of Duty (Version with dialogue) (Act One continued, Act Two)
- Oh, men of dark and dismal fate
- Hail Poetry, thou heav'n born maid!
- You may go, for you're at liberty
- Pray observe the magnanimity
- Oh, dry the glist'ning tear
- Then Frederic
- When the foeman bares his steel
- Now for the Pirates Lair!
- When You Had Left Our Pirate Fold
- Away, away, my heart's on fire
- All is prepared
- Stay, Fred'ric stay!
- Ah, leave me not to pine alone and desolate
- Oh, here is love and here is truth
- No, I'll be brave
- Sergeant approach (Dialogue)
- When a felon's not engaged in his employment
- A rollicking band of pirates we
- With Cat-Like Tread
- Hush! Hush! Not a word
- Sighing softly to the river
- Now What Is This, and What Is That
- We triumph now
- Away with them, and place them at the bar
- Poor wand'ring ones, though ye have surely straye
Princess Ida or Castle Adamant (Version without dialogue) (Act One and Two)
- Overture
- I Search throughout the panorama
- Now hearken to my strict command
- Today we meet...Ida was a twelve-month old
- From the distant panorama...We are warriors three
- If you give me your attention
- P'raps if you address the lady most politely
- Towards the empyrean heights
- Mighty maiden with a mission
- Minerva...Oh, goddess wise
- Gently, gently, evidently
- I am a maiden, cold and stately
- The world is but a broken toy
- A lady fair, of lineage high
- The woman of the wisest wit
- Now would you like to rule the roost
- Merrily ring the luncheon bell
- Would you know the kind of maid
- Oh, joy! Our chief is sav'd
- We may remark, tho' nothing can dismay us
Princess Ida or Castle Adamant (Version without dialogue) (Act Three), Pineapple Poll (arr. Mackerras)
- Death to the invader
- I built upon a rock
- Whene'er I spoke sarcastic joke
- When anger spreads his wing
- This helmet I suppose
- This is our duty plain
- With joy abiding
- Opening Dance
- Poll's solo and Pas de deux
- Belaye's solo
- Pas de trois
- Finale
- Poll's solo - Jasper's solo (Intermezzo)
- Belayes's solo and Sailors' Drill
- Poll's solo
- Entry of Belaye with Blanche as Bride
- Reconciliation
- Grand Finale
Ruddigore or The Witch's Curse (Without dialogue)
- Overture
- Fair is rose as bright as May day
- Sir Rupert Murgatroyd, his leisure and his riches
- If somebody there chanced to be
- I know a youth who loves a little maid
- From the briny sea...I shipp'd, d'ye see
- Hornpipe
- My boy, you may take it from me
- The battle's roar is over
- In sailing o'er life's ocean wide
- Cheerily carols the lark...To a garden full ... fposies
- Welcome, gentry
- Oh why am I moody and sad?
- You understand? I think I do
- Hail the bride of seventeen summers
- Hold, bride and bridegroom
Ruddigore or The Witch's Curse (Without dialogue)
- Overture, Original version
- I once was as meek as a newborn lamb
- Happily coupled are we
- In bygone days I had thy love
- Painted emblems of a race
- When the night wind howls
- He yields! He yields!
- I once was a very abandon'd person
- My eyes are fully open to my awful situation
- There grew a little flower
- Oh, happy the lily when kiss'd by the bee
- Overture
- We sounded the trumpet
- Stay, Bouncer, stay!
- Hush'd is the bacon on the grid
- My master is punctual always in business
- Who are you, sir?
- The buttercup dwells on the lowly mead
- Not long ago...Finale
The Sorcerer (Version without dialogue)
- Overture
- Ring forth, ye bells
- Constance, my daughter
- When he is here, I sigh with pleasure
- The air is charged with amatory numbers
- Time was, when love and I were well acquainted
- Sir Marmaduke...Minuet
- With heart and voice
- My kindly friends...Oh, happy young heart
- My child, I join in these congratulations
- With heart and with voice
- Welcome joy! adieu to sadness!
- All is prepar'd for sealing and for sighing
- Love feeds on many kinds of food
- My name is John Wellington Wells
- Sprites of earth and air
- Now to the banquet we press
The Sorcerer (Version without dialogue) (Act Two)
- 'Tis twelve, I think
- Dear friends, take pity on my lot
- Thou hast the pow'r....It is not love
- I rejoice that it's decided
- Oh, I have wrought much evil with my spells...
- Alexis! Doubt me not...The fearful deed is done
- Oh, my voice is sad and low
- Oh, joyous boon
- Prepare for sad surprises
- Or he or I must die
- Introduction
- The British Public here - you see
- I loved her fondly
- And now let's go back to where we were...Ah maiden fair
- Where is he?
- Once more the face I loved so well
- Help! Ah Help!
- Ho-guards! Minions!
- Ladies and Gentlemen!
- We gather from what you have said
- Where is my daughter?
- I'm a simple little child
- My Father!
- Finale: What do I see in this disguise
Utopia Limited (Comic opera in two acts) (Act One)
- Imperial March
- Introduction
- In lazy langour (Phylla, Chorus)
- O make way for the Wise Men ! (Chorus)
- In every mental lore (Scaphio, Phantis, Chorus)
- Let all your doubts take wing (Scaphio, Phantis)
- Quaff the nectar (Chorus)
- A king of autocratic power we (King, Chorus)
- Altho' of native maids the cream (Nekaya, Kalyba)
- Bold-fac'd ranger (Lady Sophy, King)
- First you're born (King, Scaphio, Phantis)
- Subjected to your heavenly gaze
- Oh maiden rich in Girton lore (Chorus, Zara... Cpt...
- Ah! gallant solduer, brave and true
- It's understood, I think (Captain, Zara, Saphio...
- Oh admirable art! (Zara, Captain Fitzbattleaxe)
- Altho' your royal summons to appear (Finale, A. 1)
- A Company Promoter this, with special education
Utopia Limited (Comic opera in two acts) (Act Two)
- Oh, Zara... A tenor, all singers above (Cpt.)
- Words of love too loudly spoken (Zara, Cpt.)
- Society has quite forsaken all (King, Chorus)
- Entrance of Court
- Drawing room music
- This ceremonial...Eagle high... (King, Chorus)
- With fury deep we burn (Scaphio, Phantis)
- If you think that when...(King, Scaphio, Phantis)
- With wily brain.... (Tarara, Phantis, Scaphio)
- A wonderful joy our eyes to bless (Goldbury)
- Then I may sing and play?
- Oh, would some demon power... When a maid (Sophy)
- Ah, Lady Sophy (King, Lady Sophy)
- Oh rapture unrestrained (King, Lady Sophy)
- Tarantella...Upon our sea-girt land (Chorus)
- There's a little group of isles beyond the wave
- Overture Macbeth
- Victoria and Merrie England
- Overture: Marmion
The Yeomen of the Guard (Version without dialogue) (Act One)
- Overture
- "When maiden loves"
- "Tower warders under orders"
- When our gallant Norman foes
- "Alas! I waver to and fro"
- "Is life a boon?"
- "Here's a man of jollity"
- I have a song to sing, oh!
- "How say you, maiden"
- "I've jibe and joke"
- "'Tis done! I am a bride!"
- "Were I thy bride"
- "Oh, Sergeant Meryll" - "Ye Tower Warders", "Leonard Meryll!", "Forbear, my friends", "Didst thou not", "Leonard!", "As escort for the prisoner"
The Yeomen of the Guard (Version without dialogue) (Act Two)
- "Night has spread her pall once more"
- "Oh! a private buffoon"
- "Hereupon we're both agreed"
- "Free from his fetters grim"
- "Strange adventure!"
- "Hark! What was that, sir?"-"Who fired that shot?"-"Like a ghost his vigil keeping..."-"The river must be dragged"
- "A man who would woo a fair maid"
- "When a wooer goes a-wooing"
- "Rapture, rapture!"
- "Comes the pretty young bride"- "'Tis said to you"-"Hold, pretty one!"
- Hark the Hour of Ten is Sounding
- When first my old, old love I knew
- When I good friends was called to the Bar
- Where Is The Plaintiff?
- May it please you my Lud!
- Oh, Gentlemen Listen I Pray
- A nice dilemma
- I Love him
Songs And Snatched (First International CD Release)
- From The Sunny Spanish Shore
- There was a time, a time for ever gone
- To help unhappy commoners
- Then One Of Us Will Be A Queen
- Love Unrequited (Nightmare Song)
- None shall part us from each other
- If You Go In You're Sure To Win
- When I Went To The Bar (Said I To Myself, Said I)
- Though P'r'aps I May Incur Your Blame
- My Boy, You May Take It From Me
- I Know A Youth Who Loves A Little Maid
- There grew a little flower
- The battle's roar is over
- In Sailing O'er Life's Ocean Wide
- Hereupon we're both agreed
- I've jibe and joke
- When A Wooer Goes A-Wooing
- A Man Who Would Woo A Fair Maid
Gilbert and Sullivan Favourites
- The Gondoliers - From the sunny Spanish shore
- The Gondoliers - There was a time
- The Gondoliers - To help unhappy commoners
- The Gondoliers - Then one of us will be a Queen
- Iolanthe - Love unrequited (Nightmare song)
- Iolanthe - None shall part us
- Iolanthe - If you go in, you're sure to win
- Iolanthe - When I went to the bar
- Iolanthe - Though p'r'aps I may incur your blame
- Ruddigore - My boy you may take it from me
- Ruddigore - I know a youth
- Ruddigore - There grew a little flower
- Ruddigore - The battle's roar is over
- Ruddigore - In sailing o'er life's ocean wide
- The Yeoman of the Guard - Hereupon we're both agreed
- The Yeoman of the Guard - I've jibe and joke
- The Yeoman of the Guard - When a wooer goes a-wooing
- The Yeoman of the Guard - A man who would woo a fair maid
- The Mikado - A wand'ring Minstrel I
- The Mikado - Three Little Maids from school are we
- The Mikado - As someday it may happen
- The Mikado - The flowers that bloom in the spring
- The Mikado - On a tree by a river a little Tom-Tit