I Hear You Rockin’ (Live)
- Girls Talk (von Dave Edmunds)
- Here Comes the Weekend (von Dave Edmunds)
- Queen of Hearts (von Dave Edmunds)
- Paralyzed (von Dave Edmunds)
- The Wanderer (von Dave Edmunds)
- Crawling from the Wreckage (von Dave Edmunds)
- Slipping Away (von Dave Edmunds)
- Information (von Dave Edmunds)
I Hear You Knocking
(von Dave Edmunds)
- I Knew the Bride (When She Used to Rock and Roll) (von Dave Edmunds)
- Ju Ju Man (von Dave Edmunds)
Mehr Songtexte

- Slipping Away
- Information
- Ju Ju Man
- The Wanderer
- Crqwling From The Wreckage
- Queen of Hearts
- I Knew The Bride (When She Used To Rock And Roll)
- Girls Talk
- Paralyzed
- Here Comes The Weekend
- I Hear You Knocking
- Your True Love
- From Small Things, Big Things Come
- Run Rudolph Run
- Crawling From the Wreckage
- I Hear You Knockin'
- Paralysed
- I Hear You Knockin’