
The Consort of Musicke Songtexte
Sleep, wayward thoughts

Gründung 1969


Mehr Songtexte

  1. Comagain [Come again sweet love] (arr. J. van Eyck)
  2. Go crystal tears
  3. Say, Love, if ever thou didst find
  4. Come again: sweet love doth now invite
  5. Pavan Lachrymae (arr. J. van Eyck)
  6. To pleade my faith
  7. Lachrimae Tristes
  8. Sorrow, stay
  9. Rest awhile, you cruel cares
  10. Intenerite voi, lacrime me
  11. Farewell, too fair
  12. By a fountain where I lay
  13. Farewell, unkind
  14. Semper Dowland Semper Dolens
  15. Shall I strive with words to move?
  16. Mr. George Whitehead his Almand
  17. Psalm 100: All people that on earth do dwell
  18. Mistress Nichols Alman a 5
  19. Me, me, and none but me
  20. Praise blindness eyes
  21. It was a Time when silly bees
  22. Awake, sweet love
  23. Lachrimae Doolande
  24. Psalm 104: My soul praise the Lord
  25. Time stands still
  26. O eyes, leave off your weeping
  27. O morte
  28. Domine exaudi
  29. Time's eldest son
  30. Vous que la Bonheur rappelle
  31. De profundis
  32. Lachrimae
  33. My heavy sprite
  34. Weep you no more, sad fountains
  35. When David's life
  36. Si le parler et le silence
  37. The humble suit of a sinner
  38. A shepherd in a shade
  39. Daphne was not so chaste
  40. Sdegno la fiamma estinse
  41. If that a sinner's sighs
  42. The humble complaint of a sinner
  43. Go nightly cares
  44. Lachrimae Antiquae Novae
  45. I saw my Lady weep
  46. Dear, if you change
  47. Mr. Giles Hobies Galiard
  48. Where sin sore wounding
  49. Lend your ears to my sorrow
  50. Fine knacks for ladies
  51. La Mia Barbara Pavan and Galliard
  52. Sta notte mi sognava
  53. O what hath overwrought
  54. Dowland's First Galliard
  55. Sleep, wayward thoughts
  56. Disdain me still
  57. When Phoebus first did Daphne love
  58. From silent night
  59. Die not before thy day
  60. Thou mighty God
  61. Psalm 130: Lord to thee I make my moan
  62. Now cease my wand'ring eyes
  63. Lamento di tre amanti
  64. Domine ne in furore
  65. Volta a 4
  66. If my complaints could passions move
  67. Lachrimae Antiquae Novae Pavan and Galliard
  68. O sweet woods
  69. Woeful heart
  70. Cor mio, deh, non languire
  71. In darkness let me dwell
  72. Think'st thou then by thy feigning
  73. All ye, whom Love or Fortune hat betray'd
  74. Dovro dunque morire?
  75. Almain a 2
  76. Then sit thee down
  77. Katherine Darcie's Galliard
  78. Tell me, true Love
  79. Behold a wonder here
  80. My thoughts are wing'd with hopes
  81. Tarleton's Jigge
  82. Pavan a 4
  83. Sweet stay awhile
  84. Inganni dell'umanità
  85. Mr. Bucton his Galiard
  86. In this trembling shadow cast
  87. Far from triumphing court
  88. Psalm 134: Behold and have regard
  89. Galliard
  90. To ask for all thy love
  91. Fortune my foe
  92. Sorrow stay
  93. If floods of tears
  94. The lowest trees have tops
  95. When the poor cripple
  96. Lady if you so spite me
  97. Psalm 38: Put me not to rebuke O Lord
  98. Welcome black Night
  99. O dear life, when shall it be?
  100. Lachrimae Antiquae
  101. Can she excuse Galliard
  102. The Earl of Essex Galiard
  103. Burst forth my tears
  104. Captain Piper's Pavan and Galliard
  105. Come away, come sweet love
  106. Mr. John Langton's Pavan
  107. Would my conceit
  108. In a grove most rich of shade
  109. La vita caduca
  110. Fie on this feigning!
  111. Arsi un Tempo
  112. Solus cum sola pavan
  113. Sir Henry Umpton's Funerall
  114. Shall I sue
  115. Lachrimae Amantis
  116. His golden locks
  117. Mistress Nichols Almann a 2
  118. Mr. Henry Noell his Galiard
  119. Were every thought an eye
  120. An heart that's broken and contrite
  121. I shame at mine unworthiness
  122. Lady Rich Galliard
  123. Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard
  124. Earl of Essex Galliard
  125. Lady, if you so spite me
  126. Mourn, mourn, Day is with darkness fled
  127. Lord Willoughbie's Welcome Home
  128. The Frog Galliard
  129. Who ever thinks or hopes of love
  130. Mr. Thomas Collier his Galiard
  131. Change thy mind since she doth change
  132. If my complaints
  133. I must complain
  134. Lachrimae Pavan
  135. Humour say what mak'st thou here
  136. Away with these self-loving lads
  137. Now, O now, I needs must part
  138. Ce penser qui sans fin tirannise ma vie
  139. Cease, cease these false sports
  140. Come, heavy Sleep
  141. A Prayer for the Queen's most excellent Majesty
  142. Mori, mi dici
  143. Lasso vita mia
  144. The King of Denmark's Galiard
  145. Mistress Nichols Alman
  146. Sir John Souch his Galiard
  147. Mr. John Langton Pavan and Galliard
  148. Can she excuse my wrongs
  149. Come when I call
  150. Amarilli mi bella
  151. O bella piu
  152. White as lilies was her face
  153. Go, my flock, go get you hence
  154. Love, those beams that breed
  155. Flow my tears
  156. Pipers Pavan
  157. What poor astronomers are they
  158. Wilt thou unkind thus reave me
  159. Love stood amazed
  160. Susanna Fair (Galliard)
  161. Lachrimae Coactae
  162. Lachrimae Gementes
  163. O selce, o tigre, o ninfa
  164. Faction that ever dwells
  165. Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galiard
  166. Clear or cloudy
  167. Lachrimae Verae
  168. Mrs. Nichols Almand
  169. Unquiet thoughts
  170. Sorrow, come! (arr. William Wigthorp)
  171. Flow not so fast, ye fountains
  172. When others sing Venite
  173. The lamentation of a sinner
  174. My heart and tongue were twins
  175. My Lord Chamberlaine his Galliard
  176. Toss not my soul
  177. Moralità d'una perla
  178. What if I never speed?
  179. Come ye heavy states of night
  180. Se di farmi morire
  181. Passava Amor su arco desarmado
  182. Stay, Time, awhile thy flying
  183. Round Battell Galliard
  184. Misrere mei Deus
  185. Up merry mates
  186. Vuestros ojos tienen d'Amor
  187. A Wooing Song of a Yeoman of Kent's Sonne
  188. Fantasia No.4
  189. To morrow the Fox will come to towne
  190. Viol Fancy a5
  191. Wee be Souldiers three
  192. Fancy No.1
  193. A Round of Three Country Dances in One
  194. Laboravi in gemitu meo
  195. Martin Said to His Man
  196. The crowning of Belphebe
  197. Yonder comes a courteous knight
  198. Musing mine owne selfe all alone
  199. Three blinde Mice
  200. There were three ravens
  201. The Cryers Song of Cheape-Side
  202. The Marriage of the Frogge and the Mouse
  203. Ne laeteris inimica mea
  204. Browning Madame
  205. Hodge Trillindle to his Zweet hort Malkyn
  206. Of all the birds that ever I see
  207. Tempro la cetra, e per cantar gli onori
  208. Come dolce hoggi l'auretta
  209. Chiome d'oro
  210. Ohimè, dov'è il mio ben? dov'è il mio core?
  211. Parlo, misero,m o taccio?
  212. Vorrei baciarti, O Filli
  213. Mentre vaga Angioletta
  214. Ogfni amante è guerrier; nel suo gran regno
  215. S'el vostro cor, Madonna, altrui pietoso tanto
  216. Con che soavità, labbra odorate
  217. Cruel, Behold My Heavy Ending
  218. Lady, Your Words Do Spite Me
  219. Thou Art but Young, Thou Sayest
  220. What Is Our Life?
  221. Fair Ladies That to Love (The First Part)
  222. Lady, When I Behold
  223. I Tremble Not at Noise of War (The Second Part)
  224. Lais Now Old
  225. Dainty Fine Bird
  226. Fair Is the Rose
  227. Yet If That Age (The Third Part)
  228. Farewell All Joys (The Second Part)
  229. Adieu Sweet Amarillis
  230. How Art Thou Thralled (The First Part)
  231. Weep, o Mine Eyes
  232. I Feign Not Friendship (The Fourth Part)
  233. Thus Saith My Cloris Bright
  234. My Throat Is Sore (The Second Part)
  235. Of Joys and Pleasing Pains (The First Part)
  236. Nay Let Me Weep (The First Part)
  237. Why Dost Thou Shoot
  238. Ne'Er Let the Sun (The Second Part)
  239. Parlo, misero, o taccio?
  240. Lady, When I Behold the Roses
  241. I See Ambition Never Pleased (The Third Part)
  242. O That the Learned Poets
  243. Alas, What a Wretched Life
  244. Ah Dear Heart
  245. Die, Hapless Man
  246. The Silver Swan
  247. When Shall My Wretched Life
  248. Now Each Flowery Bank of May
  249. 'Mongst Thousands Good (The Second Part)
  250. Ogni amante è guerrier; nel suo gran regno
  251. Trust Not Too Much, Fair Youth
  252. I Weigh Not Fortune's Frown (The First Part)
  253. Giulio Caccini (1602)
  254. Claudio Saracini (1620)
  255. Pompeo Natali (1656)
  256. Filiberto Nantermi (1609)
  257. Giovanni Pasta (1626)
  258. Alessandro Savioli (1597)
  259. Giovanni Ghizzolo (1609)
  260. Enrico Radesco di Foggia (1615)
  261. Leone Leoni (1602)
  262. Gemignano Capilupi (1599)
  263. Luzzasco Luzzaschi (1601)
  264. Adriano Banchieri (1626)
  265. Sigismondo d’India (1606)
  266. Salamone Rossi (1600)
  267. John Ward (c. 1610)
  268. Giovanni Priuli (1604)
  269. Alessandro Scialla (1610)
  270. Johann Grabbe (1609)
  271. Alessandro Scarlatti (c. 1700)
  272. Giuseppe Palazzotto (1617)
  273. Benedetto Pallavicino (1600)
  274. Chi vuol haver felice
  275. Dove son io?
  276. Deh, chi mi fa languire
  277. Ardemmo insieme bella donna ed io
  278. Dove, ah, dove ten'vai
  279. Quell'augellin, che canta
  280. Ombrose e care selve
  281. Indarno Febo
  282. Deh, s'io v'ho dato il core
  283. Dispietata pietate
  284. È partito il mio bene (Prima parte) - O Dio quel dolce a Dio? (Seconda parte)
  285. Perchè non mi mirate
  286. O rimembranza amara
  287. Io mi son giovinetta
  288. "Mercè", grido piangendo
  289. "Lasso", dicea Fileno
  290. Donna quanto più a dentro
  291. Dovrò dunque morire
  292. O fugace o superba
  293. Non è di gentil core
  294. O sia tranquillo il mar
  295. Su, su, su pastorelli vezzosi
  296. Chi vol haver felice
  297. Dolcissimo uscignolo
  298. Altri canti di Marte (Prima parte)
  299. Vago augelletto
  300. Altri canti di Marte (Seconda parte)
  301. Ardo e scoprir
  302. Ninfa, che scalza il piede
  303. Non partir ritrosetta
  304. Lamento della ninfa (Seconda parte)
  305. Perchè t'en fuggi, o Fillide
  306. Lamento della ninfa (Prima parte)
  307. "Sì ch’io vorrei morire hora ch’io bacio amore", SV 89, from Il quarto libro de madrigali
  308. "Rutilante in nocte", from Il terzo libro della musica Monteverdi
  309. "Armato il cor d’adamantina fede", SV 150, from Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi
  310. "Io mi son giovinetta e rido e canto", SV 86, from Il quarto libro de madrigali
  311. "Piagn’e sospira e quandi caldi raggi", SV 93, from Il quarto libro de madrigali
  312. "O Jesu, mea vita", from Il terzo libro della musica Monteverdi
  313. "Heu bone vir", from Dritter Theil geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien
  314. "Longe, mi Jesu", from Corollarum geistlicher collectaneorum
  315. "Sfogava con le stelle un infermo d'amore", SV 78, from Il quarto libro de madrigali
  316. "Parlo miser o taccio", SV 136, from Settimo libro de madrigali
  317. "Plorat amare", from Il terzo libro della musica Monteverdi
  318. "O stellae", from Il terzo libro della musica Monteverdi
  319. "Pianto della madonna", contrafactum of "Lamento d'Arianna", SV 107
  320. "Qui laudes", from Il terzo libro della musica Monteverdi
  321. "Quel augellin che canta sì dolcemente", SV 87, from Il quarto libro de madrigali
  322. Mistress Nicols Alman a 2


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