The Chandler Travis Philharmonic Songtexte
Nature Boy
- Rikki Bates
- Fred Boak
- Alex Brander
- Dinty Child
- John Clark
- Keiichi Hashimoto
- Kami Lyle
- Berke McKelvey
- Bob Pilkington
- Cliff Spencer
- Chandler Travis
Tarnation and Alastair Sim (Kitty)
- It's Almost Christmas Again
- I'm Chandler's Butterfly
- Ronalto
- Truck Hits Man - "The Horn Melted!"
- Apple Possum Time (Part One)
- Wireless
- Brown Eyed Girl
- Balzac Without Balzac
- Do the Flaw
- Strong Strong String
- Money Won't Buy You Happiness
- Unibrow Man Oatmeal #1
- 'Tis the Season to Be Reversed
- Friday, 2:28 Am
- Balzac
- Drip, Fer Chrissake
- Dance Godammit
- Jesus Teaches Lloyd Price About Remote
- Here's Dinner
- Nola
- Must Be Love
- Flaw Goes Surfin'
- Checking on Yoko's Flight
- Yoko at the Airport
- Fluffy to the Point of Curliness
- Sparky's Industrial Popsicle
- Sunday, 11:56 - Call Back Asap
- Eje Ka Jo
- Mr Fleming's Outer Beauty
- The Bridge Going This Way
- Festering Hope Ministies Presents: The Flaw
- Ronald
- Vasco da Gama
- Apples for Charlie
- Biting Paw Paw
- Giant Bug Bites Back
- Apple Possum Time, Parts 2 & 3
- Monday, 12:43 Am - Still a Little Concerned
- Climactic Arrival in Florida of Dirigible Long Thought Lost
- Silencio
- Can't Think of Anything
- Totally Toiletry Tree Tyme
- Unibrow Man Oatmeal Too
- Dinosaurs
- Unibrow Man Oatmeal Tree
- Hopelessly Out of Step
- Takin' the Ol' 636
- I've Been Workin' on the Railroad (Land Speed Record)