That Sentimental Slush
- Attempted Life
- Moving to the City
- The King and I
- A Euro for Them
- Gathering Dust
- The Snip
- Paedophile Island
- Thee Idiots Computing
- Miles Away
- City of Glass
- The Incredible Shrinking Globe
- Beautiful Things
- Music It's a Young Man's Game
- The End of Us
- Forget About It All
- I'll Get This for You Butler
- Follow Your Heart
- Ice Cold Glass
Cuttlefish and Love's Remains
- Poetry Emmulsion
- Shank's Night Mare
- The Hounslow Solicitors
- Portrait of a Marriage
- Our World Was Built on Broken Promises
- Something Good Together
- Cut All Fish
- It's Yer Birthday
- The Anonymous Touch
- Not Now Mummy's Jogging Dear
- Some Muthas Do Ave Em
- Only Sour Grapes Are Free
- Po (reprise)
- Lost Contact
- Hounslow Solicitors (acoustic mix)
Mehr Songtexte

- Muggers take a Beating
- Vagina Trees with Penis Leaves / - No Skulls -
- Tuna Pasta Mix
- Countryside
- Dead Lions
- Too Little Too Late
- 2 Floor Bungalow
- Ucit
- Drought Sky
- Hollywoods Decision
- One Punch/Lights Out
- Ken
- Planet Smackhead
- Intromission
- ---
- Under The Rainbow
- King of Road Safety
- Grand Pricks (Song For Guy)
- Like Boorman's Son
- The Balance in the Countryside
- Hey Make Hay
- Absence
- Cloth Eared Press
- Addison Brothers
- Club Amnesia
- Hells Angel
- Pat -Jack
- Girl on a Mountain Bike
- Doyles 15-17a
- Unclear Treat H
- Me and Your Wife
- Hispapaof
- Empty Shell
- The Red Mist Descends
- Share your Life
- It's Business
- Back on Board
- Stop the World
- Radio Active Scuba Diver
- The Ballad Of Little Stubby Fingers
- Beyond the Realms
- Blood Letting
- Dark Force in the Wintertime
- Mr Hurst
- Shiver in Feb
- Vlad the Inhaler
- The Outskirts
- Red Mist Again, Blimey!
- Manners, Pianos & Mouthorgans
- Born Evil
- Blasted Neighbor
- Bug Going 'round
- Hell's Angel
- Mike Coe Reads the Credits
- A Christmas No. 1
- No Sects Please, We're British
- Blasted Neighbour
- Ton Pipi Sent Les Sugar Puffs
- Grand Prix Driver
- School Milk Teeth
- Benny Hill's Wardrobe
- Via Sex
- Weekend at Your Parents
- Absence Makes the Hair Grow Blonder