The Ancients Rebirth Songtexte
Gründung 1992
Mehr Songtexte

- Morker Och Hat..
- The Ancient's Rebirth
- Times to Come Are Frozen
- Eve of Sacrifice
- Bloodlust of the Tyrant Count
- Denial for the Sake of Wrath
- Armageddish Execution (The Feast of the Ancient's Rebirth) Chapter I: The Gathering / Chapter II: The Sacrifice
- Banished to the Kingdom of Darkness
- Blood Shall Freeze
- Demonic Conspiracy
- Mörker och hat
- Lord of Unholyness
- Flag of Hate (Kreator cover)
- Death Chaos & Darkness
- Damnated Hell's Arrival
- Black Empire
- Reformation Divine
- Death, Chaos and Darkness