Tangerine Dream Songtexte
Die Helden der Stadt
Chor der Sterne
Bent Cold Sidewalk
Love on a Real Train\
Rubycon, Part I
Gründung im September 1967
Peter Baumann
Iris Camaa
Christopher Franke
Paul Frick
Edgar Froese
Jerome Froese
Paul Haslinger
Michael Hoenig
Steve Jolliffe
Klaus Krüger
Thorsten Quaeschning
Johannes Schmoelling
Ulrich Schnauss
Conrad Schnitzler
Steve Schroyder
Klaus Schulze
Linda Spa
Ralf Wadephul
Hoshiko Yamane
Live at Admiralspalast Berlin
- Rise and Fall of Spazoo
- The Sensational Fall of the Master Builder
- Dolphin Dance
- The Cliffs of Sydney
- Song of the Whale (To Dusk)
- Ayumi’s Loom
- Logos (extract)
- Marmontel Riding on a Clef
- Oriental Haze
- Love on a Real Train
Live at Augusta Raurica: Switzerland 2016
- Mothers of Rain
- Logos
- Genesis of Precious Thoughts
- Power of the Rainbow Serpent
- Proton Bonfire
- Second Gravity
- Madagasmala
- Love on a Real Train
- Dolphin Dance
- Kiew Mission
- Rubycon
- White Eagle
- Ricochet
- Sorcerer Theme
- Mirage of Reality
- Song of the Whale
- The Silver Boots of Bartlett Green
- Closing Words