Tangerine Dream Songtexte
Die Helden der Stadt
Chor der Sterne
Bent Cold Sidewalk
Love on a Real Train\
Rubycon, Part I
Gründung im September 1967
Peter Baumann
Iris Camaa
Christopher Franke
Paul Frick
Edgar Froese
Jerome Froese
Paul Haslinger
Michael Hoenig
Steve Jolliffe
Klaus Krüger
Thorsten Quaeschning
Johannes Schmoelling
Ulrich Schnauss
Conrad Schnitzler
Steve Schroyder
Klaus Schulze
Linda Spa
Ralf Wadephul
Hoshiko Yamane
I‐Box: 1970–1990 (Compilation)
- Alpha Centauri
- Fauni‐Gena
- Birth of Liquid Plejades
- White Clouds
- Green Desert
- Astral Voyager
- Indian Summer
- Dolphin Dance
- Underwater Twilight
- Coppercoast
- The Night at Ayers Rock
- Logos (Red part)
- Monolight
- No Man’s Land
- Logos (Blue part)
- Cinnamon Road
- Desert Dream
- Logos (Velvet part)
- Hyperborea
- Dominion
- Monolight (Yellow part)
- Volcano
- Ride on a Ray
- Pergamon (piano part)
- Tangent
- Central Park
- Barbakane
- Zen Garden
- Yellowstone Park
- Livemiles (Green Trail part)
- Gaudi Park
- Alchemy of the Heart
- Song of the Whale (From Dawn)
- Tyger
- Bois de Boulogne
- Poland
- Livemiles (San Buena Ventura)
- Song of the Whale (To Dusk)
- The Cliffs of Sydney
- Warsaw in the Sun (live)
- Polish Dance (live)
- Melrose (live)
- Electric Lion (live)
- Longing for Cashba
- Cool at Heart (live)
- Sungate (live)
- Marakesh (live)
- Ivory Town
- Cat Scan (live)
- Ghazal (live)
- The Midnight Trail (live)