- Superstition Descending
- God in Vitro
- Silvertongue (von Synapsyche feat. Aesthetic Perfection)
- Anti Manifesto
- The Icon of Me
- Ladysinner (The Devil Wears Nothing)
- Deus Est Machina
- Dolorosa
- O, Brother!
- Shamefully Yours
- The Last Dying Flame
- Psyche Ascending
- Silvertongue (Graveless version)
- Too Late (The First Dying version)
- God in Vitro (MissSuicide remix)
- Silvertongue (Gold remix by Fragilechild)
- The Last Dying Flame (Acylum remix)
- God in Vitro (Zeitgeist2511 remix)
- Silvertongue (Darkness on Demand remix)
- The Last Dying Flame (Lovelorn Dolls remix)
- God in Vitro (Statik Sekt remix)
- Silvertongue (Matt Hart remix)
- The Last Dying Flame (Aiboforcen remix)
- Anti Manifesto (Dilatory Destruction remix)
In Praise of Folly
- Per Astra Ad Aspera
- Mirror Terror
- Paraphiliac
- The Ghost DNA
- Requiem for a Lucid Dream
- Viva Insanity
- Psychead
- Who the Fuck Are You Now?
- Diva Paranoia (von Synapsyche feat. Nøemi Aurøra)
- They Made Me Do It
- Split (My Dear Doppelgänger)
- Fail With Me
- Welcome Dystopia
- Mirror Terror (Venal Flesh remix)
- The Ghost DNA (Nano Infect remix)
- Who the Fuck Are You Now? (Complex Mind remix)
- Viva Insanity (Doomsday Is Now remix by Technoid)
- Mirror Terror (Neikka RPM remix)
- Who the Fuck Are You Now? (Pax Sono remix)
- Viva Insanity (Märcoda remix)
- Mirror Terror (H.O.W. remix)
- Who the Fuck Are You Now? (Aiboforcen remix)
- Mirror Terror (Shades:Of:Hell remix)
- The Ghost Dna (Chemosynthetic remix by UCNX)
- Mirror Terror (Tolchock remix)
- Mirror Terror (Avarice in Audio remix)
Mehr Songtexte

- Meds
- Zeroin
- Push!
- Breath Control
- Whore Wide Web
- Hate and Psyche (Vice Versa remix by Zweifelhaft)
- Lift Me Up
- This Is Gonna Hurt
- God's Special Little Creature
- Mirror Terror [Avarice In Audio Remix]
- Mirror Terror [Neikka RPM remix]
- Mirror Terror [Tolchock Remix]
- Mirror Terror [Remix & Feat. By H.O.W.]
- Mirror Terror [Vested Serpent Remix]
- The Ghost DNA [Eggvn Remix]
- The Ghost Dna [Chemosynthetic Remix By UCNX]
- Diva Paranoia
- Viva Insanity [Exemia remix]
- Time Destroys Everything
- They Made Me Do It [Statik Sekt remix]
- Who the Fuck Are You Now? [Circumpolar remix]
- Who the Fuck Are You Now? [T-Error Machinez remix]
- Viva Insanity [Antibiosis remix]
- Nod!
- Viva Insanity [Doomsday Is Now remix by Technoid]
- Who the Fuck Are You Now? [Aiboforcen remix]
- Viva Insanity [Schwarzstern remix]
- Attack [Thirty Seconds to Mars cover]
- Bitch
- The Flesh Party (xeno flesh remix by Alien:Nation)
- Hyperfuck [HellSex RMX]
- Silvertongue [Graveless version]
- God In Vitro [ReRumo remix]
- Silvertongue [Blue Ant remix]
- God In Vitro [Oxidium remix by Alexis Corvus Black]
- Silvertongue [Martius remix]
- God In Vitro [BolPaVox remix]
- God In Vitro [Statik Sekt remix]
- God In Vitro [MissSuicide remix]
- God In Vitro [Diarblack remix]
- Suicyber Girl {Requiem version by First Black Pope}
- Mirror Terror (remix & feat. By H.O.W.)
- Hyperfuck (HellSex RMX)
- Attack
- God in Vitro (Oxidium remix by Alexis Corvus Black)
- Electro-Shock 2.0 (M.O.D. Bad (B) Ass remix)