Gründung 1978, Auflösung 1988
Mary Bradfield-Taylor
Neil Hill
Jed Town
Sinan Leong
John Murphy
Graeme Revell
Derek Thompson
Box (Compilation)
Information Overload Unit
- Emanation Machine R. Gie 1916
- Suture Obsession
- Macht Schrecken
- Beruftverböt
- Ground Zero: Infinity Dose
- Stammheim Torturkammer
- Retard
- Epilept: Convulse
- Kaltbruchig Acideath
- Genetic Transmission
- Post-Mortem
- Desolation
- Napalm (Terminal Patient)
- Cry From the Sanatorium
- Baby Blue Eyes
- Israel
- Internal Bleeding
- Chamber Music
- Despair
- The Agony of the Plasma
- Day of Pigs
- Wars of Islam
- Maladia Europa (The European Sickness)
Zamia Lehmanni
Dokument III0 1979 – 1983 (Compilation)
Garibaldi’s – Sydney, AUS: 21 April 1979
- Slogun
- Panik
- Factory
- Contact
- The Last Night of Tibet - (edit)
- Berufsverbot
- Emanation Machine R. Gie 1916
- Ground Zero: Infinity Dose
- Stammheim Torturkammer
- Serenace
- John
- Victim
Heaven – London, UK: 23 December 1980
- Emanation Machine R. Gie 1916
- Suture Obsession
- Epilept: Convulse
- Retard
- Victim
- Genetik Transmission
- Napalm (Terminal Patient)
- Post Mortem
- Desolation
- Cry From the Sanatorium
- Baby Blue Eyes
- Israel
- Internal Bleeding
- Chamber Music
- Despair
Al’s Bar – Los Angeles, USA: 24 April 1982
- Napalm (Terminal Patient)
- Baby Blue Eyes
- Day of Pigs
- Maladia Europa (The European Sickness)
- Suture Obsession
- Berufsverbot
- Metall Field
- A Heart That Breaks (In No Time or Place)
- Cry From the Sanatorium
- Ground Zero: Infinity Dose
- Wars of Islam
- Walking on Dead Steps
- Despair
- Serenace
Danceteria – New York, USA: 13 June 1982
- Suture Obsession
- Berufsverbot
- Metall Field
- Walking on Dead Steps
- Despair
- Salo Salon
- Maladia Europa (The European Sickness)
- Suture Obsession
- Berufsverbot
- Metall Field
- A Heart That Breaks (In No Time or Place)
- The Agony of the Plasma
- Despair
Sala Borromini – Rome, ITA: 11 December 1982
- Inferno
- Delirium
- Animalia
- The Kult of a Human Head
- The Agony of the Plasma
- Wars of Islam
- Walking on Dead Steps
- Despair
- Serenace
Neroberg – Wiesbaden, GER: 2 December 1982
- Animalia
- Chamber Music
- The Kult of a Human Head
- Wars of Islam
- Ich Klage An
- Satori
- In the Dying Moments
- Napalm 2
- The Sandstorm Method
- The Kill