sincx Songtexte
Geboren am 06. Juli 1999
A World Divided
- A World Divided
- First Step Forward
- Uncertain Skies
- Clear the Way!
- A Day Among the Cityfolk
- Invested Investigation
- To a New Destination
- Denizens of the Dark
- Electric Impulse
- Sylvan Silver
- Foliage at Nightfall
- Simulacre de la Lune
- Sunlit Passage
- Hamlet of Bark and Earth
- Terraqueous Maze
- Hellion Thunderstorm
- Forbidden Research Facility
- Alchemy Industry
- Enigma
- The Gears of Fate Begin to Turn
- A Forlorn Outlook
- Painted Universe
- Betweenspace
- Elegy for the Scorched
- On the Doorstep of Apocalypse
- Blazing Aspiration
- Burning Spirit of a Divergent Soul