Shirley & Dolly Collins Songtexte

- Death & The Lady
- Glenlogie
- The Oxford Girl
- Are You Going to Leave Me?
- The Outlandish Knight
- Go From My Window
- Young Girl Cut Down In Her Prime
- Geordie
- Salisbury Plain
- Fair Maid of Islington
- Six Dukes
- Polly On The Shore
- Plains of Waterloo
- Sailor from Dover
- Young John
- Short Jacket & White Trousers
- The Bold Fisherman
- Bonnie Boy
- Richie Story
- Lovely Joan
- Just as the Tide Was Flowing
- The Unquiet Grave
- Black-Eyed Susan
- Seven Yello Gipsies
- Over The Hills And Far Away
- Greenwood Laddie
- Lady Margaret And Sweet William
- The Maydens Came
- Polly Vaughan
- The Barley Straw
- Barbara Allen
- A Song-Story
- Rambleaway
- Ca' the Yowes
- God Dog
- Bonny Cuckoo
- Nellie the Milkmaid
- Gathering Rushes in the Month of May
- The Gower Wassail
- Fare Thee Well My Dearest Dear
- Medley - C'est La Fin - Pour Mon Cuer
- Bonny Kate
- Adieu to All Judges and Juries
- Edi Beo Thu Hevene Quene
- Black Joker - Black, White, Yellow and Green
- Lancashire Lass
- Never Again
- Lord Allenwater
- The Blacksmith Courted Me
- Beggar's Opera Medley: Can Love Be Control'd by Advice? / O Polly You Might Have Toy'd and Kist / O What Pain It Is to Part / The Miser Thus a Shilling Sees / Youth's a Season Made for Joys / Hither, Dear Husband, Turn Your Eyes
- Gilderoy
- Rockley Firs / Sweet Jenny Jones
- German Tune
- The Moon Shines Bright
- Harvest Home Medley: Peas, Beans, Oats and the Barley / The Mistress's Health / Poor Tom
- Beginning
- Meeting: Searching for Lambs
- Courtship: The Wedding Song
- Denying: The Blacksmth
- Forsaking: Our Captain Cried
- Dream: Lowlands
- Leavetaking: Pleasant and Delightful
- Awakening: Whitsun Dance
- New Beginning: The Staines Morris
- Rambleway
- Gower Wassail
- Short Jacket and White Trousers
- Bold Fisherman
- Death and the Lady
- Oxford Girl
- Are You Going to Leave Me
- Outlandish Knight
- C'est La Fin / Pour Mon Coe
- Black Joker / Black White Yellow and Green
- Gallant Hussar
- Hopping Down in Kent
- Medley: C'est la Fin / Pour mon cuer
- Black Joker / Black, White, Yellow and Green
- All Flowers in Broome
- The Gypsy's Wedding Day
- While Gamekeepers Lie Sleeping
- Tyburn Tree
- Come All You Little Streamers
- Two Brethren
- The Bonny Labouring Boy
- All Things Are Quite Silent
- Lovin' Hannah
- Black White Yellow and Green
- It Is Far to Bethlehem
- The Bonny Bunch of Roses
- The Merry Milkmaids
- Poor Murdered Woman
- The Captain With the Whiskers
- The Banks of Sweet Primroses
- Rockley Firs