Sewerslvt Songtexte
O.f coarse, it's the worlds fault i'm fucked up [vestigeiiphonkshit]
Was It Weird I Listened To "Im God" By Clams Casino's When I Lost My Virginity
Geboren am 16. Mai 2000
Don’t Be Afraid of Dying
- J.ust keeps getting worse doesn’t it? [introshit]
- U.nfortunate, but what can you do about It [gin$engtrillshit]
- N.ercophillia: it applies to the dead inside now [lorncloudshit]
- K.illing time for the fuck of it [emoguitarshit]
- O.f coarse, it’s the worlds fault i’m fucked up [vestigeiiphonkshit]
- F.ourty four days in hell & back [desolationwitchshit]
- U.nder the weight of a thousand demons [crycaswitchshit]
- R.ecalling how to control myself [opnlofishit]
- U.nderneath this skin of ours lies true humanity [ambienterlude]
- T.his is war [girlslasttourshit]
- A.nd now… [brokenoutroshit]
Interdimensional Snuff Films
- Interdimensional Snuff Films
- Flaminroids (Crouching Shrimp Sewerslvt Remix)
- Warping (Sewerslvt Remix) (von Death Grips)
- 2Strings (Sewerslvt Movement Mix)
- Kvltvre Shock (von Death Grips)
- World of Dogs (Sewerslvt Remix) (von Death Grips)
- Ain't It Funny (Sewerslvt Remix) (von Danny Brown)
- Love Taste (Sewerslvt Memory Mix) (von Moe Shop)
- Bottomless Pit (Sewerslvt Sega Mix) (von Death Grips)
- Hotline Spikes (Sewerslvt Remake) (von Sadboy Sheldon)