In Her Mind
Midnight in Equestria
- Streets of Canterlot
- Ponyville 1984
- Sunrise in Fillydelphia
- Ponyville 1997
- Rarity's Workout Jamboree
- Summer Nights at Canterlot Palace
- Ponyville 2055
- The Gala Club
- Sugar Cube Corner Brawl
- Bullies
- Running of the Leaves (Testarossa Mode)
- Constellations (Seventh Element remix) (von Aviators)
- Midnight in Manehattan
The Ministry Mares
Mehr Songtexte

- Black Lightning
- Together We Unite as One
- Together We Will Live Forever
- Changeling VIP
- Welcome to Baltimare
- The Invasion of Stable 99 [Explicit]
- The Elements of Harmony
- Aftermath - Celestia Prime
- Please Jump
- Uncomfortable Mattress
- Stomp VIP (Remastered)
- Summer Sun Celebration (After Dawn) (Remastered)
- With Great Power VIP
- Crazy Music For Crazy Ponies
- mycutiemarkisagun - Too Many Fedoras
- Phoenix VIP (remastered)
- Hurricane VIP (Remastered)
- The Road Home
- ...Or Don't
- Vampiric Transformation
- Pollen In The Wind
- Better
- Drop the Spaghetti
- Conservative Dad Acid
- Pinkie's Acid (Pond Algae Rework)
- Nightmares
- Crab Acid
- Daring Do and the Lost City of the Seaponies (Drowning)
- Rarity Speeds On The Interstate
- Rarity Gets Succed Into A Black Hole
- Pinkie Promise
- Pony Acid Forever
- Black Lightning (Washout VIP)
- Diamond Tiara
- …Or Don’t
- Pinkie’s Acid (Pond Algae Rework)
- Stomp