He's the Man
- The Man Song
- Magic Mini-van
- A Hairy Ass
- The Woman Song
- On the Internet
- He Said, She Heard
- Ghost Chickens in the Sky
- Public School
- Prisions
- L.A.
- The South
- Food
- Stupid Stuff
- Annoying Stuff
- Ghost Chickens
- He Said, She Heard
- A Hairy Ass
- Marriage
- Babies
- Men & Women
- The Audience Song
- On the Internet
- The Man Song
- The Woman Song
I Did It Her Way
- Her Way ("The Anniversary Song")
- Billy Boy
- The Annoying Song
- It's All About Me
- Corn
- Repo Man is Coming to Town
- Grandpa the Snowman
- L. A.
- Fireworks
- Lawsuits and Weird Products
- Television Stupidity
- Nature Specials and Movie Food
- Dumb Signs and Supermarkets
- Around the House
- Miscellaneous Observations
- Babies
- Weird Behavior
- Weird Behavior 2
- Weird Behavior 3
- Pets
- Men/Women
- Sex and Birth Control
- Marriage
- Marriage 2
When a Man Loves a TV
Mehr Songtexte

- Fear Of Commitment (G)
- Shrink (G)
- Free Porn (PG-13)
- Young Tony Bennett (G)
- Things Not To Say During Sex (PG-13)
- Belated Sympathy Card (PG)
- Sexual Thoughts (PG)
- Easter (G)
- Million Dad March (G)
- Lazer Eye Surgery (G)
- The Irony Song (G)
- Internet Dating (PG-13)
- Carpal Tongue-Al Syndrome (R)
- Pet Bakeries (PG-13)
- Dear Santa (PG)
- You Know You’re Getting Old... (PG)
- Guitar Fad (G)
- Yesterday (PG)
- Sex Wakes Women Up (PG-13)
- Bad Names (G)
- Spring Fashions (G)
- Peking Duck (G)
- My Valentine Ho (PG-13)
- Potato Skins (PG)
- David Crosby (PG-13)
- Childhood Love (PG)
- The Apathy Song (R)
- Things Not To Say At A Funeral (PG)
- It's Christmas Time Again
- Surround Sound (PG)
- Colds (PG-13)
- “And you’re with?” (PG)
- Annoying Porn Sites (PG-13)
- Pec And Bicep Implants (G)
- Spanking (PG)
- One Hour Photo (G)
- Alien Abductions (G)
- Chocolate (G)
- Directions (G)
- Blues (G)
- Nude Or Naked (PG-13)
- Sex Now (PG)
- Post Nasal Drip (PG-13)
- I Settled For You (PG)
- Widows (G)
- Brazilian (G)
- Divorce (G)
- Fake ID (G)
- Passive Aggressive Panhandling (G)
- Easter Bunny (G)
- Military Time (G)
- World’s Worst Birthday Present (PG)
- Sneezing (PG-13)
- Single Dad (PG-13)
- I Settled For You (G)
- 18th Century Tourettes (G)
- Bad Boys (G)
- Old Photos (G)
- Banjos (G)
- Gay Marriages (PG-13)
- Chocolate (PG)
- Things Not To Say When Meeting Your Girlfriend’s Parents (PG-13)
- Tech Support (PG-13)
- Sex Now (PG-13)
- A Better World (PG-13)
- Bathroom Shy (PG-13)
- Drown In Vomit (PG)
- “Can I help you to your car?” (G)
- Smelly Stores (PG)
- Apathy (G)
- Michael Jackson (PG-13)
- “O’clock” (G)
- Gray Hair (G)
- Bad Kissers (PG)
- Chinese Food Court Ladies (G)
- Arnie Whiskey, Frontier Golfer
- Deal Breaker
- Cursing & Obscenity
- The A.D.D. Song
- Bad Love Song
- It's Gonna Be a Great Day
- Pregnacy, Pills, Etc.
- Love Through the Ages
- Dickin Around at Work
- The Hermaphrodite Song
- Dear Santa
- It's Gonna Be a Bad Day