The Fantastic Reality of Aesop
- Prologue - The Fantastic Reality of Aesop
- Lost and Found
- A Soliloquy of The Boy who Cried Wolf (von sasakure.UK feat. Cana(Sotte Bosse))
- Tiger Rampage
- Suddenly, You are Floating
- Crybaby Pippo
- Love Blossoming Flower* (von sasakure.UK feat. mirto)
- Butterfly Effect
- SeventH‐HeaveN
- Little Cry of The Abyss
- Interlude - The Human and The Humanoid
- Non‐World Harmonize
- The Trash‐Heap Princess and Apostrophe
- Machine‐Memory in Aether
- Steel‐reconstruction Fiction
- Epilogue - The Fantastic Reality of Aesop
- Tiger Rampage
Mehr Songtexte

- Utopia of Oz (sasakure.UK × OSTER project)
- enigma
- Introduction
- bAd Companyz
- uzumakinoharu
- n o u r
- …to mo da ti ?
- The Legend
- What the Forest Taught Me
- A Bell is Tolling
- Phantom and a Rose
- Calm Before the Storm
- LostUtopiA feat. Perio
- Good Bye, Mr. Jack
- excube
- verticalghost
- The illegaL QueeN
- Emily's broken toy
- orter:noom feat. lasah
- HeavenZ-ÅrmZ
- sorekara
- oshiete*commonsense
- Icannotfly,butIcangetthefuture
- something like chocolate
- Mebius
- introduction#2318
- Mr. Wonderland
- Atröpøs
- extinction#2318
- Garakuta Doll Play
- a headphone actor
- the EmpErroR
- ÅMARA (The Great Intelligence)
- Posinega*Mistakers
- Kafuka
- Decadence
- Phantasma
- A.D. 3039 Question
- X.E.N.O
- Faraway Spring
- Marie's World
- MobiRe:Sensation
- Fragile Phoenix
- Prologue - Doomsday Bird
- *Goodbye, World End
- Rainbow-Coloured*Adventure
- Our 16bit Wars
- *Hello, Planet.
- For Campanella
- The (Week)end is Coming!
- Interlude - LaLaLa Doomsday
- Epilogue - Doomsday Bird
- A Soliloquy of The Boy who Cried Wolf