- Moment of Force ~Opening Music~ Arrange Version
- Cause of Evil ~Challenge Mode - Intro Music~
- Option Screen ~Selector Music~
- Fighting Delusions ~Duel Mode - Stage Music~
- The Honorable Kagami Dance ~Opposition Mode - Narukagami House - Performance Music~
- Thinking Light ~Opposition Mode - Shainto Performance Music~
- The End of Eternity ~Shainto Ending Music~
- Weapons Rumbling ~Duel Mode - Stage Music~
- Hand Ball ~Contest Mode - Narukagami House - Performance Music~
- Winter Flashes of Lightning ~Contest Mode - Shainto - Performance Music~
- Mischievous Ancestry ~Narukagami Ending Music - Part One~
- Shadows I'm Fighting ~Duel Mode - Stage Music~
- The Defender ~Challenge Mode - Narukagami - Performance Music~
- Water Forces ~Challenge Mode - Shainto - Performance Music~
- Breathless Morning ~Narukagami Ending Music - Part Two~
- Moment of Force ~Opening Music~
- Under the Moon ~Mode Select Music~
- Champion of Gale ~Slaughter Mode - Shainto - Stage Music~
- Sword-Playing Skills ~Slaughter Mode - Narukagami Shinto-ryu - Stage Music~
- Forbidden Rhythm ~Competition Mode - Practice Music~
- The Spirit of Samurai ~Competition Mode - Sham Battle Music~
- Let the Time Clear ~Staff Roll Music~
- Heartbeat to Supremacy ~Medley~
- Let the Time Clear ~Staff Roll Music~ Arrange Version
Rudora no Hihou (Soundtrack)
- The Quest for Rudra's mines
- Beginning for the End
- The Mysterious Stone
- Sword of the Valiant (Theme of SION)
- Between Two Worlds (Theme of SURLENT)
- Crime of the Heart (Theme of RIZA)
- Take the Gold and Run (Theme of DUNE)
- Amazing Express
- Ride on the Breeze
- Under World
- Earth bound
- Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
- The Ultimate Warrior
- Holiday in the Village
- Night Shift
- Parade
- Waiting for the Moon
- Whistle Down the Wind
- Place in the Sun
- Underwater City
- Dance with the Zombie
- The Nightbreed
- Downfall
- Battle for the Fields
- Evil Eyes
- Strange Encounters (SION)
- The Spirit Chaser (SURLENT)
- The Flame and the Arrow (RIZA)
- Blazing Impact (DUNE)
- Winners Take All
- Mystics in BABEL
- The Tower of God
- Clockwork Steeple
- Shadows of Illusion
- Prophecy
- Sanctuary
- Storm over the Place
- Bio Hazard
- Night Gallery
- Evil in the Deep
- King of the Mountain
- The Inhuman Condition
- The Auarians
- The Invisible Dead
- Edge of Darkness
- Ko-So-Do-Ro
- Run for It
- Creature from the Silent Sea
- Purgation
- Land of Doom
- Battle of the Last Enemy ~In The Mirror
- Battle of the Last Enemy ~Damned
- Battle of the Last Enemy ~Evolution
- Battle of the Last Enemy ~Final Conflict
- Change of Mind
- Beyond the Rising Moon
- Echoes
Mehr Songtexte

- Blazing Impact
- Take the Gold and Run!
- Battle of the Last Enemy ~ Evolution
- The Flame and the Arrow
- Between Two Worlds
- Battle of the Last Enemy ~ In the Mirror
- Run for it!
- Battle of the Last Enemy ~ Final Conflict
- Strange Encounter
- Creatures from the Silent Sea
- Battle of the Last Enemy ~ Damned
- Sword of the Valiant (Night)
- Beyond the Rising Moon (Part 2)
- Beyond the Rising Moon (Part 1)
- Take the Gold and Run! (Night)
- Sword of the Valiant
- Between Two Worlds (Night)
- Crime of the Heart (Night)
- Echoes (Short Variation)
- The Spirit Chaser
- Crime of the Heart
- Mystic Quest (Final Fantasy USA Mystic Quest 1993)
- The Quest for Rudra's mines (Rudra no Hihou 1996)