RPWL Songtexte
Unchain the Earth (The Scientist)
What I Really Need (official video clip)
What I Really Need
A New World
God Has Failed
Gründung 1997
Markus Jehle
Yogi Lang
Manni Müller
Chris Postl
Phil Paul Rissettio
Werner Taus
Marc Turiaux
Karlheinz Wallner
Beyond Man and Time
- Transformed
- We Are What We Are (The Keeper)
- Beyond Man and Time (The Blind)
- Unchain the Earth (The Scientist)
- The Ugliest Man in the World (The Ugly)
- The Road of Creation (The Creator)
- Somewhere in Between (The Dream of Saying Yes)
- The Shadow
- The Wise in the Desert
- The Fisherman
- The Noon (The Eternal Moment of Return)
Hörbuch: Jenseits von Mensch und Zeit / Audio Book: Beyond Man and Time
- Vorvorwort
- Vorwort
- Verwandelt
- Wir sind wer wir sind
- Jenseits von Mensch und Zeit
- Löst die Ketten der Erde
- Der hässlichste Mensch
- Der Weg des Erschaffens
- Irgendwo zwischen den Welten
- Der Schatten
- Der Weise in der Wüste
- Der Fischer
- Der Mittag
- Pre-Preface
- Preface
- Transformed
- We Are What We Are
- Beyond Man and Time
- Unchain the Earth
- The Ugliest Man
- The Road of Creation
- Somewhere in Between
- The Shadow
- The Wise in the Desert
- The Fisherman
- The Noon
A New Dawn (Live)
- Prologue (TV News Report)
- Revelation
- Introduction
- Oh Hapless Man (Narrated)
- Swords and Guns
- This Ancient Formula (Narrated)
- A Clear Cut Line
- Wanted
- Like to Like (Narrated)
- The Fisherman
- Sound of Loneliness (Narrated)
- Hide and Seek
- From Paul to Saul (Narrated)
- Disbelief
- Misguided Thought
- Still Asleep
- Home Shopping (Veritas Forte Commercial)
- Perfect Day
- Terror (Narrated)
- The Attack
- The Eternal Recurrence (Narrated)
- A New Dawn
- Revelation Reprise / End Credits
- Making of a New Dawn (Documentary)
- Unchain the Earth (Encore)
- Swords and Guns (video Clip)