99 Chicks (Compilation)
- 99 Chicks
- Baby Say Bye Bye
- Bop Hop
- Be‐Bop‐A Jean
- Maybelline
- Crazy Suzy
- Bop Hop (instrumental #1)
- 99 Chicks
- This Is Lonnie Lord
- You’re Running Wild
- I Stand Alone
- Rat Fink
- Rollin’ Danny
- In the Mood
- Knockout
- Be‐Bop‐A Jean (alternate take)
- 99 Chicks (alternate take)
- Rollin’ Danny (alternate take)
- Bop Hop (instrumental #2)
- The Thrill Killers
- Big Boss A‐Go‐Go Party
- Cat Man
- Halloween
- Rock Man (tribute to Gene Vincent)
- Droppin’ Out
- Rat Pfink (dialogue #1)
- Eaffin’ and Surfin’ (theme from ‘Rat Pfink a Boo Boo’)
- Rat Pfink (dialogue #2)
- Bazooki