Roberto Q. Ingram Songtexte
B⁴: Biosphere, Volume 04
- Arbutus
- The Samba (von Ignition Technician)
- Fuck Me (von Damon Vallero)
- Third Eye (Third Eye) (von Aural Emote)
- Third Eye (Open) (von Aural Emote)
- Colortheory LP (GPS) (von Damon Wild)
- Subtractive Synthesis VI (The Advent remix) (von Damon Wild)
- Spool 9 (von Spool)
- Carjacker 1995 (von Jay Denham)
- The End, A Means and False Inspirations (von Frankie Vega)
- Holz (remix) (von Jay Denham)
- The Revolution (von Flatner & Ingram Project)
- Point Blank (Speedy J remix) (von Gaiden)
- Let's Get High (Jay Denham remix) (von Jay Denham)