Robert Reid Songtexte
Geboren am 16. März 1895, Gestorben am 31. August 1965
Classics from the College, Volume 1
- The Groat: Lesson on Practice Chanter
- Three 2/4 Marches Played on the Pipes: Lord Alexander Kennedy, Parker's Farewell to Perthshire, Abercairney Highlanders
- The Crunluath: Talk Regarding the Cameron Style of Playing This Movement
- I Got A Kiss of the King's Hand: Played in Full on the Pipes
- Lament for MacSwan of Roaig: Lesson on Practice Chanter
- Strathspeys and Reels Played on the Pipes: Monymusk, Bogan Lochan, Ca' the Ewes, Piper and the Dairymaid
- The "Redundant A": Talk and Demonstration on Practice Chanter
- Lament for Donald of Laggan: Ground and Taorluath Singling Played on the Pipes
- Closing Comment