Robert De Cormier Songtexte
I Walk the Road Again
Geboren am 07. Januar 1922, Gestorben am 07. November 2017
Bobby Burns: Music Celebrating the Poetry of Robert Burns (Compilation)
- Recitative: 'When lyart leaves bestrow the yird'
- I am a Son of Mars
- Recitative: 'He ended: and the kebars sheuk'
- I Once was a Maid
- Recitative: 'Poor Merry-Andrew in the neuk'
- Sir Wisdom's a Fool when He's Fou'
- Recitative: 'Then niest outspak a raucle carlin'
- A Highland Lad my Love was Born
- Recitative: 'A pigmy scraper wi' his fiddle'
- Whistle Owre the Lave O't
- Recitative: 'Her charms had struck a sturdy caird'
- My Bonie Lass I Work in Brass
- Recitative: 'The caird prevail'd: th' unblushing fair'
- Dance: Dainty Davie
- Dainty Davie
- Recitative: 'He was a care-defying blade'
- I am a Bard of No Regard
- Recitative: 'So sang the Bard, and Nansie's wa's'
- A Fig for Those by Law Protected
- Ca' the Yowes
- Comin' Thro' the Rye
- John Anderson my jo
- Jenny Comin' Thro' the Rye
- O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast
- McPherson's Farewell
- Ae Fond Kiss
- The Ploughman's Life
- Young Jockie was the Blythest Lad
- O were my Love you Lilac Fair
- The Highlander's Lament
- The Jolly Beggars - Finale