¿¿Ohh?? (for Folke Rabe)
Mehr Songtexte

- Alpha Crucis
- Heptagramic Approximation
- Cognition (Forbes)
- Observation (Sophrons)
- Stage3
- Rotisiv Eht
- Yawa Sdlrow
- Thought Withdrawal, Part 5 (Return)
- Rex-L-4
- Pavla Vlasova vs. Institute of Paranormal Studies
- Glissade
- Stixus
- Four Into Three (4 – 3)
- jökla tímabil
- aenemonae
- heilagur draugur
- kopernik trip note
- skógi
- Figures on Land
- Sandworms
- Positionnement à la Dérive
- Anthurium
- Tyso
- inverted highways (to the seat of the empire)
- NGC 6872**
- Aperçus Lunaires p.2
- Aperçus Lunaires p.1
- dlrow rorrim
- 114, 120 and 126