
Richard P. Feynman Songtexte
Trinity, Part 2

Geboren am 11. Mai 1918, Gestorben am 15. Februar 1988

The Very Best of the Feynman Lectures (Compilation)

Volume I, Chapter 7: The Theory of Gravitation

  1. Planetary Motions
  2. Kepler's Laws
  3. Development of Dynamics
  4. Newton's Law of Gravitation
  5. Universal Gravitation
  6. Cavendish's Experiment
  7. What Is Gravity?
  8. Gravity and Relativity

Volume II, Chapter 42: Curved Space

  1. Curved Spaces With Two Dimensions
  2. Curvature in Three-Dimensional Space
  3. Our Space Is Curved
  4. Geometry in Space-Time
  5. Gravity and the Principle of Equivalance
  6. The Speed of Clocks in a Gravitational Field
  7. The Curvature of Space-Time
  8. Motion in Curved Space-Time
  9. Einstein's Theory of Gravitation

Volume II, Chapter 1: Electromagnetism

  1. Electrical Forces
  2. Electrical and Magnetic Fields
  3. Characteristics of Vector Fields
  4. The Laws of Electromagnetism
  5. What Are the Fields?
  6. Electromagnetism in Science and Technology

Volume I, Chapter 6: Probability

  1. Chance and Likelihood (von Matthew Sands)
  2. Fluctuations (von Matthew Sands)
  3. The Random Walk (von Matthew Sands)
  4. A Probability Distribution (von Matthew Sands)
  5. The Uncertainty Principle (von Matthew Sands)

Volume I, Chapter 38: The Relation of Wave and Particle Viewpoints

  1. Probability Wave Amplitudes
  2. Measurement of Position and Momentum
  3. Crystal Diffraction
  4. The Size of an Atom
  5. Energy Levels
  6. Philosophical Implications

Volume III, Chapter 21: The Schrödinger Equation in a Classical Context: A Seminar on Superconductivity

  1. Schrödinger's Equation in a Magnetic Field
  2. The Equation of Continuity for Probabilities
  3. Two Kinds of Momentum
  4. The Meaning of the Wave Function
  5. Superconductivity
  6. The Meissner Effect
  7. Flux Quantization
  8. The Dynamics of Superconductivity
  9. The Josephson Junction

Mehr Songtexte

  1. Chapter 05-01
  2. Screw Government!
  3. Chapter 05-02
  4. Chapter 05-05
  5. Cycles of Superstition (Intro, Naomi, Tic-a-tac, Crazy Drum)
  6. Chapter 05-06
  7. Chapter 05-03
  8. Gumshoes
  9. The English Process
  10. Chapter 05-04
  11. Chapter 13-08
  12. Chapter 13-07
  13. Chapter 13-06
  14. Chapter 13-05
  15. Chapter 13-04
  16. Chapter 13-03
  17. Lecture 2: Symmetry in Physical Laws
  18. Chapter 13-02
  19. Chapter 13-01
  20. The Feynman Lectures
  21. Safecracker, Part IV (Opening a safe by following the book)
  22. It's As Simple As One, Two, Three
  23. Patents (Start)
  24. Plating Techniques
  25. I Want Ma Dollah!
  26. Before I Begin the Lecture I Wish to Apologize for Something...
  27. What Do You Care What Other People Think?
  28. Part 6
  29. Part 7
  30. Chapter 09-10
  31. The Ivory Merchant (Threes, Fives, Baião, Combo)
  32. Part 8
  33. And of Course The... Length of Time They Live...
  34. Part 9
  35. Chapter 7-10
  36. Part 2
  37. Counting Numbers
  38. Chapter 03-06
  39. Part 3
  40. Chapter 03-05
  41. Part 4
  42. Chapter 03-08
  43. Part 5
  44. Chapter 03-07
  45. Chapter 03-02
  46. Part 2 Preliminaries
  47. Chapter 03-01
  48. Chapter 03-04
  49. Part 1
  50. Chapter 03-03
  51. Chapter 05-13
  52. Chapter 03-10
  53. Chapter 05-14
  54. Chapter 05-15
  55. Chapter 05-16
  56. Chapter 05-10
  57. Chapter 7-11
  58. Chapter 09-02
  59. Chapter 8-09
  60. Chapter 05-11
  61. Chapter 09-01
  62. Chapter 05-12
  63. Chapter 03-18
  64. Protecting the Taxpayer
  65. Chapter 03-17
  66. Atoms in Motion, Spetember 26, 1961
  67. Chapter 03-16
  68. Berne Walker
  69. Chapter 03-15
  70. The Motion of Planets Around the Sun
  71. Chapter 07-03
  72. Chapter 03-14
  73. Chapter 07-04
  74. Chapter 03-13
  75. Chapter 07-01
  76. Chapter 03-12
  77. Chapter 03-29
  78. Chapter 07-02
  79. Chapter 03-11
  80. Introduction, Part 3
  81. Chapter 03-19
  82. Chapter 03-22
  83. Introduction, Part 2
  84. Chapter 03-21
  85. Introduction, Part 1
  86. Chapter 03-24
  87. New Math
  88. Universally Lousy!
  89. Lecture 5: Space-Time
  90. Chapter 03-23
  91. Possible to Show by Actually Calculating...
  92. Chapter 01-14
  93. Chapter 03-26
  94. Introduction, Part 6
  95. Chapter 01-13
  96. 1
  97. Chapter 03-25
  98. Chapter 07-05
  99. Introduction, Part 5
  100. Chapter 03-28
  101. Chapter 01-15
  102. Introduction, Part 4
  103. Chapter 03-27
  104. Chapter 8-08
  105. Chapter 09-09
  106. Chapter 01-10
  107. Chapter 09-07
  108. Chapter 01-12
  109. Chapter 09-08
  110. Chapter 01-11
  111. Chapter 7-12
  112. Chapter 09-05
  113. Chapter 09-06
  114. Chapter 03-20
  115. Chapter 09-03
  116. Chapter 09-04
  117. 13
  118. Chapter 01-09
  119. 14
  120. The Equations of Motion of Newton... Were Believed to Be Right...
  121. Chapter 01-08
  122. 15
  123. Chapter 03-32
  124. Chapter 03-09
  125. Chapter 01-07
  126. 16
  127. Chapter 03-31
  128. Chapter 01-06
  129. 17
  130. Chapter 01-05
  131. 18
  132. Chapter 01-04
  133. 19
  134. Chapter 01-03
  135. 2
  136. Chapter 01-02
  137. Chapter 01-01
  138. Chapter 7-13
  139. Chapter 8-07
  140. Chapter 03-30
  141. 10
  142. 11
  143. Chapter 04-08
  144. 12
  145. Chapter 04-09
  146. Chief Research Chemist
  147. Sales Department
  148. Burning Benzine
  149. Safecracker, Part I (The safes arrive at Los Alamos)
  150. Safecracker, Part II (How to open a safe in at most 8 hours)
  151. Interactions by Three Quarks (Guatemala, Bongo Bash)
  152. Lecture 1: Vectors
  153. Chapter 8-06
  154. Appendex F: Personal Observations on the Reliability of the Space Shuttle
  155. Chapter 7-14
  156. Chapter 13-09
  157. Chapter 06-06
  158. The Company
  159. Chapter 12-11
  160. Chapter 12-10
  161. Chapter 11-04
  162. Chapter 11-03
  163. Chapter 11-05
  164. That's Pretty Close. In Other Words...
  165. Chapter 11-02
  166. Chapter 11-01
  167. Chapter 05-08
  168. ... By Intuitive Ideas of the Relationships of Space and Time.
  169. The Tenth Recommendation
  170. Chapter 12-12
  171. Chapter 05-07
  172. Chapter 7-15
  173. Chapter 8-05
  174. Safecracker, Part III (Civilians Call It a Safe)
  175. Chapter 05-09
  176. Sensei Samurai (Imitation Kabuki theater)
  177. Chapter 7-09
  178. Chapter 06-05
  179. Lecture 3: The Special Theory of Relativity
  180. Chapter 06-04
  181. Chapter 8-03
  182. Chapter 06-03
  183. Impressing Members
  184. Chapter 8-11
  185. Chapter 06-02
  186. Captain Smith
  187. Chapter 06-01
  188. Quantum Behavior
  189. Intro by J.O. Hirschfelder
  190. Which Would Imply, If Everything Works Right, That We Should Also Have...
  191. Green Stars
  192. Total Temperature
  193. 6
  194. [unknown]
  195. Parking Was $2.35
  196. Chapter 8-04
  197. Chapter 8-12
  198. Chapter 7-08
  199. Unreliable Filters
  200. Two Million Dollars Less!
  201. Meet The Press
  202. Chapter 04-06
  203. Chapter 04-07
  204. Chapter 04-04
  205. Chapter 04-05
  206. Chapter 04-02
  207. Chapter 04-03
  208. 5
  209. Chapter 04-01
  210. A Wreck at the End
  211. And to Go Off With It, and Say, 'Now Buddy...'
  212. Hot Water
  213. Chapter 7-07
  214. Basic Physics - September 29, 1961
  215. Chapter 8-01
  216. Nothing Between the Covers
  217. Chapter 8-13
  218. Chapter 04-10
  219. Chapter 04-11
  220. The Relation of Physics to Other Sciences - October 3, 1961
  221. Chapter 04-12
  222. Success as a Chemist
  223. Chapter 04-13
  224. 4
  225. Because the Form of the Equations Are the Same.
  226. Have You Got the Right Fella
  227. Lots of Paper
  228. Epilogue, Preface
  229. Book Information
  230. The Cold Facts
  231. Chapter 8-02
  232. Afterthoughts
  233. Chapter 7-06
  234. Check Six
  235. 3
  236. The Submarine's Been Taken
  237. Ratings
  238. Hotel City
  239. An Inflamed Appendix
  240. Feynman Sexist Pig!
  241. I'll Look at My Books
  242. Chapter 02-12
  243. Chapter 02-13
  244. I Just Shook His Hand, Can You Believe It?
  245. I Mean You Take This on the Other Side, and You Divide by C^2...
  246. Nicholas Baker et al
  247. Chapter 02-14
  248. Chapter 02-15
  249. Lecture 6: Curved Space
  250. 25-50 Chemists
  251. Textbooks
  252. Lecture 4: Relativistic Energy and Momentum
  253. (Transition)
  254. Fantastic Figures
  255. So With the Three Components of Momentum There Must Be the Fourth...
  256. Chapter 02-10
  257. 13 Times
  258. Chapter 02-11
  259. Chapter 02-04
  260. Chapter 02-05
  261. Chapter 02-02
  262. Chapter 02-03
  263. Chapter 02-08
  264. Preface
  265. 9
  266. Chapter 02-09
  267. This Sum Means, Put Mu
  268. Drumming
  269. Chapter 02-06
  270. A Curious Character
  271. Chapter 02-07
  272. Incidentally, If You Want Ever to Recreate...
  273. Which Stories
  274. Chapter 02-01
  275. Committing Suicide
  276. A Missed Opportunity
  277. Drum Sessions (Orange Juice, Threes, Echo Machine)
  278. And Studied Carefully, Culminating in the Maxwell's Equations...
  279. 8
  280. The Emperor of China's Nose
  281. Chapter 10-01
  282. Chapter 10-03
  283. Living Over a Volcano
  284. Chapter 10-02
  285. I Won't Like Any Money
  286. Chapter 10-05
  287. The Theory of Gravitation
  288. Chapter 10-04
  289. Chapter 10-07
  290. Chapter 10-06
  291. Conservation of Energy
  292. Chapter 10-09
  293. Chapter 10-08
  294. Chapter 12-02
  295. 7
  296. Chapter 12-03
  297. Chapter 12-04
  298. Chapter 12-05
  299. Chapter 12-06
  300. I Can Hit Things by Shooting Guns Out, That a Bullet Goes Over to Here...
  301. Chapter 12-07
  302. Fredrick de Hoffman
  303. Chapter 12-08
  304. Who the Hell Is Herman?
  305. Chapter 12-09
  306. Letters
  307. ... I'm Just Rearranging the Formula a Little Bit...
  308. The Company's Demise
  309. The Value of Science
  310. Energy Times the Velocity in the Units...
  311. ... Would Have a Motion Something Like This.
  312. Chapter 8-10
  313. Getting Ahead
  314. Chapter 12-01
  315. Basic Physics
  316. The Schrödinger Equation in A Classical Context: A Seminar on Superconductivity
  317. The Hyperfine Splitting in Hydrogen
  318. Spin One-Half
  319. Identical Particles
  320. The Hydrogen Atrom & The Periodic Table
  321. Spin One
  322. Symmetry & Conservation Laws
  323. The Relation of Wave & Particle Viewpoints
  324. Probability Amplitudes
  325. The random walk
  326. Chance and likelihood
  327. Schoredinger's equation in a magnetic field
  328. Fluctuations
  329. A probability distribution
  330. The Uncertainty Principle
  331. The Laws for Combining Amplitudes
  332. Filtering Atoms With a Stern-Gerlach Apparatus
  333. Rotations of 180° and 90° About Y
  334. An Experiment With Waves
  335. Base States
  336. Rotations About the Z-Axis
  337. Scattering From a Crystal
  338. Arbitrary Rotations
  339. Atomic Mechanics
  340. Experiments With Filtered Atoms
  341. An Experiment With Electrons
  342. Quantum Physics
  343. Rotations About X
  344. First Principles of Quantum Mechanics
  345. Watching the Electrons
  346. The Two-Slit Interference Pattern
  347. Stern-Gerlach Filters in Series
  348. Transforming Amplitudes
  349. Physics Before 1920
  350. Transforming to a Rotated Coordinate System
  351. The Interference of Electron Waves
  352. An Experiment With Bullets
  353. Introduction
  354. Nuclei and Particles
  355. The Machinery of Quantum Mechanics
  356. Interfering Amplitudes
  357. Transforming to a Different Base
  358. The Theory of Gravitation, Part 1
  359. The Theory of Gravitation, Part 2
  360. Basic Physics, Part 1
  361. Basic Physics, Part 2
  362. Atoms in Motion, Part 1
  363. Atoms in Motion, Part 2
  364. Quantum Behavior, Part 2
  365. Quantum Behavior, Part 1
  366. Conservation of Energy, Part 1
  367. Conservation of Energy, Part 2
  368. The Relation of Physics to Other Sciences, Part 1
  369. The Relation of Physics to Other Sciences, Part 2


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