Life of the Worlds: Journeys in Jewish Sacred Music
- Ha'aderet Veha'emunah/LeKhay Olamim
- Le'El Adir Neranenah
- Bati Legani
- Kinah Lekhurban Gan Eden
- Sephardi Yerushalmi Khatsi Kaddish
- Navah Tehila
- Hayoshevet Baganim
- Eyn Keloheynu
- Modeh Ani/Elohay Neshamah
- Eli Shema Koli
- Reb Nachman's Niggun
- Hishtapkhut Hanefesh
- Niggun of the Alter Rebbe
- Ve'erastikh Li
- El Mistater
- Ashrey
- Yemeni Shema
- Grandfather Sang a Song
Mehr Songtexte

- Tiskabeyl - Poland
- Bar'chu Reprise
- Kinah - Eastern Europe
- Niggun of the Besht - Galicia
- Eli Yah Eli - Syria
- Ki Eshmerah Shabbat - Jerusalem
- Yigdal - Morocco
- Ana b'Koreynu - Turkey
- Yah Ribon - Iraq
- Hosha Na - Eastern Europe
- Hallelu Adonai - South Asia
- Rav's Niggun - Belarus
- Zochreynu l'Chaim - South Asia
- Hallelu Avdey Adonai - Iraq
- Bar'chu - Yemen
- Lecha Dodi - Morocco
- El Adon - Jerusalem
- Psalm 150 - Jerusalem