Richard Beddow Songtexte
Empire Total War (The Soundtrack)
- Total War - Empire
- The First Encounter
- The Road to Independence (von Simon Ravn)
- 1775 Bunker Hill Deployment (von Simon Ravn)
- The Battle at Bunker Hill (von Richard Philip Birdsall)
- The Price of Freedom (von Simon Ravn)
- The Threat of War (von Walter Mair)
- The Powhaten Attack (von Simon Ravn)
- Boarders Redrawn (von Walter Mair)
- Opechancanough’s Revenge (von Simon Ravn)
- The Death of General Braddock (von Richard Philip Birdsall)
- The British Plan Their Attack (von Walter Mair)
- The Battle of Quebec (von Richard Philip Birdsall)
- Plotting the Rebellion
- Broadside (von Richard Philip Birdsall)
- The Colonials Plan for Battle (von Richard Philip Birdsall)
- The War of Independence (von Richard Philip Birdsall)
- The Declaration
- Warships (von Richard Philip Birdsall)
- The American Dream
- Uncharted Waters (von Richard Philip Birdsall)
- The Pirates Attack (von Richard Philip Birdsall)
- Mapping the Route (von Lorenzo Piggici)
- Aim the Cannons (von Simon Ravn)
- The Battle of Azov (von Simon Ravn)
- A Storm Brews in the Desert (von Walter Mair)
- The Battle of Bakhchisaray (von Simon Ravn)
- Preparation for War (von Simon Ravn)
- The Battle of Panipat (von Simon Ravn)
- A Blockade (von Simon Ravn)
- Rebuild the Defences (von Walter Mair)
- Panipat - The Final Strike (von Simon Ravn)
- Sailing into the Storm (von Simon Ravn)
- The Fleets Last Stand (von Richard Philip Birdsall)
- Victory (von Richard Philip Birdsall)
- Empire Credits
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- Soul of Midgard
- Bruthwaite & Sláterdale Mines, Part 1
- Flatturgrunnur Caverns, Part 1
- Hel's Fortress Battle
- Prologue
- Creative Assembly Logo
- Choir of Valkyries
- Fall of Drakan
- Monastery at Kirkja, Part 1
- Monastery at Kirkja, Part 2
- Rebuild The Defences
- Panipat - The Final Strike
- A Storm Brews In The Desert
- The Battle Of Quebec
- Planning The Azov Offenisive
- Uncharted Waters
- The Powhaten Attack
- Sailing Into The Storm
- Boarders Redrawn
- The British Plan Their Attack
- The Pirates Attack
- The Battle Of Bakhchisaray
- The Price Of Freedom
- The Road To Independance
- 1775 Bunker Hill Deployment
- The Fleets Last Stand
- 1775 Battle At Bunker Hill
- Empire Theme
- Victory
- The War Of Independance
- The Battle Of Panipat
- The Threat Of War
- The Death Of General Braddock
- The Colonials Plan For Battle
- Opechancanough's Revenge
- The Battle Of Azov
- Preparation For War
- The Might Of Nehekhara
- Seasons of War
- Gifts Of The Gods
- Daughter Of Mercy
- Return To Unlife
- Shrine Of Asuryan
- Night Terrors
- The Twin-Tailed Comet
- Winter Has Come
- Hammer Time
- Tortured Souls
- The Imperishable
- Demonslayer
- Ebony Skulls
- The Sundering
- Beneath The Sands
- Arcane Horrors
- Vermintide
- City Of The Sun
- Ogre-whelming Force
- The Shadow & The Blade
- Heir Of Aenarion
- Hammer Time - Dynamic
- The Old Ones
- At World's End
- Damned Souls
- Shadows In The Wildwood
- Savage Dominion
- The Ogres are Coming to Get Ya!
- Primeval
- Something Stirs
- The Sea Of Claws
- Blood Lust - Dynamic
- Insanity
- The Sundering - Dynamic
- Unlimited Power!
- Without Re-Mors
- The Elder Races
- Cunningly Brutal
- Know Thy Enemy
- Shadowlands
- Vermintide - Dynamic
- Dread Lords
- Guardians of Heaven & Earth
- Destroyers
- A Fractured Mind
- Lord Of Winter
- The Cult Of Pleasure
- The End Times
- I Do Not Serve - Dynamic
- High Seas
- The Wild Heath
- Daughter Of Manann
- Blood Sacrifices
- Rampage
- Eldrazor, the Lord of Blades
- All Hail The Mighty
- Waystones
- Incantations of Eternal Death
- Dark Omen
- Without Re-Mors - Dynamic
- Motherland
- Ariel
- Eternal Summer
- Ride Of The Demigryphs
- Warpflame
- Crush Da Stuntiez!
- Teef Snatchaz
- Chaos Undivided - Dynamic
- Crimson Tide
- Widowmaker
- An Ancient Enemy
- Slice & Dice
- Sylvania
- Ride Of The Hippogryphs - Dynamic
- Green Tide
- They Shall Descend Upon this Earth
- Children Of Ulthuan
- Rise Of Sotek
- In Search of Perfection
- The Undying Legions
- Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs
- Big Boss
- No Guts, No Glory
- Eternal Hatred
- The Winter Palace
- Blood on the Ice
- Ebb & Flow
- Verminous Valor
- The Exiled One
- Shifting Sands
- Karl Franz
- Fury Unleashed
- Blood on the Ice - No Choir
- Hell-Forged
- Land Of Chill
- Supreme Patriarch
- Caledor's Fury
- Da Badlandz
- Chaos Undivided
- Midnight Aristocracy
- The Seventh Dynasty
- Thyme for Battle
- Entombed
- Glory To Asaph
- Coldblooded
- Master Of The Dead
- The Wild Hunt
- The Great War
- Unholy Night
- Endless Steppes
- An Appetite for Violence
- And Darkness Will Cover the World
- Kill Da Humiez!
- The Curse Of The Vampire Coast
- Tormentor
- The Storm Breaks
- Ravage the World
- Athel Loren
- A Land Of Song & War
- Mutation
- Conquer Your Daemons
- Spirits of the Land
- Morr's Gardens
- The Dark Gods
- From The Crypts
- Darkness & Disharmony
- Fateweaver
- Murderous Prowess - Dynamic
- E-Rat-Icate
- The As-salt Begins
- The Warden & The Paunch
- Hexensnacht
- Demonslayer - Dynamic
- Rising Fire
- Break Their Will
- The Great Vortex
- Bastion Of Faith
- lague Father
- To Rat-tle!
- The Ice Court
- Mannfred von Carstein
- Salyak's Embrace
- Da Great Green Prophet
- Blessings of Dazh
- The Dark Father
- Wrath Of Khaine - Dynamic
- Immortal Empires
- Isha's Blessing
- Black Rose
- The First Defenders
- Unyielding Earth
- Call Of The Deep
- Totem Polez
- Harmony of Yin & Yang
- Flesh & Bone
- Metamorphosis
- Ruination
- Blood Lust
- A Storm is Brewing
- The Celestial Faithful
- The Deliverance of Itza
- Temple-Cities
- Exalted
- Fates Unbound
- Strength of the People
- Runes of Hatred
- Immortal Will
- Hag Queen
- Forged By Fire
- Fear Me - Dynamic
- Protector Of The Empire
- Hearts of Iron
- Death's Chill
- Dark Sorceries
- The Heart of Winter
- Hour Of Darkness
- The Great Catastrophe
- Brutally Cunning
- Servants to the Flame
- At The World's Edge
- Witch King
- Light Into Dark
- The Siren Of Storms
- Engines of War
- Phoenix King Ascendant
- The Three-Eyed King
- Fight Or Flight
- Lichmaster
- The Great Orthodoxy
- The Dark Prince
- Danse Macabre
- Clan Pestilens
- Nehekhara
- Slaughtermaster
- The Art of War
- Phantasmogoria
- The Twisted & The Twilight
- The Restless Dead
- Pillar Of Bone
- Awakening
- From Death, Life
- The City Of Pirates
- The Dragon's Might
- Frozen Frontiers
- A Dance of Death
- High Loremaster
- The Grand Hierophant
- Children Of The Gods
- Twilight of the Gods
- For Whom the Bell Tolls
- Har Ganeth
- The Asur March
- Cult of Ursun
- Blacken the Skies
- Murderous Prowess
- A Dream of Spring
- Kislev, Home of Tzars
- All Quiet on the Northern Front
- Catacombs
- Skavenblight
- Rats Of Unusual Size
- The Seafarer
- Northstar
- Lost Souls
- We Are Legion
- Da Spider Kult
- Faith, Steel, & Gunpowder
- Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
- The Last Defender
- Pandaemonium
- The Oblast Wastes
- Boil 'Em, Mash 'Em, Stick 'Em in a Stew!
- Oldblood
- Fell Spirits
- Blood for the Blood God
- Herald of the Serpent God
- A Storm Of Magic
- Season Of Revelation
- Glory In Slaughter
- Fireborn
- Frostfall
- Unholy Power
- From The Depths
- The Bloody Reaver
- The Hungry Horde
- City Of Kings
- Valor Of Ages
- Curse of Stone
- Ashes to Ashes
- Bastion of the North
- Khazukan Khazakit-Ha!
- Rigor Mortis
- Heavens Await
- Druchii
- The Drowned Dead
- Mark of Chaos
- Arise from the Deep
- The Ruins Of Mourkhain
- Heir Of Sigmar
- The Realms of Chaos
- Scorched Earth
- Glory To Asaph - Dynamic
- Wrath Of Khaine
- Apocalypse
- Decay
- Thorgrim Grudgebearer
- Plague Lord
- The King of Kings
- Skulls & Crossbones
- Survival of the Fattest
- The Moot
- Plague & Ruin
- Headtaker
- Nagash's Treachery
- Age Of Vengeance
- The Bloody-Handed God
- I Do Not Serve
- Rhya's Hymn
- Invasion
- The Mortuary Cult
- Whispers Of The Dead
- Followers of Darkness
- Defenders of the Great Bastion
- Shiver Me Timbers
- A Watery Grave
- Da Underwayz
- The Blood Kiss
- Grimgor Ironhide
- Drakenhof
- The Abyss
- Sons of Hashut
- Uniting Da Tribez
- The Black Pyramid
- Fear Me
- On The Warpath
- The Undying Legions - Dynamic
- The King In The Woods
- Gork & Mork
- Grey Seer
- Dawn Of Creation
- Danse Macabre - Dynamic
- Morrslieb's Gaze
- Rampage - Dynamic
- The Desert Gods
- Raging Tempest
- Erengrad, Jewel of the North
- The Blood Wolf - Dynamic
- Dreadfleet
- Poison Wind
- Bringers of the End Times
- Hel Fenn
- Pieces Of Eight
- The Grace Of Isha
- Ursun's Roar
- The Disappeared
- Under The Drakwald
- By Our Blood
- Lord Of Decay
- Liber Mortis
- Realm Of Souls
- Hymn of Battle
- The Last Defense
- Altdorf
- Black Venom
- Host Of The Phoenix King
- Doom Impending
- Desert Kingdoms
- Heresy!
- Dragonflame - Dynamic
- Father of Bears
- Inferno
- Blessings Of Chotec
- Lizard Trinkets
- Forest Spirits
- Crooked Moon
- The Ten Kingdoms
- Corruption
- Widowmaker - Dynamic
- An Age of Glorious Torment
- Age Of Heroes
- Fortune Favors The Infamous
- Reavers
- Crystal Sanctuary
- Plague-time's Over
- Death's Embrace
- Rage Incarnate
- On the Chopping Block
- Dragonflame
- Arcane Mastery
- Liche Priest
- Servants of the Dragon Emperor
- For The Lady
- Blood on the Ice - Alternate
- Apotheosis
- Scion Of Slaanesh
- Reapers of the Bloody Harvest
- Fear No Darkness
- United in Blasphemy
- Dark Tidings
- Hearthflame
- Shaman
- Decadence
- Skullsmasherz
- Rise Of Sotek - Dynamic
- A Feast of Flesh
- Awaken The Slann
- Haunted Shores
- What Is Dead May Never Die
- Master of the Storm Winds
- The Fallen Gates - Dynamic
- Praag, the Cursed City
- Heresy! - Dynamic
- The Enchanted Forest
- The Hammer Falls
- Northmen
- The Galleon's Graveyard
- For Sigmar!
- To Rat-tle! - Dynamic
- Contempt
- Undead Rising
- Hell Pit Unleashed
- Death Night
- The Fay Folk
- Winter's Kiss
- A Golden Age
- Dragon-Blooded
- A Cursed Land
- Ice & Steel
- The Everchosen
- The Mad Count
- Ironhand
- All Hands on Deck!
- Undead Rising - Dynamic
- Land Of The Dead
- Rise Of The Tomb Kings
- The Chaos Wastes
- All Roads Lead To Rum
- Damnation
- The Rat & The Serpent
- Ascended
- Bloody Handz
- The Red Tzar
- The Horned Rat
- The Ice Queen
- The Fallen Gates
- The Dead Shall Walk
- Caledor's Ritual
- Liber Bubonicus
- By the Flames of Asuryan
- Anchors Aweigh
- The Dark Ones
- Vigour Mortis
- Winds of Change
- The Under-Empire
- Honor to the Ancestors
- The Blood Wolf
- Princes of Damnation
- Ancient Widow
- Council Of Thirteen
- Warboss
- Black Orc
- Phoenix King