
Richard Beddow Songtexte

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  1. Soul of Midgard
  2. Bruthwaite & Sláterdale Mines, Part 1
  3. Flatturgrunnur Caverns, Part 1
  4. Hel's Fortress Battle
  5. Prologue
  6. Creative Assembly Logo
  7. Choir of Valkyries
  8. Fall of Drakan
  9. Monastery at Kirkja, Part 1
  10. Monastery at Kirkja, Part 2
  11. Rebuild The Defences
  12. Panipat - The Final Strike
  13. A Storm Brews In The Desert
  14. The Battle Of Quebec
  15. Planning The Azov Offenisive
  16. Uncharted Waters
  17. The Powhaten Attack
  18. Sailing Into The Storm
  19. Boarders Redrawn
  20. The British Plan Their Attack
  21. The Pirates Attack
  22. The Battle Of Bakhchisaray
  23. The Price Of Freedom
  24. The Road To Independance
  25. 1775 Bunker Hill Deployment
  26. The Fleets Last Stand
  27. 1775 Battle At Bunker Hill
  28. Empire Theme
  29. Victory
  30. The War Of Independance
  31. The Battle Of Panipat
  32. The Threat Of War
  33. The Death Of General Braddock
  34. The Colonials Plan For Battle
  35. Opechancanough's Revenge
  36. The Battle Of Azov
  37. Preparation For War
  38. The Might Of Nehekhara
  39. Seasons of War
  40. Gifts Of The Gods
  41. Daughter Of Mercy
  42. Return To Unlife
  43. Shrine Of Asuryan
  44. Night Terrors
  45. The Twin-Tailed Comet
  46. Winter Has Come
  47. Hammer Time
  48. Tortured Souls
  49. The Imperishable
  50. Demonslayer
  51. Ebony Skulls
  52. The Sundering
  53. Beneath The Sands
  54. Arcane Horrors
  55. Vermintide
  56. City Of The Sun
  57. Ogre-whelming Force
  58. The Shadow & The Blade
  59. Heir Of Aenarion
  60. Hammer Time - Dynamic
  61. The Old Ones
  62. At World's End
  63. Damned Souls
  64. Shadows In The Wildwood
  65. Savage Dominion
  66. The Ogres are Coming to Get Ya!
  67. Primeval
  68. Something Stirs
  69. The Sea Of Claws
  70. Blood Lust - Dynamic
  71. Insanity
  72. The Sundering - Dynamic
  73. Unlimited Power!
  74. Without Re-Mors
  75. The Elder Races
  76. Cunningly Brutal
  77. Know Thy Enemy
  78. Shadowlands
  79. Vermintide - Dynamic
  80. Dread Lords
  81. Guardians of Heaven & Earth
  82. Destroyers
  83. A Fractured Mind
  84. Lord Of Winter
  85. The Cult Of Pleasure
  86. The End Times
  87. I Do Not Serve - Dynamic
  88. High Seas
  89. The Wild Heath
  90. Daughter Of Manann
  91. Blood Sacrifices
  92. Rampage
  93. Eldrazor, the Lord of Blades
  94. All Hail The Mighty
  95. Waystones
  96. Incantations of Eternal Death
  97. Dark Omen
  98. Without Re-Mors - Dynamic
  99. Motherland
  100. Ariel
  101. Eternal Summer
  102. Ride Of The Demigryphs
  103. Warpflame
  104. Crush Da Stuntiez!
  105. Teef Snatchaz
  106. Chaos Undivided - Dynamic
  107. Crimson Tide
  108. Widowmaker
  109. An Ancient Enemy
  110. Slice & Dice
  111. Sylvania
  112. Ride Of The Hippogryphs - Dynamic
  113. Green Tide
  114. They Shall Descend Upon this Earth
  115. Children Of Ulthuan
  116. Rise Of Sotek
  117. In Search of Perfection
  118. The Undying Legions
  119. Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs
  120. Big Boss
  121. No Guts, No Glory
  122. Eternal Hatred
  123. The Winter Palace
  124. Blood on the Ice
  125. Ebb & Flow
  126. Verminous Valor
  127. The Exiled One
  128. Shifting Sands
  129. Karl Franz
  130. Fury Unleashed
  131. Blood on the Ice - No Choir
  132. Hell-Forged
  133. Land Of Chill
  134. Supreme Patriarch
  135. Caledor's Fury
  136. Da Badlandz
  137. Chaos Undivided
  138. Midnight Aristocracy
  139. The Seventh Dynasty
  140. Thyme for Battle
  141. Entombed
  142. Glory To Asaph
  143. Coldblooded
  144. Master Of The Dead
  145. The Wild Hunt
  146. The Great War
  147. Unholy Night
  148. Endless Steppes
  149. An Appetite for Violence
  150. And Darkness Will Cover the World
  151. Kill Da Humiez!
  152. The Curse Of The Vampire Coast
  153. Tormentor
  154. The Storm Breaks
  155. Ravage the World
  156. Athel Loren
  157. A Land Of Song & War
  158. Mutation
  159. Conquer Your Daemons
  160. Spirits of the Land
  161. Morr's Gardens
  162. The Dark Gods
  163. From The Crypts
  164. Darkness & Disharmony
  165. Fateweaver
  166. Murderous Prowess - Dynamic
  167. E-Rat-Icate
  168. The As-salt Begins
  169. The Warden & The Paunch
  170. Hexensnacht
  171. Demonslayer - Dynamic
  172. Rising Fire
  173. Break Their Will
  174. The Great Vortex
  175. Bastion Of Faith
  176. lague Father
  177. To Rat-tle!
  178. The Ice Court
  179. Mannfred von Carstein
  180. Salyak's Embrace
  181. Da Great Green Prophet
  182. Blessings of Dazh
  183. The Dark Father
  184. Wrath Of Khaine - Dynamic
  185. Immortal Empires
  186. Isha's Blessing
  187. Black Rose
  188. The First Defenders
  189. Unyielding Earth
  190. Call Of The Deep
  191. Totem Polez
  192. Harmony of Yin & Yang
  193. Flesh & Bone
  194. Metamorphosis
  195. Ruination
  196. Blood Lust
  197. A Storm is Brewing
  198. The Celestial Faithful
  199. The Deliverance of Itza
  200. Temple-Cities
  201. Exalted
  202. Fates Unbound
  203. Strength of the People
  204. Runes of Hatred
  205. Immortal Will
  206. Hag Queen
  207. Forged By Fire
  208. Fear Me - Dynamic
  209. Protector Of The Empire
  210. Hearts of Iron
  211. Death's Chill
  212. Dark Sorceries
  213. The Heart of Winter
  214. Hour Of Darkness
  215. The Great Catastrophe
  216. Brutally Cunning
  217. Servants to the Flame
  218. At The World's Edge
  219. Witch King
  220. Light Into Dark
  221. The Siren Of Storms
  222. Engines of War
  223. Phoenix King Ascendant
  224. The Three-Eyed King
  225. Fight Or Flight
  226. Lichmaster
  227. The Great Orthodoxy
  228. The Dark Prince
  229. Danse Macabre
  230. Clan Pestilens
  231. Nehekhara
  232. Slaughtermaster
  233. The Art of War
  234. Phantasmogoria
  235. The Twisted & The Twilight
  236. The Restless Dead
  237. Pillar Of Bone
  238. Awakening
  239. From Death, Life
  240. The City Of Pirates
  241. The Dragon's Might
  242. Frozen Frontiers
  243. A Dance of Death
  244. High Loremaster
  245. The Grand Hierophant
  246. Children Of The Gods
  247. Twilight of the Gods
  248. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  249. Har Ganeth
  250. The Asur March
  251. Cult of Ursun
  252. Blacken the Skies
  253. Murderous Prowess
  254. A Dream of Spring
  255. Kislev, Home of Tzars
  256. All Quiet on the Northern Front
  257. Catacombs
  258. Skavenblight
  259. Rats Of Unusual Size
  260. The Seafarer
  261. Northstar
  262. Lost Souls
  263. We Are Legion
  264. Da Spider Kult
  265. Faith, Steel, & Gunpowder
  266. Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
  267. The Last Defender
  268. Pandaemonium
  269. The Oblast Wastes
  270. Boil 'Em, Mash 'Em, Stick 'Em in a Stew!
  271. Oldblood
  272. Fell Spirits
  273. Blood for the Blood God
  274. Herald of the Serpent God
  275. A Storm Of Magic
  276. Season Of Revelation
  277. Glory In Slaughter
  278. Fireborn
  279. Frostfall
  280. Unholy Power
  281. From The Depths
  282. The Bloody Reaver
  283. The Hungry Horde
  284. City Of Kings
  285. Valor Of Ages
  286. Curse of Stone
  287. Ashes to Ashes
  288. Bastion of the North
  289. Khazukan Khazakit-Ha!
  290. Rigor Mortis
  291. Heavens Await
  292. Druchii
  293. The Drowned Dead
  294. Mark of Chaos
  295. Arise from the Deep
  296. The Ruins Of Mourkhain
  297. Heir Of Sigmar
  298. The Realms of Chaos
  299. Scorched Earth
  300. Glory To Asaph - Dynamic
  301. Wrath Of Khaine
  302. Apocalypse
  303. Decay
  304. Thorgrim Grudgebearer
  305. Plague Lord
  306. The King of Kings
  307. Skulls & Crossbones
  308. Survival of the Fattest
  309. The Moot
  310. Plague & Ruin
  311. Headtaker
  312. Nagash's Treachery
  313. Age Of Vengeance
  314. The Bloody-Handed God
  315. I Do Not Serve
  316. Rhya's Hymn
  317. Invasion
  318. The Mortuary Cult
  319. Whispers Of The Dead
  320. Followers of Darkness
  321. Defenders of the Great Bastion
  322. Shiver Me Timbers
  323. A Watery Grave
  324. Da Underwayz
  325. The Blood Kiss
  326. Grimgor Ironhide
  327. Drakenhof
  328. The Abyss
  329. Sons of Hashut
  330. Uniting Da Tribez
  331. The Black Pyramid
  332. Fear Me
  333. On The Warpath
  334. The Undying Legions - Dynamic
  335. The King In The Woods
  336. Gork & Mork
  337. Grey Seer
  338. Dawn Of Creation
  339. Danse Macabre - Dynamic
  340. Morrslieb's Gaze
  341. Rampage - Dynamic
  342. The Desert Gods
  343. Raging Tempest
  344. Erengrad, Jewel of the North
  345. The Blood Wolf - Dynamic
  346. Dreadfleet
  347. Poison Wind
  348. Bringers of the End Times
  349. Hel Fenn
  350. Pieces Of Eight
  351. The Grace Of Isha
  352. Ursun's Roar
  353. The Disappeared
  354. Under The Drakwald
  355. By Our Blood
  356. Lord Of Decay
  357. Liber Mortis
  358. Realm Of Souls
  359. Hymn of Battle
  360. The Last Defense
  361. Altdorf
  362. Black Venom
  363. Host Of The Phoenix King
  364. Doom Impending
  365. Desert Kingdoms
  366. Heresy!
  367. Dragonflame - Dynamic
  368. Father of Bears
  369. Inferno
  370. Blessings Of Chotec
  371. Lizard Trinkets
  372. Forest Spirits
  373. Crooked Moon
  374. The Ten Kingdoms
  375. Corruption
  376. Widowmaker - Dynamic
  377. An Age of Glorious Torment
  378. Age Of Heroes
  379. Fortune Favors The Infamous
  380. Reavers
  381. Crystal Sanctuary
  382. Plague-time's Over
  383. Death's Embrace
  384. Rage Incarnate
  385. On the Chopping Block
  386. Dragonflame
  387. Arcane Mastery
  388. Liche Priest
  389. Servants of the Dragon Emperor
  390. For The Lady
  391. Blood on the Ice - Alternate
  392. Apotheosis
  393. Scion Of Slaanesh
  394. Reapers of the Bloody Harvest
  395. Fear No Darkness
  396. United in Blasphemy
  397. Dark Tidings
  398. Hearthflame
  399. Shaman
  400. WAAAGH!!!
  401. Decadence
  402. Skullsmasherz
  403. Rise Of Sotek - Dynamic
  404. A Feast of Flesh
  405. Awaken The Slann
  406. Haunted Shores
  407. What Is Dead May Never Die
  408. Master of the Storm Winds
  409. The Fallen Gates - Dynamic
  410. Praag, the Cursed City
  411. Heresy! - Dynamic
  412. The Enchanted Forest
  413. The Hammer Falls
  414. Northmen
  415. The Galleon's Graveyard
  416. For Sigmar!
  417. To Rat-tle! - Dynamic
  418. Contempt
  419. Undead Rising
  420. Hell Pit Unleashed
  421. Death Night
  422. The Fay Folk
  423. Winter's Kiss
  424. A Golden Age
  425. Dragon-Blooded
  426. A Cursed Land
  427. Ice & Steel
  428. The Everchosen
  429. The Mad Count
  430. Ironhand
  431. All Hands on Deck!
  432. Undead Rising - Dynamic
  433. Land Of The Dead
  434. Rise Of The Tomb Kings
  435. The Chaos Wastes
  436. All Roads Lead To Rum
  437. Damnation
  438. The Rat & The Serpent
  439. Ascended
  440. Bloody Handz
  441. The Red Tzar
  442. The Horned Rat
  443. The Ice Queen
  444. The Fallen Gates
  445. The Dead Shall Walk
  446. Caledor's Ritual
  447. Liber Bubonicus
  448. By the Flames of Asuryan
  449. Anchors Aweigh
  450. The Dark Ones
  451. Vigour Mortis
  452. Winds of Change
  453. The Under-Empire
  454. Honor to the Ancestors
  455. The Blood Wolf
  456. Princes of Damnation
  457. Ancient Widow
  458. Council Of Thirteen
  459. Warboss
  460. Black Orc
  461. Phoenix King


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