We're All Dying to Live
- The Morning Becomes Eclectic Overture
- All You Cannot (live without)
- Being in Need of Something
- Even If All Your Friends Abandon You Smile
- Brian Wilson Is A.L.I.V.E. (All Living Instantly Vanquish Everything)
- We're All Slaves to the Two-Four
- The Little Creatures Know
- It
- The Greatest Secret in the World
- Watching Ice Station Zebra for the 151st Time
- P:U:S:H
- We Must Imagine Sisyphus - Ourselves Happy
- 1929-1971
- Watching, Wishing, Waiting
- Please Give This to Seymour Stein
- Hope for the Flowers
- Undead, Part 1 (Estrangement)
- Undead, Part 2 (Reconciliation)
- Watching Herzog and Listening to the Idiot
- Living to Die
- Dying to Live
- 500 People Talking