Random Battles Songtexte
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Dance of Palewood and Gold
Lala Anderson
Lauren Aycock Anderson
Rex Anderson
Mike Flury
Christopher Lee
Tyler Merchant
Andy Porter
Rich Schaefer
Jon Smeltzer
Nick Speach
Michael Zucker
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- Chrono Trigger - At the Bottom of Night
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Dance of Palewood and Gold
- Mother 3/Luigi's Mansion - Unfounded Mansion
- Alien Crush - Demon Eclipse
- Guardian of Light and Shadow (Illusion of Gaia)
- Flowers Blooming in the Attic (Final Fantasy VII)
- Danger, Dark Star! (Secret of Mana)
- Guided by Disordinary Rocks (Cadash)
- Dying Wishes of Battle (Shining Force II)