Randall Thompson Songtexte
Frostiana - The Road Not Taken
We fight not for glory
Geboren am 21. April 1899, Gestorben am 09. Juli 1984
- The Last Words of David
- The Telephone
- The Peaceable Kingdom - The noise of a multitude
- We have counted the cost
- Frostiana - The Road Not Taken
- The Testament of Freedom - I shall not die without a hope
- The Peaceable Kingdom - Howl ye
- A Girl's Garden
- Choose Something Like a Star
- We fight not for glory
- Come In
- The Pasture
- Alleluia
- The Peaceable Kingdom - Have ye not known?
- Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
- Frostiana - A Girl's Garden
- The God who gave us life
- The Testament of Freedom - The God who gave us life
- Frostiana - Choose Something Like a Star
- Frostiana - The Pasture
- The Peaceable Kingdom - Ye shall have a song
- The Peaceable Kingdom - For ye shall go out with joy
- The Peaceable Kingdom - Say ye to the righteous
- I shall not die without a hope
- The Peaceable Kingdom - The paper reeds by the brook
- The Peaceable Kingdom - Woe unto them
- The Road Not Taken
- Tarantella
- The Pasture (Frostiana)
- The Testament of Freedom: We have counted the cost
- The Testament of Freedom: The God who gave us life
- The Testament of Freedom: I shall not die without a hope
- The Testament of Freedom: We fight not for glory
- Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening (Frostiana)
- Allelujah
- Alleluja
- The Best of Rooms