Tobu Tobu Girl Deluxe OST (Soundtrack)
- A Friend Gone Astray (Opening and Title)
- Where Are We Going (main Menu)
- The Ascending Adventure (Plains Level)
- At the End of the Day (Score Tally)
- Today's Goal (Highscore)
- The Uplifting Blue Yonder (Clouds Level)
- Party in the Catmosphere (Space Level)
- The End (Ending Sequence)
- Electromagnetic Waves (Dream Level)
- Farewell, Tobu Tobu (Dream Score Tally)
- Storming the Skies (Cat Heaven Level)
- The Ascending Adventure (FM Arrange)
- Farewell, Tobu Tobu (Piano Arrange)
- Storming the Skies (Easynam mix) (von easyname)