- The World Is Burning, So Let Us Waltz (It’s Almost as Good as Listening to the Tale of “Long Lankin” Under the Influence of Psilocybin)
- The Green Face
- The End of History Is Coming (And Some Rabbits without Ties Are Back in the Woods, Dancing)
- The Order and Equilibrium Behind and Beyond All Things (Sun, Moon, Positive and Negative), the Paradox and the True Joy
- Requiem for This World of Becoming (Please Welcome the World of Being)
- Ruby Glass Made From the Blood of Peasants (But Who Directs the Factory?)
- Thenotvisibletoeveryonedecay
- So Much Noise Inside the Mind (Where Once Cathedrals of Sound)
- The Glorious Modern Civilization Is Falling (Hurray! The Factory of Nightmares Is Almost Closed)
- We’re All Sleeping and Dreaming (And Our Dreams Are Nothing More Than Nightmares)
- The End in Every Beginning
- Politicians Addressing Crowds Through Their Arse-Holes, Profiteers Drinking Blood Sweetened With Shit (A Vision of Hell All Around Us, and the Sound of Purgatory at the End Coming Through the Hole of the Needle)
- In the Clouds There Are Rabbits Burning and Screaming (with Ties on Their Necks)