PooHate Songtexte
Gründung 2004, Auflösung 2010
Brown Justice
- Lictaranium Scruttix
- Desire for Brown
- Excuse Me, There’s a Poo in My Soup
- Hate the Poo
- You’re Boring Me, Fuck Off
- Beige Velcro
- Chunder Fucked
- Brown Justice
- Tama Iti Shot the Fucking Flag
- Leg vs. Woodchipper
- Captains Log
- Shit Dienasty
- I Took a Dump on the Cross
- Once Upon a Poo
- Poo Fallen Bitch
- The Brown Fist of Forgiveness
- Sweet Home Brown Town
- Log Jam
Download the Brownload
- Intro (Download the Brownload)
- Sucked Off by a Goldfish
- Vindaloo Violence
- The Shit Siren
- Powerbombed Through Porcelain
- Faecal Fights for Equal Rights
- St. Nick’s Brown Shitmas
- Drug Fucked and Pregnant
- Mung Bean Festival
- The Origin of Faeces
- Minced Scrotal [Sac]
- Encrusted With Nuts
- Skidmark Farmer
- I Vomited on Your Shit
- Spoonfed Shit Nuggets
- On the Cusp of Explosive Diahorrea
- Hate the Poo 2010
- Thou Art Shit?