Ha! Ha! Tarachine
- Kottankorokle — Fünfunddreißigste Frühling
- My Toast Time
- Anima
- Was ich haben will
- Hontokana? — Really?
- Sume Ba Miyako (Happy Family)
- Got Out Lullaby
- Aishu no Melody (The Setting Sun in Africa)
- All Night Prayer
- Kutabireta Q — Abgetragener Q
- Picky’s Rap
- Do Re Mi
- Murderer’s Night Fever (von Picky Picnic & Pyrolator)
Picnic Land
Mehr Songtexte

- Kottankorokle - Fünfunddreißigste Frühling
- Anuna
- Hontokana? - Really?
- Aischu No Melody (The Setting Sun in Africa)
- Kutabireta Q - Abgetragener Q
- Picky's Rap
- Lun-Lun Picknickers
- Pig! Me! Oh! Mambo!
- Hap!
- Welcome Bockey
- Influenza
- Got a Lullaby
- Kutabireta Q
- Iashu No Melody (The Setting Sun)
- Go Shopping
- Hontonake (Really)
- My Life 1.2.3.
- Shock! (What Have Happened)
- Thank You Remember
- Du Ransel (Black Knapsack)
- Iashu No Melody (The Setting Sun in Africa)
- HONTOKANA? (Really?)
- Lovely Water Peaceful
- Blue Mountain 500 Miles Goes By
- Tsuntapunk
- It's A Hysterical Place
- Go Go Twins
- Du Ransel (Black Knapsack): Theme
- Untitled
- Du Ransel (Black Knapsack): Happiness
- Du Ransel (Black Knapsack): Incubation
- Love on the beach
- BLUEMOUNTAIN 500miles goes by