Yield the Frost of Estivation
- the Pesticide to Humanity
- Yield the Frost of Estivation
- i have never seen someone who's skin i didn't want to cut
- One Blade of Grass is Supercolossal to Me (Eleutherodactylus bartonsmithi)
- As Leptodactylus mystacinus The Helminths Are Frustrating
- Cutaneous Respiration
- The Consumption of Algae Should Not be Outlandish To You
- Mulcere Hurts
- So Gone So Succulent
- Phalangroot Mythicrust
- Regard Levels That Reside Below Zero
- The Presence of a Bidder's Organ
- Only the Corpse Will Understand
- Spells in the Sultry and Loose, Creating the Vaculose Undulating
- i want to be calm
- Atelognathus Hypothesized
- Ructions Given the Lagoon is Our Destiny
- You Will Need Gloves To Hold It
- Ololygon
- Soundless Woods Interrupted By The Gremvian Pheromones Of Familiar Moss Leaf
- Common Sense is Knowing How To Remove the Layers of Meat from the Head of a Man
- This Life Is Not Worth Living
Mehr Songtexte

- Smear Mud on the Weak
- Kill That Fucking Human (intro)
- Postmortal Cophixalus (Choking on Super Worms)
- Shroud of Bromeliad Plants
- Festering Vitreorana Mass
- Grudgingly Naked to Synthetic Mnemonic
- I Consume My Juveniles With Moulded Disregard
- Non-Native Meat Eating Limitation
- Reborn After a Period of Seeming-Death
- Found Myself in Nitrite Agitprop Short-Lived in Aerobic Ground Again (Altered Hydrologic)
- Swelled Nothofagus Prisore
- Broadgi Onbiervuluiokes Yolkonduct
- (This Is) Cruelty to Humans
- Gerbfynder
- Mouthpart Morphology
- Morphologically Acclimated Through Telmatobufo Muscle
- Broad Brucal to Scrape Algae Possessign Nuptial Excrescences
- Fuck
- The Bass Is Family (interlude)
- Filligree & Granule
- Amerana’s Mud Lagoon
- Males in Absence of Asperities (Afrixalus Vibekensis)
- Release Trill
- Hypertrophied
- Stage 36 (Incilius)
- Proving I'm Difficult To Resolve Phylogenetically
- The Pelvic Region Elevated, The Head Lowered
- Fluctuations (In Adult Populations)
- Over The Corpse Of A Study
- Exhibiting Exostosis Osseinly In Crestion Profane
- Larval Fitness & Recruitment (Rana sylvatica)
- I Cum on the Underside of Your Skin to See the Contrast in Colors
- Entrails on Dirt Trails (By the Juniper Is Where the Body Is)
- Winter Ain’t Shit (Glucose Antifreeze of Pseudacris)
- Never Give Up the Fight for Territory (The Booroolong Restoration)