Philip Glass Songtexte
Protest from Satyagraha
Akhnaten: Act I, Scene 3. The Window of Appearances
Akhnaten - Hymn to the Sun
Evening Song
Protest (Satyagraha)
Geboren am 31. Januar 1937
A Madrigal Opera. Cameo. A Symphonic Poem
- Étoile Polaire
- Victor's Lament (From Étoile Polaire)
- River Run (From Étoile Polaire)
- Mon Père, Mon Père (From Étoile Polaire)
- Are Years What? (For Marianne Moore)
- Lady Day (From Étoile Polaire)
- Ange Des Orages (From Étoile Polaire)
- Ave (From Étoile Polaire)
- Ik-Ook (From Étoile Polaire)
- Montage (From Étoile Polaire)
- Part IV (From Dressed Like an Egg)
- Part V (From Dressed Like an Egg)
- Part VI (From Dressed Like an Egg)
- Mad Rush for organ
Anima Mundi (Soundtrack)
Another Look at Harmony, Part IV
- Another Look at Harmony, Part IV: I. Opening section - choral plainchant in minims
- Another Look at Harmony, Part IV: II. Choral plainchant elaborated with quaver movement
- Another Look at Harmony, Part IV: III. Harmonic and rhythmic exploration leading to
- Another Look at Harmony, Part IV: 4. Oscillating and repeated chords - then new melodic line added
- Another Look at Harmony, Part IV: V. Organ interlude on C pedal with gentle cross-rhythms
- Another Look at Harmony, Part IV: VI. Choral re-entry in repeated sequences with organ obligato
- Another Look at Harmony, Part IV: VII. Final section - choir and organ with shifting harmonic roots