- Pilgrim's Burden
- The City of Destruction
- Slough of Despond
- The Wicket Gate
- The Interpreter's House
- Pilgrim Lays Down His Burden at the Cross
- False Believers
- A Restful Arbour
- The House Beautiful
- The Destroyer
- Valley of the Shadow of Death
- Faithful
- Vanity Fair
- The Plain of Ease
- Doubting Castle
- The Delectable Mountains
- Low Country of Pride
- Enchanted Ground
- The River of Death
- The Celestial City
The Bible
- Creation (In the Beginning)
- Adam and Eve (The Garden of Eden)
- The Fall (The Enemy of Mankind)
- The Flood (Noah)
- The Stars in the Sky (Abraham)
- Jacob's Ladder (Israel)
- The Dreamer (Joseph)
- Exodus (Moses)
- Crossing the Sea (The Passover)
- The Law (The Ten Commandments)
- Walls of Jericho (Joshua)
- Samson and Delilah (Love and Strength)
- Called in the Night (Samuel)
- King of Israel (Saul)
- David and Goliath (A Man After My Own Heart)
- Wisdom (Solomon and the Temple)
- The Prophets (Isaiah and Jeremiah)
- A Voice Crying Out (The Fall of Jerusalem)
- Daniel and the Lions Den (Prayers of a Faithful Man)
- Prepare the Way of the Lord (John the Baptist)
- Saviour of the World (Jesus Christ)
- The Kingdom of God (Miracles)
- The Cross (One Perfect Sacrifice)
- Resurrection Day (Death Is Defeated)
- Spirit (The Holy Spirit and Pentecost)
- The Road to Damascus (Paul)
- The Gospel (The Church)
- Revelation (A New Heaven and Earth)