5 Man Job (Remix)
- [data track]
- Freemasons of Enochian Magick (Jack the Crowley remix)
- Third Life (Time Center remix)
- Umbilical (Security 23rd World remix)
- Blue 9 (Free Me Remee)
- Among the Living (Transcendental Repression remix)
- Halidified (Naked Men Only remix)
- Third Life (Sweeping the Floor remix)
- Blue 9 (Sin Trip remix)
- Freemasons of Enochian Magick (Fallen Angels remix)
- Extremist (Parallel Qabal remix)
- When the Veins on the Back of My Legs Hurt, It's Time to Stop (Fish Monkey remix)
- Extremist (Floor Power)
Multicoloured Shades (Compilation)
- Halidified (Naked Men Only)
- Freemasons of Enochian Magick (Jack the Crowley)
- Third Life (Time Center)
- Umilical (Security 23rd World)
- Blue Nine (Sin Trip)
- Extremist
- Third Life
- Free Masons of Enochian Magick
- Among the Living (Transecendental Repression)
- Extremist (Floor Power)
- Free Masons of Enochiam Magick (Fallen Angels)
- Reconciled (No Remorse)
Unfinished Business
- Hypothalamus Now!
- Falling Down the Stairs
- Don't Let Them Forget to Tag Your Symptom
- Thee Unbearable Lightness Ov...
- Hazing (The Underlings With Your Broken Stickpin)
- Unfinished Business
- Scion
- Inbetween 5 and 14
- The Hand of John Kemble
- Host Meets the Cell
- 21 Robot Man
- Clones (We're All)
- Falling Down the Stairs (Scotch & Water remix)
- Unfinished Business (Strike Down remix)
Mehr Songtexte
- When the Veins... (Fish Monkey remix by Psychic TV)
- Extremist (Parallel remix by Psychic TV)
- Halidified (Subgenious)
- Among the Living (Dominion of Noise remix by Mentallo & The Fixer)
- Product (Crumpled Up remix by Mentallo & The Fixer)
- Third Life (Stripped Goth remix by Leæther Strip)
- Blue Nine (Free Me remix by Frontline Assembly)