Playa Del Lounge (Compilation)
- Playa Del Lounge (intro mix)
- You Left (Alexei Zakharov Ambient mix) (von Pedro del Mar & Blue Tente)
- Rainmaker (Chillout mix) (von The Movement)
- Exhale (Tim Besamusca's Lounge mix) (von System F)
- Blossom (Lounge mix) (von Snoop Dogg feat. Pharell & Uncle Charlie Wilson)
- Talking Eyes (Chillout mix) (von Hysteria!)
- I Feel You (Chillout version) (von Eximinds feat. Aelyn)
- Never Give Up (Adam Ellis short mix) (von Daniel Loubscher)
- Someday (DJ Hashish's Chill mix) (von DJ Hashish & DJ Kopin feat. Marcie)
- A New Beginning (Ole Van Bohm chillout mix)
- Sunset Over Mooera (Chillout mix) (von Illitheas)
- Liquid Love (Chillout mix) (von Pit feat. Britta)
- Thinking About (Chillout mix) (von The Chaser)
- One (von Derek “The Bandit” & James Nelson feat. Marcie)
- Strange Moments (Chillout mix) (von Lost Soul)
- Dance With Me (Chillout mix) (von Zaa feat. Aneym)
- When Sun Goes Down (Chillout mix) (von Konrad Blank)
- We Remember (Chillout mix) (von W.O.R.M. feat. Ira M)
- Captivity (Chillout mix) (von Danjo & Axess)
- Guilty (Café del Marco Torrance mix) (von Pedro del Mar feat. Emma Lock)
- Cry (Unplugged) (von System F)
Mellomania 21 (Compilation)
- Distorted Emotions (intro mix)
- Craters of the Moon (Craving remix) (von Alex O’Rion)
- Little Heart (Mellomania 21 edit) (von Illitheas feat. Tiff Lacey)
- Let You In (Megadrive mix) (von Bobina feat. Erin Marsz)
- Cloudwalking (Scott Lowe & High Definition Remix) (von Dim3nsion)
- Island (album club mix) (von Roger Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe)
- Anodyne (von James Poulton)
- Hold Me Now (Pedro Del Mar remix) (von Pedro del Mar and Spark7 feat. Jane Kumada)
- Enthusiasm (von Simon O’Shine)
- An Angel's Love (vocal mix edit)
- New Life (Jorn van Deynhoven remix) (von Henrik Christensen)
- Remember Me (von Rory Gallagher feat. Sean Ryan)
- Blue Light 2011 (ReOrder & Dave Deen Remix) (von Veselin Tasev)
- Pieces (von C-Systems feat. Hanna Finsen)
- Aqua Virgo (Matt Bukovski remix) (von Paul Miller vs. Ronald De Foe)
- We Are One (Vocal Club Mix) (von Dave 202)
- Easy Day (von Sergey Shabanov and Artem Sonin)
- Full Moon Party (Edit) (von Paul Oakenfold)
- The Aquarius Shift (intro mix)
- Strings (club mix) (von Andy Duguid feat. Fenja)
- Mansion (Edit) (von Gareth Emery and Ashley Wallbridge)
- Don't Breathe (Mellomania 21 edit) (von José Amnesia feat. Anthya)
- Le Tour de Trance (edit) (von Ørjan Nilsen)
- Be Your Sound (extended mix) (von Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt)
- Thrust (von Norin & Rad vs. Audien)
- Way Back Home (von Simon J feat. Simon Binkenborn)
- My Life (Mellomania 21 Edit) (von Moorea Blur)
- The Wall (von ARTY feat. Tania Zygar)
- Reachers of Civilization (Pedro Del Mar remix) (von York)
- Still With Me (club mix edit) (von Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto)
- Love Story (von Arisen Flame)
- Tears from the Moon (Beat Service Extended) (von Elles de Graaf)
- Unanswered Questions (von Matt Bukovski presents Ive5)
- Sun Gone Down (edit) (von Protoculture feat. Shannon Hurley)
- Windows to My Soul (Pedro Del Mar's Orihinal mix) (von Pedro del Mar feat. Fancy Vienna)
- Symbiosis (album club mix) (von Roger Shah feat. Kim Svärd)
- The Light (von Pakka feat. Simon)
Mellomania 22 (Compilation)
- Intro (von Mellomania)
- Forgiven (Mellomania edit) (von Illitheas)
- Wake Up (von Faruk Sabanci feat. Josie)
- Split Second (von Allen Watts)
- Save the Day (Myon & Shane 54 Summer of Love mix) (von Aruna)
- Translate (von Ben Nicky)
- Paint the Sky (von Richard Durand & Pedro del Mar feat. Roberta Harrison)
- Undone (Easton in Pesaro mix) (von Easton feat. Madelin Zero)
- Aurora (von Falcon & Ernest Miller)
- Easily I Fell (Ferry Tayle ‘The Wizard’ remix) (von Exostate)
- Endless World (von UDM)
- Letting Go (Jorn Van Deynhoven remix) (von Full Tilt feat. Katrina Noorbergen)
- New World (von Pedro del Mar & Damian Wasse)
- Nefertiti (von Philip Mayer vs. Ronald De Foe)
- Still With Me (Suncatcher remix) (von Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto)
- Lucky Strike (von Miss Cortex & Chrys Ruff)
- Magic Waters (Ronny K. & David Wurczel Guitar Emotion remix) (von Ace Da Brain)
- Lachrymose (intro mix) (von Pedro del Mar & DoubleV)
- You’re Not Alone (club mix) (von Jamie Carpenter feat. Ciaran Warren)
- Wake Your Mind (extended remix) (von Cosmic Gate & Cary Brothers)
- New Dawn (von Rocking J)
- Perfect Love (von Aly & Fila meet Roger Shah feat. Adrina Thorpe)
- All I Have (Dmitry Bessonov remix) (von Pakka feat. Madelin Zero)
- Capetown (von ilan Bluestone)
- Salt (von Shawn Mitiska feat. Hannah Ray)
- Malaysia (von Jaco)
- Love Is Strong (Estiva remix) (von C-Systems & Jo Micali feat. Hanna Finsen)
- Blissful Time (von Matt Bukovski)
- All We Are (Pedro Del Mar & DoubleV remix) (von Robbie Rivera feat. Blake Lewis)
- Evolve (von James Poulton)
Circles (Pedro Del Mar & DoubleV remix)
(von Emma Hewitt)
- Vital Signs (von Roy Malakian feat. Chris Jones)
- Obvious (Lange club mix) (von Betsie Larkin & Lange)
- My World (von Alexander Popov feat. Kyler England)
- The Space Track (Andrew Rayel stadium remix) (von Bobina)
- The Other Side (von 4 Strings)
- Lagoon (von Ralph Novell)
Mellomania 23 (Compilation)
- Club 23 (intro)
- Magenta (extended mix) (von Giuseppe Ottaviani & Ferry Corsten)
- For Who I Am (Giuseppe Ottaviani remix) (von Bobina & Ana Criado)
- I’ll Follow (von John O’Callaghan feat. Ria)
- Afterlife (Allen Watts remix) (von New World)
- Black Hole (von Craig Connelly & Christina Novelli)
- Caldera (von Lence & Pluton)
- Blood and the Wine (Suncatcher remix)
- Cry (von Josh Ferrin)
- The Mystery (von Kaimo K & Cate Kanell)
- Journey (von Maywave)
- Love Again (Beatsole remix) (von C-Systems)
- Calm Evening (von Pete Silver)
- Angel (Azima remix) (von Rene Dale)
- In This Moment (Philippe El Sisi remix) (von Andy Duguid & Audrey Gallagher)
- Air (von Beatsole)
- Mysteries Unfold (uplifting mix) (von Aly & Fila feat. Sue McLaren)
- Stormchaser (von Darren Porter & Manuel Le Saux)
- Tesla (Melodic mix) (von Matt Bukovski)
- Beach 23 (intro)
- Krysta (von Rocking J & Pedro del Mar)
- Marvel (von Sunny Lax)
- Outshine (Nigel Good remix) (von Myon & Shane 54 with Natalie Peris)
- There's You (LTN remix) (von Jan Martin feat. Hysteria!)
- With the Flow (von iT Kando)
- Everything (Pedro del Mar & DoubleV remix) (von Tiësto feat. JES)
- Cold Blue (von Joe Tinajero)
- Come Home (Two&One remix) (von Roman Messer)
- Palm Shadow (von Miroslav Vrlik)
- Hold Me Now (Pedro del Mar & DoubleV remix) (von Pedro del Mar & Spark7 feat. Jane Kumada)
- Origin (Craft Integrated remix) (von Vasarin)
- Higher Than the Sun (Pedro Del Mar & DoubleV remix) (von Roger Shah, JES & Brian Laruso)
- I’ll Be Fine (Roger Shah rework) (von Sunlounger feat. Alexandra Badoi)
- Rising Sun
- Daylight (von André Visior & Cathy Burton)
- La Passion (von Hoyaa)
- The One (von Kyau & Albert)
- Believe (von CryoState)
- Dione (von Sequence 11)