Red Sonic Underwear
- Itch
- Das Neue Konzept
- Warzaw
- 2000 Ways of Gettin' Drunk
- G.O.D. (On Vacation)
- Animals
- His Head Is Spinnin' Off
- Good Morning
- War in My Livin' Room
- Discussing the Artist in Pain
- Pig Machine
- Skinny and White
- The Other Life Form
- The Complete Guide (Immitating a Bulldozer on a 24 Track Tapemachine)
- Endless Masturbation
War in My Livingroom 92-97 (Compilation)
Mehr Songtexte

- Hitch-Hike to Mars (Do the Monkey)
- Reverberation Nation
- Elektrik '93
- Hitch-Hike to Mars
- Do the Monkey
- War in My Living Room
- Cities About To Xplode
- 2000 Ways of Getting Drunk
- Dreamin' in Perfect Distortion
- Ozdoomed
- Das Neue Konzept - Die Krupps Remix
- On/Off
- Das Neue Konzept - Hell.A.Matic Remix
- [Do the Monkey] (Hitch-Hike to Mars)
- Nutophia
- What's Wrong?
- Cannon Song
- Alla har fel (Igen)
- [I'm the] Radio King-Kong
- Miss Huddinge -72
- Elektrisk '93
- Alla vill till himlen
- Mekanikal Urban Chant
- Elektrik ’93
- What’s Wrong
- Do The Monkey (Hitch‐Hike To Mars)
- Dreamin’ In Perfect Distortion
- White, White, White
- On Off
- War In My Livin’ Room
- (I’m The) Radio King‐Kong
- Hitch‐Hike To Mars (Do The Monkey)