Paul Reeves Songtexte
High Temperature a (sting)
Happy Chappie
Sunshine Boogie (a) (30)
That's Jazz (b) (30) (c)
Geboren am 31. Mai 1974

- 3:33
- Face to Face
- How Hard
- Cry in the ...
- Make Believe
- Change of Plans
- Run Away
- Come Home
- Cave
- That's My Dad
- Be Still and Know
- Tell Me
- This Halloween
- Disappear
- Real with Myself
- Handcuffed Heart
- Come Out (Your Game is Over)
- Today is Not Your Day
- Only One
- Voices Scream
- Design the Future
- Once Upon a Time
- Happy Ever After
- Let the Music Take You (full)
- La Valse B
- Chocks Away! (sting)
- Decadence
- La Valse a
- La Valse D
- Alley Cat (sting)
- La Valse C
- The Mexican (sting)
- The Brightest Star (no choir)
- Come Here (underscore)
- Rendezvous Cocktails C (30 seconds)
- Fairytales (underscore)
- High Temperature a (sting)
- Optical
- A World of Wonder
- Strictly Cha Cha a (sting)
- Let the Music Take You (underscore)
- A Sparkling Christmas (underscore)
- Feeling Alive (30 second)
- Walking on Air (underscore)
- Tango on the Terrace a (sting)
- On the Boulevard (30 second)
- Keep Young and Gentle (alternative)
- Swingin' Out (sting)
- Finding a Way (underscore)
- Quiet Moon
- Rendezvous Cocktails B (sting)
- Cafe Paris
- Let the Music Take You (30 second)
- Once Upon a Time (no choir)
- Keep Young and Gentle (full)
- Look This Way B (30 seconds)
- The Spring Chicken (underscore)
- The Mexican (30 seconds)
- Rendezvous Cocktails a (30 seconds)
- Criss-Cross
- The Cat (underscore)
- Keep Young and Gentle (underscore)
- Finding a Way
- A Winter Land (no choir)
- We're Leaving Today (underscore)
- Chocks Away!
- Walking on Air (30 second)
- Tease
- A Winter Land
- La Valse a (sting)
- Rendezvous Cocktails D (30 seconds)
- High Temperature a (30 seconds)
- Tango on the Terrace B (30 seconds)
- The Magic Kingdom
- Fantasy Chorale (underscore)
- Strictly Cha Cha C (30 seconds)
- Loving You (alternative)
- Someone to Kiss Goodnight (30 second)
- Rendezvous Cocktails C (sting)
- Happy Ever After (underscore)
- Falling Leaves (b)
- We're Leaving Today (alternative)
- Latino Investigation a (sting)
- Hotel Extravagance B
- Hotel Extravagance a
- World of Dreams (underscore)
- Strictly Cha Cha B (30 seconds)
- Happy Chappie (30 seconds)
- Walking on Air (full)
- Percy Street Stomp B (30 seconds)
- Fairytales (no choir)
- A Little Smile (30 second)
- Wise-Guy Boogie
- Charleston (sting)
- A Winter Land (underscore)
- Around the Sun
- Look This Way a (30 seconds)
- Future Happiness
- Cafe Paris (sting)
- Like the Clappers
- A Little Smile (underscore)
- Let the Music Take You (alternative)
- The Spring Chicken
- That's Jazz B (30 seconds)
- A Sparkling Christmas (30 second)
- The Bachelor
- The Brightest Star
- That's Jazz B
- That's Jazz C
- A Little Smile (alternative)
- Walking on Air (alternative)
- That's Jazz a
- Height of Achievement
- On the Boulevard (full)
- Let's Dance Together (Til Morning) A
- A Sparkling Christmas (alternative)
- Keep Young and Gentle (30 second)
- La Valse C (30 seconds)
- Ice Dance
- Chocks Away! (30 seconds)
- We're Leaving Today (full)
- The Cat (full)
- High Temperature a
- High Temperature B
- Tango on the Terrace a
- Tango on the Terrace B
- Cafe Paris (30 seconds)
- Smooth Vibe
- An Epic Tale (underscore)
- Sunshine Boogie (sting)
- Like the Clappers (30 seconds)
- The Mexican
- Falling Leaves
- A Little Smile (full)
- Sunshine Boogie (30 seconds)
- Alley Cat
- Breakfast in Love (30 second)
- A Sparkling Christmas (full)
- Look This Way a
- That's Jazz a (30 seconds)
- From Small Beginnings
- Happy Chappie
- Loving You (full)
- Tango on the Terrace B (sting)
- Once Upon a Time (underscore)
- Lucky Seven (b)
- That's Jazz C (30 seconds)
- Hotel Splendide
- High Temperature B (sting)
- Falling Leaves (a)
- The Cat (30 second)
- The New Toy (underscore)
- Sunshine Boogie
- Come Here (30 second)
- Look This Way B
- Someone to Kiss Goodnight (alternative)
- Feeling Alive (underscore)
- Legacy
- Breakfast in Love (alternative)
- Someone to Kiss Goodnight (underscore)
- Let's Dance Together (Til Morning) B
- We're Leaving Today (30 second)
- Strictly Cha Cha a (30 seconds)
- Fairytales
- Decadence (30 seconds)
- Let's Dance Together (Til Morning) A (sting)
- La Valse a (30 seconds)
- Strictly Cha Cha C
- Strictly Cha Cha B
- Strictly Cha Cha a
- Crossing Tracks (b)
- An Epic Tale (no choir)
- Breakfast in Love (underscore)
- An Epic Tale
- Latino Investigation B (30 seconds)
- La Valse C (sting)
- Two Moments
- Look This Way a (sting)
- Charleston
- Percy Street Stomp a (30 seconds)
- Swingin' Out
- Feeling Alive (full)
- Crossing Tracks
- Percy Street Stomp B
- The Magic Kingdom (underscore)
- As Close as They Come (underscore)
- Percy Street Stomp a
- Travel
- The Power Within
- Latino Investigation a (30 seconds)
- Rendezvous Cocktails a (sting)
- World of Dreams (no choir)
- World of Dreams
- Alley Cat (30 seconds)
- Breakfast in Love (full)
- Loving You (underscore)
- Loving You (30 second)
- Like the Clappers (sting)
- Tango on the Terrace a (30 seconds)
- Treat Her Right
- Percy Street Stomp a (sting)
- Let's Dance Together (Til Morning) B (30 seconds)
- Hotel Extravagance a (30 seconds)
- Fantasy Chorale (no choir)
- Someone to Kiss Goodnight (full)
- Connectivity
- Snooch
- As Close as They Come (full)
- Latino Investigation B
- Latino Investigation a
- Lucky Seven
- On the Boulevard (underscore)
- Tuesday Blues
- Rendezvous Cocktails a
- Fantasy Chorale
- The Spring Chicken (no choir)
- The Brightest Star (underscore)
- Percy Street Stomp B (sting)
- As Close as They Come (30 second)
- Finding a Way (no choir)
- Rendezvous Cocktails D
- Charleston (30 seconds)
- Rendezvous Cocktails C
- Decadence (sting)
- Rendezvous Cocktails B
- Come Here (full)
- The New Toy
- Sleuth on the Loose (b) (main)
- Embarrassing Silences (b) (30 second)
- Beside the Sea (b) (main)
- Beside the Sea (c) (main)
- Design For Life (main)
- Last Chance Saloon (a) (30 second)
- Embarrassing Silences (e) (main)
- Best of British (a) (30 second)
- Building the Dream (underscore)
- Streams of Joy (main)
- Best of German (a) (30 second)
- Boundless Skies (30 second)
- What a Carry On (b) (main)
- The Funny Side (c) (30 second)
- What a Carry On (b) (30 second)
- Comedy Wah Wah (a) (main)
- Go Cat Go (a) (main)
- Building the Dream (30 second)
- The Funny Side (a) (30 second)
- Design For Life (underscore)
- Embarrassing Silences (b) (main)
- Last Chance Saloon (b) (main)
- What a Carry On (a) (main)
- Chrysalis (main)
- Good as Gold (underscore)
- The Lazy Hippo (a) (30 second)
- Beside the Sea (a) (main)
- Joking Apart (b) (30 second)
- Minimum Perpetuum (30 second)
- Barfly Blues (a) (30 second)
- Baby Steps (main)
- Lazy River Swing (c) (30 second)
- Lazy River Swing (b) (30 second)
- Best of British (b) (main)
- Chrysalis (30 second)
- Best of British (a) (main)
- Dungeon Doom (30 second)
- Mr Cool (30 second)
- Boundless Skies (underscore)
- Embarrassing Silences (c) (main)
- Baby Steps (30 second)
- Last Chance Saloon (a) (main)
- Clear Way (main)
- Barfly Blues (b) (30 second)
- Woe is Me (c) (main)
- Embarrassing Silences (c) (30 second)
- The Funny Side (b) (30 second)
- A French Fancy (b) (30 second)
- Go Cat Go (b) (30 second)
- The Funny Side (c) (main)
- What a Carry On (c) (30 second)
- Go Cat Go (a) (30 second)
- Best of German (b) (30 second)
- Best of German (b) (main)
- Good as Gold (main)
- Beside the Sea (d) (30 second)
- The Funny Side (b) (main)
- Embarrassing Silences (d) (main)
- The Funny Side (a) (main)
- Little Luxuries (30 second)
- Simple Symphony (main)
- Tiny Tiptoes (c) (main)
- Nectar of Life (underscore)
- Woe is Me (d) (30 second)
- Streams of Joy (underscore)
- Sleuth on the Loose (a) (main)
- What a Carry On (c) (main)
- Barfly Blues (b) (main)
- Sleuth on the Loose (a) (30 second)
- Lazy River Swing (c) (main)
- Chrysalis (underscore)
- That Epic Feeling (main)
- The Baritones (a) (main)
- Sleuth on the Loose (b) (30 second)
- Tiny Tiptoes (b) (main)
- Pure Minds (main)
- Hysteria Lane (main)
- Tiny Tiptoes (a) (30 second)
- Little Luxuries (main)
- Nectar of Life (30 second)
- Damsel in Distress (main)
- Tiny Tiptoes (a) (main)
- The Lazy Hippo (b) (main)
- Taking Flight (main)
- Perfect Symmetry (underscore)
- Minimum Perpetuum (underscore)
- Comedy Wah Wah (a) (30 second)
- Slide by Slide (main)
- A French Fancy (b) (main)
- The Tipsy Three Step (main)
- The Baritones (a) (30 second)
- Perfect Symmetry (main)
- Clear Way (underscore)
- Tiny Tiptoes (b) (30 second)
- Joking Apart (a) (30 second)
- Nectar of Life (main)
- Pure Minds (underscore)
- Beside the Sea (d) (main)
- Hysteria Lane (30 second)
- What a Carry On (a) (30 second)
- Lazy River Swing (a) (main)
- Taking Flight (30 second)
- Design For Life (30 second)
- Woe is Me (c) (30 second)
- Pure Minds (30 second)
- Beside the Sea (e) (main)
- Simple Symphony (30 second)
- Woe is Me (a) (main)
- A French Fancy (a) (main)
- Barfly Blues (d) (main)
- Beside the Sea (b) (30 second)
- Joking Apart (a) (main)
- The Tipsy Three Step (30 second)
- That Epic Feeling (30 second)
- Embarrassing Silences (d) (30 second)
- The Baritones (b) (main)
- Lazy River Swing (b) (main)
- Time Reflections (30 second)
- Streams of Joy (30 second)
- Damsel in Distress (30 second)
- The Lazy Hippo (b) (30 second)
- Dungeon Doom (main)
- Boundless Skies (main)
- Lazy River Swing (d) (main)
- Mr Cool (main)
- Woe is Me (d) (main)
- Fresh Horizons (main)
- The Lazy Hippo (a) (main)
- Best of German (a) (main)
- Woe is Me (a) (30 second)
- Embarrassing Silences (a) (main)
- Comedy Wah Wah (c) (main)
- Go Cat Go (b) (main)
- Joking Apart (b) (main)
- Best Foot Forward (a) (30 second)
- Best Foot Forward (b) (main)
- Best Foot Forward (a) (main)
- Woe is Me (b) (main)
- Embarrassing Silences (a) (30 second)
- Simple Symphony (underscore)
- Beside the Sea (a) (30 second)
- A French Fancy (a) (30 second)
- The Baritones (b) (30 second)
- Barfly Blues (c) (main)
- Barfly Blues (c) (30 second)
- Best Foot Forward (b) (30 second)
- Good as Gold (30 second)
- Fresh Horizons (underscore)
- Perfect Symmetry (30 second)
- Barfly Blues (a) (main)
- Time Reflections (main)
- Taking Flight (underscore)
- Comedy Wah Wah (d) (main)
- Woe is Me (b) (30 second)
- Beside the Sea (c) (30 second)
- Minimum Perpetuum (main)
- Comedy Wah Wah (b) (main)
- Building the Dream (main)
- Tiny Tiptoes (c) (30 second)
- Clear Way (30 second)
- Last Chance Saloon (b) (30 second)
- Lazy River Swing (a) (30 second)
- Beside the Sea (e) (30 second)
- Fresh Horizons (30 second)
- The Violin Lesson (main)
- Percy Street Stomp (b) (30)
- Tango on the Terrace (a) (30)
- High Temperature (e)
- La Valse (a) (30)
- Tango on the Terrace (c)
- High Temperature (a) (30)
- Decadence (a)
- Decadence (c)
- That's Jazz (e)
- Sunshine Boogie (b)
- Like the Clappers (b) (30)
- The Mexican (b)
- High Temperature (d)
- Look This Way (b) (30)
- Tango on the Terrace (d)
- That's Jazz (d)
- Rendezvous Cocktails (c) (30)
- Look This Way (b)
- Look This Way (d)
- Happy Chappie (b)
- Alley Cat (a)
- Alley Cat (c)
- Happy Chappie (a) (30)
- Tango on the Terrace (a)
- High Temperature (c)
- The Mexican (a) (30)
- That's Jazz (c)
- La Valse (c) (30)
- Tango on the Terrace (b)
- Latino Investigation (b) (30)
- High Temperature (b)
- That's Jazz (c) (30)
- Happy Chappie (b) (30)
- Like the Clappers (a)
- Like the Clappers (c)
- That's Jazz (b) (30) (a)
- That's Jazz (b) (30) (c)
- La Valse (a)
- Strictly Cha-Cha (c) (30)
- Latino Investigation (a) (30)
- Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (d)
- Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (b)
- Chocks Away! (b)
- Percy Street Stomp (a)
- Latino Investigation (d)
- Tango on the Terrace (e)
- Swingin' Out (b)
- Swingin' Out (d)
- Cafe Paris (a)
- Strictly Cha-Cha (f)
- Strictly Cha-Cha (b)
- Strictly Cha-Cha (d)
- Strictly Cha-Cha (a) (30)
- Charleston (a) (30)
- Percy Street Stomp (b)
- Tango on the Terrace (f)
- Rendezvous Cocktails (e)
- Cafe Paris (b)
- Percy Street Stomp (c)
- Latino Investigation (b)
- La Valse (d)
- Decadence (b)
- Percy Street Stomp (c) (30)
- Sunshine Boogie (c)
- Sunshine Boogie (a)
- Rendezvous Cocktails (f)
- Rendezvous Cocktails (d) (30)
- Cafe Paris (c)
- Latino Investigation (c) (30)
- The Mexican (a)
- The Mexican (c)
- Percy Street Stomp (d)
- Latino Investigation (c)
- La Valse (e)
- Like the Clappers (a) (30)
- Look This Way (a) (30)
- Rendezvous Cocktails (g)
- Look This Way (c)
- Look This Way (a)
- Happy Chappie (a)
- Charleston (b) (30)
- Alley Cat (b)
- Sunshine Boogie (a) (30)
- Alley Cat (a) (30)
- Percy Street Stomp (e)
- La Valse (b)
- Chocks Away! (a) (30)
- Latino Investigation (a)
- Hotel Extravagance (c)
- Rendezvous Cocktails (h)
- Percy Street Stomp (a) (30)
- Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (b) (30)
- Decadence (a) (30)
- Hotel Extravagance (a) (30)
- Percy Street Stomp (f)
- La Valse (c)
- That's Jazz (d) (30)
- That's Jazz (a) (30)
- Cafe Paris (a) (30)
- That's Jazz (b)
- Hotel Extravagance (b)
- Rendezvous Cocktails (a)
- High Temperature (a)
- Strictly Cha-Cha (b) (30)
- Percy Street Stomp (g)
- That's Jazz (a)
- Hotel Extravagance (a)
- Like the Clappers (b)
- Charleston (a)
- Strictly Cha-Cha (d) (30)
- Cafe Paris (b) (30)
- Rendezvous Cocktails (b)
- Rendezvous Cocktails (a) (30)
- That's Jazz (e) (30)
- That's Jazz (b) (30) (b)
- Percy Street Stomp (h)
- Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (c)
- Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (e)
- Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (a)
- Charleston (b)
- Chocks Away! (a)
- Chocks Away! (c)
- Rendezvous Cocktails (c)
- La Valse (f)
- Swingin' Out (a)
- Swingin' Out (c)
- Rendezvous Cocktails (d)
- Strictly Cha-Cha (e)
- Strictly Cha-Cha (a)
- Strictly Cha-Cha (c)
- Charleston (c)
- La Valse (g)
- Rising Empires
- The Glass Slipper