
Geboren am 31. Mai 1974


  1. 3:33
  2. Face to Face
  3. How Hard
  4. Cry in the ...
  5. Make Believe
  6. Change of Plans
  7. Run Away
  8. Come Home
  9. Cave
  10. That's My Dad
  11. Be Still and Know
  12. Tell Me
  13. This Halloween
  14. Disappear
  15. Real with Myself
  16. Handcuffed Heart
  17. Come Out (Your Game is Over)
  18. Today is Not Your Day
  19. Only One
  20. Voices Scream
  21. Design the Future
  22. Once Upon a Time
  23. Happy Ever After
  24. Let the Music Take You (full)
  25. La Valse B
  26. Chocks Away! (sting)
  27. Decadence
  28. La Valse a
  29. La Valse D
  30. Alley Cat (sting)
  31. La Valse C
  32. The Mexican (sting)
  33. The Brightest Star (no choir)
  34. Come Here (underscore)
  35. Rendezvous Cocktails C (30 seconds)
  36. Fairytales (underscore)
  37. High Temperature a (sting)
  38. Optical
  39. A World of Wonder
  40. Strictly Cha Cha a (sting)
  41. Let the Music Take You (underscore)
  42. A Sparkling Christmas (underscore)
  43. Feeling Alive (30 second)
  44. Walking on Air (underscore)
  45. Tango on the Terrace a (sting)
  46. On the Boulevard (30 second)
  47. Keep Young and Gentle (alternative)
  48. Swingin' Out (sting)
  49. Finding a Way (underscore)
  50. Quiet Moon
  51. Rendezvous Cocktails B (sting)
  52. Cafe Paris
  53. Let the Music Take You (30 second)
  54. Once Upon a Time (no choir)
  55. Keep Young and Gentle (full)
  56. Look This Way B (30 seconds)
  57. The Spring Chicken (underscore)
  58. The Mexican (30 seconds)
  59. Rendezvous Cocktails a (30 seconds)
  60. Criss-Cross
  61. The Cat (underscore)
  62. Keep Young and Gentle (underscore)
  63. Finding a Way
  64. A Winter Land (no choir)
  65. We're Leaving Today (underscore)
  66. Chocks Away!
  67. Walking on Air (30 second)
  68. Tease
  69. A Winter Land
  70. La Valse a (sting)
  71. Rendezvous Cocktails D (30 seconds)
  72. High Temperature a (30 seconds)
  73. Tango on the Terrace B (30 seconds)
  74. The Magic Kingdom
  75. Fantasy Chorale (underscore)
  76. Strictly Cha Cha C (30 seconds)
  77. Loving You (alternative)
  78. Someone to Kiss Goodnight (30 second)
  79. Rendezvous Cocktails C (sting)
  80. Happy Ever After (underscore)
  81. Falling Leaves (b)
  82. We're Leaving Today (alternative)
  83. Latino Investigation a (sting)
  84. Hotel Extravagance B
  85. Hotel Extravagance a
  86. World of Dreams (underscore)
  87. Strictly Cha Cha B (30 seconds)
  88. Happy Chappie (30 seconds)
  89. Walking on Air (full)
  90. Percy Street Stomp B (30 seconds)
  91. Fairytales (no choir)
  92. A Little Smile (30 second)
  93. Wise-Guy Boogie
  94. Charleston (sting)
  95. A Winter Land (underscore)
  96. Around the Sun
  97. Look This Way a (30 seconds)
  98. Future Happiness
  99. Cafe Paris (sting)
  100. Like the Clappers
  101. A Little Smile (underscore)
  102. Let the Music Take You (alternative)
  103. The Spring Chicken
  104. That's Jazz B (30 seconds)
  105. A Sparkling Christmas (30 second)
  106. The Bachelor
  107. The Brightest Star
  108. That's Jazz B
  109. That's Jazz C
  110. A Little Smile (alternative)
  111. Walking on Air (alternative)
  112. That's Jazz a
  113. Height of Achievement
  114. On the Boulevard (full)
  115. Let's Dance Together (Til Morning) A
  116. A Sparkling Christmas (alternative)
  117. Keep Young and Gentle (30 second)
  118. La Valse C (30 seconds)
  119. Ice Dance
  120. Chocks Away! (30 seconds)
  121. We're Leaving Today (full)
  122. The Cat (full)
  123. High Temperature a
  124. High Temperature B
  125. Tango on the Terrace a
  126. Tango on the Terrace B
  127. Cafe Paris (30 seconds)
  128. Smooth Vibe
  129. An Epic Tale (underscore)
  130. Sunshine Boogie (sting)
  131. Like the Clappers (30 seconds)
  132. The Mexican
  133. Falling Leaves
  134. A Little Smile (full)
  135. Sunshine Boogie (30 seconds)
  136. Alley Cat
  137. Breakfast in Love (30 second)
  138. A Sparkling Christmas (full)
  139. Look This Way a
  140. That's Jazz a (30 seconds)
  141. From Small Beginnings
  142. Happy Chappie
  143. Loving You (full)
  144. Tango on the Terrace B (sting)
  145. Once Upon a Time (underscore)
  146. Lucky Seven (b)
  147. That's Jazz C (30 seconds)
  148. Hotel Splendide
  149. High Temperature B (sting)
  150. Falling Leaves (a)
  151. The Cat (30 second)
  152. The New Toy (underscore)
  153. Sunshine Boogie
  154. Come Here (30 second)
  155. Look This Way B
  156. Someone to Kiss Goodnight (alternative)
  157. Feeling Alive (underscore)
  158. Legacy
  159. Breakfast in Love (alternative)
  160. Someone to Kiss Goodnight (underscore)
  161. Let's Dance Together (Til Morning) B
  162. We're Leaving Today (30 second)
  163. Strictly Cha Cha a (30 seconds)
  164. Fairytales
  165. Decadence (30 seconds)
  166. Let's Dance Together (Til Morning) A (sting)
  167. La Valse a (30 seconds)
  168. Strictly Cha Cha C
  169. Strictly Cha Cha B
  170. Strictly Cha Cha a
  171. Crossing Tracks (b)
  172. An Epic Tale (no choir)
  173. Breakfast in Love (underscore)
  174. An Epic Tale
  175. Latino Investigation B (30 seconds)
  176. La Valse C (sting)
  177. Two Moments
  178. Look This Way a (sting)
  179. Charleston
  180. Percy Street Stomp a (30 seconds)
  181. Swingin' Out
  182. Feeling Alive (full)
  183. Crossing Tracks
  184. Percy Street Stomp B
  185. The Magic Kingdom (underscore)
  186. As Close as They Come (underscore)
  187. Percy Street Stomp a
  188. Travel
  189. The Power Within
  190. Latino Investigation a (30 seconds)
  191. Rendezvous Cocktails a (sting)
  192. World of Dreams (no choir)
  193. World of Dreams
  194. Alley Cat (30 seconds)
  195. Breakfast in Love (full)
  196. Loving You (underscore)
  197. Loving You (30 second)
  198. Like the Clappers (sting)
  199. Tango on the Terrace a (30 seconds)
  200. Treat Her Right
  201. Percy Street Stomp a (sting)
  202. Let's Dance Together (Til Morning) B (30 seconds)
  203. Hotel Extravagance a (30 seconds)
  204. Fantasy Chorale (no choir)
  205. Someone to Kiss Goodnight (full)
  206. Connectivity
  207. Snooch
  208. As Close as They Come (full)
  209. Latino Investigation B
  210. Latino Investigation a
  211. Lucky Seven
  212. On the Boulevard (underscore)
  213. Tuesday Blues
  214. Rendezvous Cocktails a
  215. Fantasy Chorale
  216. The Spring Chicken (no choir)
  217. The Brightest Star (underscore)
  218. Percy Street Stomp B (sting)
  219. As Close as They Come (30 second)
  220. Finding a Way (no choir)
  221. Rendezvous Cocktails D
  222. Charleston (30 seconds)
  223. Rendezvous Cocktails C
  224. Decadence (sting)
  225. Rendezvous Cocktails B
  226. Come Here (full)
  227. The New Toy
  228. Sleuth on the Loose (b) (main)
  229. Embarrassing Silences (b) (30 second)
  230. Beside the Sea (b) (main)
  231. Beside the Sea (c) (main)
  232. Design For Life (main)
  233. Last Chance Saloon (a) (30 second)
  234. Embarrassing Silences (e) (main)
  235. Best of British (a) (30 second)
  236. Building the Dream (underscore)
  237. Streams of Joy (main)
  238. Best of German (a) (30 second)
  239. Boundless Skies (30 second)
  240. What a Carry On (b) (main)
  241. The Funny Side (c) (30 second)
  242. What a Carry On (b) (30 second)
  243. Comedy Wah Wah (a) (main)
  244. Go Cat Go (a) (main)
  245. Building the Dream (30 second)
  246. The Funny Side (a) (30 second)
  247. Design For Life (underscore)
  248. Embarrassing Silences (b) (main)
  249. Last Chance Saloon (b) (main)
  250. What a Carry On (a) (main)
  251. Chrysalis (main)
  252. Good as Gold (underscore)
  253. The Lazy Hippo (a) (30 second)
  254. Beside the Sea (a) (main)
  255. Joking Apart (b) (30 second)
  256. Minimum Perpetuum (30 second)
  257. Barfly Blues (a) (30 second)
  258. Baby Steps (main)
  259. Lazy River Swing (c) (30 second)
  260. Lazy River Swing (b) (30 second)
  261. Best of British (b) (main)
  262. Chrysalis (30 second)
  263. Best of British (a) (main)
  264. Dungeon Doom (30 second)
  265. Mr Cool (30 second)
  266. Boundless Skies (underscore)
  267. Embarrassing Silences (c) (main)
  268. Baby Steps (30 second)
  269. Last Chance Saloon (a) (main)
  270. Clear Way (main)
  271. Barfly Blues (b) (30 second)
  272. Woe is Me (c) (main)
  273. Embarrassing Silences (c) (30 second)
  274. The Funny Side (b) (30 second)
  275. A French Fancy (b) (30 second)
  276. Go Cat Go (b) (30 second)
  277. The Funny Side (c) (main)
  278. What a Carry On (c) (30 second)
  279. Go Cat Go (a) (30 second)
  280. Best of German (b) (30 second)
  281. Best of German (b) (main)
  282. Good as Gold (main)
  283. Beside the Sea (d) (30 second)
  284. The Funny Side (b) (main)
  285. Embarrassing Silences (d) (main)
  286. The Funny Side (a) (main)
  287. Little Luxuries (30 second)
  288. Simple Symphony (main)
  289. Tiny Tiptoes (c) (main)
  290. Nectar of Life (underscore)
  291. Woe is Me (d) (30 second)
  292. Streams of Joy (underscore)
  293. Sleuth on the Loose (a) (main)
  294. What a Carry On (c) (main)
  295. Barfly Blues (b) (main)
  296. Sleuth on the Loose (a) (30 second)
  297. Lazy River Swing (c) (main)
  298. Chrysalis (underscore)
  299. That Epic Feeling (main)
  300. The Baritones (a) (main)
  301. Sleuth on the Loose (b) (30 second)
  302. Tiny Tiptoes (b) (main)
  303. Pure Minds (main)
  304. Hysteria Lane (main)
  305. Tiny Tiptoes (a) (30 second)
  306. Little Luxuries (main)
  307. Nectar of Life (30 second)
  308. Damsel in Distress (main)
  309. Tiny Tiptoes (a) (main)
  310. The Lazy Hippo (b) (main)
  311. Taking Flight (main)
  312. Perfect Symmetry (underscore)
  313. Minimum Perpetuum (underscore)
  314. Comedy Wah Wah (a) (30 second)
  315. Slide by Slide (main)
  316. A French Fancy (b) (main)
  317. The Tipsy Three Step (main)
  318. The Baritones (a) (30 second)
  319. Perfect Symmetry (main)
  320. Clear Way (underscore)
  321. Tiny Tiptoes (b) (30 second)
  322. Joking Apart (a) (30 second)
  323. Nectar of Life (main)
  324. Pure Minds (underscore)
  325. Beside the Sea (d) (main)
  326. Hysteria Lane (30 second)
  327. What a Carry On (a) (30 second)
  328. Lazy River Swing (a) (main)
  329. Taking Flight (30 second)
  330. Design For Life (30 second)
  331. Woe is Me (c) (30 second)
  332. Pure Minds (30 second)
  333. Beside the Sea (e) (main)
  334. Simple Symphony (30 second)
  335. Woe is Me (a) (main)
  336. A French Fancy (a) (main)
  337. Barfly Blues (d) (main)
  338. Beside the Sea (b) (30 second)
  339. Joking Apart (a) (main)
  340. The Tipsy Three Step (30 second)
  341. That Epic Feeling (30 second)
  342. Embarrassing Silences (d) (30 second)
  343. The Baritones (b) (main)
  344. Lazy River Swing (b) (main)
  345. Time Reflections (30 second)
  346. Streams of Joy (30 second)
  347. Damsel in Distress (30 second)
  348. The Lazy Hippo (b) (30 second)
  349. Dungeon Doom (main)
  350. Boundless Skies (main)
  351. Lazy River Swing (d) (main)
  352. Mr Cool (main)
  353. Woe is Me (d) (main)
  354. Fresh Horizons (main)
  355. The Lazy Hippo (a) (main)
  356. Best of German (a) (main)
  357. Woe is Me (a) (30 second)
  358. Embarrassing Silences (a) (main)
  359. Comedy Wah Wah (c) (main)
  360. Go Cat Go (b) (main)
  361. Joking Apart (b) (main)
  362. Best Foot Forward (a) (30 second)
  363. Best Foot Forward (b) (main)
  364. Best Foot Forward (a) (main)
  365. Woe is Me (b) (main)
  366. Embarrassing Silences (a) (30 second)
  367. Simple Symphony (underscore)
  368. Beside the Sea (a) (30 second)
  369. A French Fancy (a) (30 second)
  370. The Baritones (b) (30 second)
  371. Barfly Blues (c) (main)
  372. Barfly Blues (c) (30 second)
  373. Best Foot Forward (b) (30 second)
  374. Good as Gold (30 second)
  375. Fresh Horizons (underscore)
  376. Perfect Symmetry (30 second)
  377. Barfly Blues (a) (main)
  378. Time Reflections (main)
  379. Taking Flight (underscore)
  380. Comedy Wah Wah (d) (main)
  381. Woe is Me (b) (30 second)
  382. Beside the Sea (c) (30 second)
  383. Minimum Perpetuum (main)
  384. Comedy Wah Wah (b) (main)
  385. Building the Dream (main)
  386. Tiny Tiptoes (c) (30 second)
  387. Clear Way (30 second)
  388. Last Chance Saloon (b) (30 second)
  389. Lazy River Swing (a) (30 second)
  390. Beside the Sea (e) (30 second)
  391. Fresh Horizons (30 second)
  392. The Violin Lesson (main)
  393. Percy Street Stomp (b) (30)
  394. Tango on the Terrace (a) (30)
  395. High Temperature (e)
  396. La Valse (a) (30)
  397. Tango on the Terrace (c)
  398. High Temperature (a) (30)
  399. Decadence (a)
  400. Decadence (c)
  401. That's Jazz (e)
  402. Sunshine Boogie (b)
  403. Like the Clappers (b) (30)
  404. The Mexican (b)
  405. High Temperature (d)
  406. Look This Way (b) (30)
  407. Tango on the Terrace (d)
  408. That's Jazz (d)
  409. Rendezvous Cocktails (c) (30)
  410. Look This Way (b)
  411. Look This Way (d)
  412. Happy Chappie (b)
  413. Alley Cat (a)
  414. Alley Cat (c)
  415. Happy Chappie (a) (30)
  416. Tango on the Terrace (a)
  417. High Temperature (c)
  418. The Mexican (a) (30)
  419. That's Jazz (c)
  420. La Valse (c) (30)
  421. Tango on the Terrace (b)
  422. Latino Investigation (b) (30)
  423. High Temperature (b)
  424. That's Jazz (c) (30)
  425. Happy Chappie (b) (30)
  426. Like the Clappers (a)
  427. Like the Clappers (c)
  428. That's Jazz (b) (30) (a)
  429. That's Jazz (b) (30) (c)
  430. La Valse (a)
  431. Strictly Cha-Cha (c) (30)
  432. Latino Investigation (a) (30)
  433. Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (d)
  434. Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (b)
  435. Chocks Away! (b)
  436. Percy Street Stomp (a)
  437. Latino Investigation (d)
  438. Tango on the Terrace (e)
  439. Swingin' Out (b)
  440. Swingin' Out (d)
  441. Cafe Paris (a)
  442. Strictly Cha-Cha (f)
  443. Strictly Cha-Cha (b)
  444. Strictly Cha-Cha (d)
  445. Strictly Cha-Cha (a) (30)
  446. Charleston (a) (30)
  447. Percy Street Stomp (b)
  448. Tango on the Terrace (f)
  449. Rendezvous Cocktails (e)
  450. Cafe Paris (b)
  451. Percy Street Stomp (c)
  452. Latino Investigation (b)
  453. La Valse (d)
  454. Decadence (b)
  455. Percy Street Stomp (c) (30)
  456. Sunshine Boogie (c)
  457. Sunshine Boogie (a)
  458. Rendezvous Cocktails (f)
  459. Rendezvous Cocktails (d) (30)
  460. Cafe Paris (c)
  461. Latino Investigation (c) (30)
  462. The Mexican (a)
  463. The Mexican (c)
  464. Percy Street Stomp (d)
  465. Latino Investigation (c)
  466. La Valse (e)
  467. Like the Clappers (a) (30)
  468. Look This Way (a) (30)
  469. Rendezvous Cocktails (g)
  470. Look This Way (c)
  471. Look This Way (a)
  472. Happy Chappie (a)
  473. Charleston (b) (30)
  474. Alley Cat (b)
  475. Sunshine Boogie (a) (30)
  476. Alley Cat (a) (30)
  477. Percy Street Stomp (e)
  478. La Valse (b)
  479. Chocks Away! (a) (30)
  480. Latino Investigation (a)
  481. Hotel Extravagance (c)
  482. Rendezvous Cocktails (h)
  483. Percy Street Stomp (a) (30)
  484. Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (b) (30)
  485. Decadence (a) (30)
  486. Hotel Extravagance (a) (30)
  487. Percy Street Stomp (f)
  488. La Valse (c)
  489. That's Jazz (d) (30)
  490. That's Jazz (a) (30)
  491. Cafe Paris (a) (30)
  492. That's Jazz (b)
  493. Hotel Extravagance (b)
  494. Rendezvous Cocktails (a)
  495. High Temperature (a)
  496. Strictly Cha-Cha (b) (30)
  497. Percy Street Stomp (g)
  498. That's Jazz (a)
  499. Hotel Extravagance (a)
  500. Like the Clappers (b)
  501. Charleston (a)
  502. Strictly Cha-Cha (d) (30)
  503. Cafe Paris (b) (30)
  504. Rendezvous Cocktails (b)
  505. Rendezvous Cocktails (a) (30)
  506. That's Jazz (e) (30)
  507. That's Jazz (b) (30) (b)
  508. Percy Street Stomp (h)
  509. Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (c)
  510. Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (e)
  511. Let's Dance Together ('til morning) (a)
  512. Charleston (b)
  513. Chocks Away! (a)
  514. Chocks Away! (c)
  515. Rendezvous Cocktails (c)
  516. La Valse (f)
  517. Swingin' Out (a)
  518. Swingin' Out (c)
  519. Rendezvous Cocktails (d)
  520. Strictly Cha-Cha (e)
  521. Strictly Cha-Cha (a)
  522. Strictly Cha-Cha (c)
  523. Charleston (c)
  524. La Valse (g)
  525. Rising Empires
  526. The Glass Slipper


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