A New Venetian Coronation 1595
- the procession: bells intrada tertia / sexta / septima, trumpet sonata no. 333 (von Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh)
- toccata secondo tono (von Jan Waterman)
- introit (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- arrival of the doge: toccata 26 (von Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh)
- intonazione primo tono (von William Whitehead)
- kyrie à 5
- christe à 8 (von Richard Butler, Gabrieli Consort, William Gaunt, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh)
- kyrie à 12 (von Richard Butler, Gabrieli Consort, William Gaunt, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh)
- gloria à 16 (von Richard Butler, Mark Chambers, Eamonn Dougan, Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh)
- collect (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- epistle (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- gradual: canzona (von Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh)
- gospel (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- intonazione settimo ton (von Jan Waterman)
- offertory: deus qui beatum marcum à 10
- preface (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- sanctus & benedictus à 12 (von Richard Butler, Gabrieli Consort, William Gaunt, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh)
- elevation: sarasinetta 2 (von Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh)
- canzona [16] à 15 (von Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh)
- pater noster (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- agnus dei (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- intonazione quinto tono alla quarta bassa (von William Whitehead)
- communion: o sacrum convivium à 5
- canzona [9] à 10 (von Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh)
- post communion prayer (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- sonata la leona
- omnes gentes à 16 (von Richard Butler, Mark Chambers, Eamonn Dougan, Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh)
A Song of Farewell: Music of Mourning & Consolation
- Drop, Drop, Slow Tears
- A Litany: Drop, Drop, Slow Tears
- Christe, Qui Lux Es Et Dies
- A Child's Prayer
- In Manus Tuas
- Into Thy Hands
- Funeral Sentences
- They Are at Rest
- Requiem: I. Salvator Mundi
- Requiem: II. The Lord Is My Shepherd
- Requiem: III. Requiem Aeternam (1)
- Requiem: IV. I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Unto the Hills
- Requiem: V. Requiem Aeternam (2)
- Requiem: VI. I Heard a Voice From Heaven
- Lord, Let Me Know Mine End
An English Coronation 1902 - 1953
- Coronation March
- The King’s Herald
- Rejoice today with one accord
- O most merciful
- Litany
- O God, our help in ages past
- Chorale Fantasia on "O God, our help" (von Matthew Martin)
- Pomp and Circumstance March no. 1
- Entrance Fanfare
- I was glad
- The Presentation, Fanfares and Acclamations
- The Administration and Signing of the Oath (von Simon Russell Beale)
- O hearken Thou
- The Collect (von Simon Russell Beale)
- Peter 2:13-17 (von David Clegg)
- Hear my prayer
- Matthew 22:15
- Creed (Mass in G minor)
- Come, Holy Ghost
- The Prayer Over the Ampulla (von Simon Russell Beale)
- Zadok the Priest
- The Anointing and Blessing (von Simon Russell Beale)
- Prayers, Acclamations and Crowning Fanfare
- Confortare: Be strong and play the man
- The King Receives the Holy Bible (von Simon Russell Beale)
- The Blessing of the King and People (von Simon Russell Beale)
- The Exhortation (von Simon Russell Beale)
- Rejoice in the Lord alway
- I will not leave you comfortless
- O clap your hands together
- Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
- Homage Fanfare and Acclamations
- The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune
- The Offertory Prayer and Prayer for the Church Militant (von Simon Russell Beale)
- The Exhortation, General Confession and Absolution (von Simon Russell Beale)
- The Preface (von Simon Russell Beale)
- Sanctus (Mass in G minor)
- The Prayer of Humble Access and Prayer of Consecration (von Simon Russell Beale)
- O taste and see
- The Lord’s Prayer
- The Post-Communion Prayer (von Simon Russell Beale)
- “Coronation” Gloria in B-flat
- The Blessing (von Simon Russell Beale)
- Threefold Amen
- Coronation Te Deum
- Recessional and National Anthem
- Crown Imperial
- Adam Lay Ybounden (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- Veni, Veni Emanuel (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- Long, Long Ago (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- Lullay, Lullay, Als I Lay on Yoolis Night (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- Balulalow (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- Qui Creavit Celum (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- The Three Kings (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- This Endere Nyghth I Saw a Syghth (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- A Hymn of The Nativity (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- Letabundus (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- A Boy Was Born, Op. 3: I. A Boy Was Born (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- A Boy Was Born, Op. 3: II. Lullay, Jesu (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- A Boy Was Born, Op. 3: III. Herod (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- A Boy Was Born, Op. 3: IV. Jesu, as Thou art our Saviour (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- A Boy Was Born, Op. 3: V. The Three Kings (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- A Boy Was Born, Op. 3: VI. In the bleak mid-winter (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
- A Boy Was Born, Op. 3: VII. Noel! (von Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh)
Mehr Songtexte

- Tiento del quarto tono (Cabezon)
- Alonso Lobo: Versa est in luctum
- pater noster
- Sanctus (Morales)
- Communio: Fidelis servus et prudens
- Kyrie (Morales)
- Epistola
- Ite missa est
- Canción (Rogier)
- Canción (Guerrero)
- Postcommunio
- Kyrie
- Oratio
- Credo (Morales)
- Missa Pro Defunctis: Introitus Requiem Aeternam
- Graduale Subiendo amor (Guerrero)
- Del modo de taner a corcheas (de Santa Maria)
- Sanctus
- Prefatio
- O Doctor optime (Guerrero)
- Recessional Cancion (Rogier)
- Epistola ad Timotheum
- Tractus: Absolve, Domine
- Evangelium
- Officium Defunctorum: Antifona
- Introitus
- Evangelium secundum Mattheum
- Agnus Dei (Morales)
- Gloria
- agnus dei
- Offertorium: Domine Iesu Christe
- Elevatio Mille regretz (Gombert)
- Offertorium (Cabezon)
- Emendemus in melius (Morales)
- Officium Defunctorum: Salmo 94
- Tiento del quinto tono (Cabezon)
- Cancion Ecce sacerdos magnus (Rogier)
- Graduale: Requiem aeternam
- Communio: Lux aeterna
- Sequentia: Dies irae
- Graduale Todos aman (Guerrero)
- Benedictus
- intonazione primo tono
- post communion prayer
- kyrie à 12
- omnes gentes à 16
- toccata secondo tono
- intonazione quinto tono alla quarta bassa
- arrival of the doge: toccata 26
- the procession: bells intrada tertia / sexta / septima, trumpet sonata no. 333
- gloria à 16
- canzona [9] à 10
- intonazione settimo ton
- canzona [16] à 15
- sanctus & benedictus à 12
- christe à 8
- preface
- gradual: canzona
- elevation: sarasinetta 2
- gospel
- introit
- collect
- epistle