Paul Frees Songtexte
"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Float Through"
"The Attraction Exit Spiel"
Geboren am 22. Juni 1920, Gestorben am 02. November 1986

- The Barker"
- "Yo Ho - The Pirates Arcade"
- "Banjo"
- "Parrot on Bridge"
- "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Float Through"
- "Accordion Player"
- "Stuffed Pirate"
- "Demo"
- "Voice Over 1, Auction Scene"
- "Welcome"
- "Yo Ho, A Pirates Life for Me"
- "Ghostly Voices"
- "The Drinking Pirate"
- "Yo Ho with Tuba, Harpsichord and Vocal"
- "The Singing Pigs"
- "Voice Over 3, Paul Frees"
- "The Singing Dog"
- "Scare Me Music"
- "A Parrot's Life For Me"
- The Overture to The "Pirates of the Caribbean"
- "Pooped Pirate"
- "Arsenal Scene"
- "The Attraction Exit Spiel"
- "Voice Over 2, Paul Frees"
- "Drunk on Lampost"
- Flat Foot Floogie
- Shaggy Dog Cha Cha Cha