Patrick Doyle Songtexte
Another Year Ends
Gairm Na h-Oidhche
Harry in Winter
Hogwarts’ March
Noble Maiden Fair (A Mhaighdean Bhan Uasal)
Geboren am 06. April 1953
Donnie Brasco (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
- Lonely Man
- A Friend of Mine
- You Like the Moustache?
- New Car
- Donnie Gets Involved
- This Ain't New York
- Donnie & The Morman
- Mickey Mantle Arrives
- You Belong to Me Now
- Father and Son
- The Raid
- Dust Off the Guns
- The Call
- The Shoot-Out
- Lefty Sees the Light
- Donnie's Taken Out
- The Real Donnie
- The Final Call
- Donnie and Lefty
East West (Est - Ouest) (Original Film Score) (Soundtrack)
- Opening Titles
- Farewell of a Slav
- Arrival in Kiev
- Forgive Me
- Babouchka
- Jeopardy
- Smuglianka
- The Church
- You're Doing It for Us
- Betrayal
- Alexei and Olga
- The River
- The Race
- Madame Bovary
- I'll Never Forget You
- The Plan
- The Cliffs
- The Black Sea
- Nightingales
- La Mer
- You Must Stay Alive
- Farewell Tango
- The Escape
- Freedom
- The Land