Fuck Shit Discord Live (12-16-2023)
- Laptop Shitcore!!!
- Releasing Shitnoise on Artsy Net-Labels
- PxAxM Is Based
- Scarlet
- LLN Re-Releasing Stuff Isn't Kvlt
- GlariZ Is Better Than Sunn O)))
- Fuck FLAC
- Fuck Naming Tracks
- 99 Bottles of Loli Pee on the Wall
- Discord Web Browser
- I Don't Feel Like Naming Tracks Right Now
- Fuck Shit Noise Core
- Twentyfour
- Ripping Off Deche-Charge
- My Noisecore Sucks
- End of Laptop Mic Tapping Noisecore
- Metadata Is for Nerds
- Naming Your Short Tracks Is Punk
- Elon Musk Was Always Stupid
- Gray VS Grey
- Forever21
- wwwww
- Otaku Punk Forever
- Silvanian Families VS YouTube Auto-Correct
- AFX Spyware
- Oreo Donut
- This Release Sucks Since the Titles Aren't All Long Jokes
- Napalm Death Is Alive
- Laptop Deathcore
I Wish I Had Jinglebells or Sleighbells or Something but I Don't So Here's a Regular Scum Album but With Christmas Themed Titles
- Ethel Smith but as a Loli
- Merry Christmas
- Buff Santa Claus Punching Athiests Then Saying "Merry Fistmas"
- Rudolf Is My Favorite Anime
- Rudolf Hess the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- Rudolf Eb.Er the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- Jason Wade's Christmas
- Jingle Bells
- Cute Loli Decorating a Christmas Tree
- Itslike3am YouTube Profile Picture
- Christmas (Thigh-High) Stockings
- Enormous Christmas Tree in a Shopping Center
- Matthew 1:18-25
- Wrapping a Loli Up in Wrapping Paper With a Pretty Bow Then Throwing Her Into a Lake
- Buying a Loli Her New Favorite Thing Ever for Christmas
- When You Drop a Glass Ornament
- Eggnog Is the Best Drink
- Baby Jesus
- Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
- Birth Ov the Savior
- Luke 1:26-56
- Fatal Sleigh Ride Crash
- Santa Claus Dabbing
- Bad Lolis Getting Coal
- Christmas Anime Figures Are Cool AF
That Funny Era When Shotas Wore Gaia Online Hats
- That Funny Era When Shotas Wore Gaia Online Hats
- Hey TK Over Here Is The Original Shotacore
- You Watch Dragon Ball For The Shota Dicks
- Baby Fuck But Its With Jariten
- In Remembrance Of Its A Trap Records (RIP Shotacore)
- Michael Jackson's Super Slumber Party
- Kiraken-G's Drawings Of Shotas Are Funny
- beautiful shota thing
- Saying "Syota" Instead Of "Shota" To Dunk On The Fake Weeb Opps