- Let's Sing About Dinosaurs
- When?
- Dinosaur Ages
- I Like Dinosaurs
- Dinosaur Bones
- Dinosaur Detective
- Who Named the Dinosaur?
- Footprints
- Dinosaur Colors
- Where Did They Live?
- Dinosaur Names
- Whew!
- Dinosaur Sounds
- How Big is a Dinosaur?
- Eggs
- A Real Dinosaur
- What's For Lunch?
- What Happened?
- Hadrosaurus
- The King of the Dinosaurs
- Tyrannosaurus
- Pteranodon
- Big, Bigger, Biggest
- Brontosaurus
- Apatosaurus, Brontosaurus
- Duckbill Dinosaur
- Dining
- Triceratops
- Please, Mister Plesiosaur
- Ornithomimus
- Deinonychus
- Ankylosaurus
- Little Dinosaurs
- Compsognathus
- Stegosaurus
- My Tail
- The Dance Contest
- If I Could Be a Dinosaur
- Drawing Dinosaurs
- The Dinosaur Race
- If
- My Pet Dinosaur
- It's Great To Be a Dinosaur
- A Dinosaur Friend
- A Dinosaur Baby
- The Brachio Limo
- Pretend
- The Dinosaur Party
- The Dinosaur Parade
Wee Sing (25th Anniversary Celebration) (Compilation)
- The More Wee Sing Together
- If You're Happy
- Skidamarink
- Bingo
- Do Your Ears Hang Low?
- The Big Rock Candy Mountains
- Down by the Bay
- Six Little Ducks
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat
- Head and Shoulders
- Dry Bones
- Looby Loo
- Eentsy Weentsy Spider
- Baby Bumblebee
- The Ants Go Marching
- The Bear Went Over the Mountain
- I Love the Mountains
- She'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain
- John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
- Take Me Out to the Ball Game
- To Market, to Market
- This Little Pig Went to Market
- Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- Pease Porridge Hot
- Playmate
- My Aunt Came Back
- Tingalayo
- Down by the Station
- I've Been Working on the Railroad
- Ten in a Bed
- The Farmer in the Dell
- Kookaburra (von Pamela Conn Beall and Susan Hagen Nipp)
- Pop Goes the Weasel
- Polly Wolly Doodle
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- Ring Around the Rosy
- The Hokey Pokey
- Teddy Bear
- Who Built the Ark?
- Rain Rain Go Away
- There Is Thunder
- It's Raining
- Sing-A-Ling
- He's Got the Whole World
- Hush Little Baby
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (von Pamela Conn Beall and Susan Hagen Nipp)
- The More Wee Sing Together (reprise)
Wee Sing America
- We Love the USA
- John F. Kenndy Quote
- The Star Spangled Banner
- Preamble to the Constitution
- You're a Grand Old Flag
- Pledge to the Flag
- Three Cheers for the Red, White, and Blue
- The Stars and Stripes Forever
- There Are Many Flags
- America
- Thomas Jefferson Quote
- Abraham Lincoln Quote
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Quote
- America, America
- America the Beautiful
- Statue of Liberty Excerpt
- The United States
- Yankee Doodle Boy
- Yankee Doodle
- Old Abe Lincoln
- Abraham Lincoln Quote
- Dixie
- Battle Hymn of the Republic
- George Washington Quote
- When Johnny Comes Marching Home
- Goober Peas
- The Caissons
- Marine's Hymn
- Patrick Henry Quote
- Anchors Aweigh
- Sweet Betsy From Pike
- I've Been Workin' on the Railroad
- John Henry
- Drill, Ye Tarriers
- Paddy Works on the Railway
- The Old Chsishom Trail
- Good-Bye, Old Paint
- I Ride an Old Paint
- Git Along, Little Dogies
- My Home's in Montana
- Old Texas
- The Boll Weevil
- Pick a Bale o' Cotton
- Cotton Needs a Pickin'
- Shuckin' of the Corn
- Old Settler's Song
- Sacramento
- Blow Ye Winds
- Cape Cod Chantey
- Blow the Man Down
- Erie Canal
- Down the River
Wee Sing Bible Songs
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
- Jesus Loves Me
- Jesus Loves Even Me
- Jesus Sees Me
- Come Bless the Lord
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
- This Little Light of Mine
- The Bible Says
- The Lord is My Shepherd
- Deep and Wide
- God Made Me
- My Body, Strong and Good
- Oh, Be Careful
- Silver and Gold Have I None
- The Twelve Disciples
- Behold, Behold
- One Door and Only One
- Love, Love
- This is My Commandment
- The B-I-B-L-E
- Books of the Old Testament
- Books of the New Testament
- Father Abraham
- Little David, Play on Your Harp
- Only a Boy Named David
- Who Did Swallow Jonah?
- Zacchaeus
- The Wise Man and the Foolish Man
- Who Built the Ark?
- His Banner Over Me Is Love
- Praise Him, Praise Him
- Kum Ba Yah
- Thank You
- Whisper a Prayer
- God Bless
- Give Me Oil in My Lamp
- Isn't He Wonderful
- Standin' in the Need of Prayer
- He's Got the Whole World
- Do Lord
- Here Is the Church
- Climg, Climb Up Sunshine Mountain
- Heavenly Sunshine
- Praise the Lord Together
- My God Is So Great
- See the Camel
- Peace Like a River
- Walking with Jesus
- Now I Lay
- Father, We Thank Thee
- God is So Good
- I'm in the Lord's Army
- Happy All the Time
- God's Love
- Oh, How I Love Jesus
- Hallelu, Hallelu
- Our Hands We Fold
- Jesus
- I Love to Take a Walk
- The Wind Tells Me
- Rise and Shine
- Down in My Heart
- Rejoice in the Lord Always