Discography (Compilation)
- The State of 6 PM
- If You’re Not Satisfied With the Current Arrangement…
- Cheering Section
- Where the Teachers Go to Learn
- Rate × Time = Distance
- Palatka Kills Young Republicans
- Matured, You Bet
- “Let’s Have A Kid.” “Sure, Why Not?”
- Another Sort of Blacklist
- Mark’s Shit.
- Voice of the Actors
- The Current Definition of Friendship Is Sorely Lacking
- Rock Concert
- Home Is Killing Me
- Smoking Section
- Soldier With Staring Problem
- Haunted House Movie
- The Eyes and Ears of the Shit Legislators
- Job Fair
- Misinformed
- Cool Breezes Daring Escape From Hogtown
- Taco Bell Has Nothing to Do With Hardcore
- I’m the Most Important Fucking Person in the Whole World
- Black Elk
- Stutter Mispronounce
- Fucked From the Start
- Recite ad Nauseam
- This Place Is Shit
- Garbage
- Nathan Collier
- Yours at Best
- Bicentennial
- Vultures Hyenas
- Apartment
- Property Values
- Straight Straight Youth
- Good Intentions
- Sunshine State Sprawl
- The Bus Ride
- Washington Park
- The Truth About San Diego
- Sections A–Z
- Future Site Of
- Let’s Toss This Fucking Shit to the Fire!
- New Feedback
- Yours at Best
- Nathan Collier
- Choicenochoice
The End of Irony
- The State of 6pm
- If You’re Not Satisfied With the Current Arrangement…
- Cheering Section
- Where the Teachers Go to Learn
- Rate × Time = Distance
- Palatka Kills Young Republicans
- Matured? You Bet!
- “Let’s Have A Kid.” “Sure, Why Not?”
- Another Kind of Blacklist
- Mark’s Shit
- Voice of the Actors
- The Current Definition of Friendship Is Sorely Lacking
Mehr Songtexte

- If You're Not Satisfied With the Current Arrangement
- Rate x Time
- Lets Have a Kid, Sure Why Not
- Marks Shit
- Im the Most Important Fucking Person in the Whole World
- Sections A-Z
- Let's Toss This Fucking Shit to the Fire!
- If You're Not Satisfied With the Current Arrangement...
- Rate x Time = Distance
- "Let's Have a Kid." "Sure, Why Not?"
- Mark's Shit