Plastic Surgeons
- Locked Tight
- Looking For Drugs
- Blackout
- In Power
- Rhythms Divine (Trance Intoxication)
- Locked Trance
- Wave Guide System
- What's Up?
- 99.9
- Rhythms Divine (Pound Your Senses)
- Mental Atmosphere
- 4 Tribes (Wanna Be Startin' Somethin') (Manticore Introduction)
- 4 Tribes (Wanna Be Startin' Somethin')
- Turntablizm
Under The Knife
- In Power (Technikal's Under The Knife Remix)
- In Power (Fabio Stein's Under The Knife Remix)
- In Power (DJ Choose's Under The Knife Remix)
- Locked Trance (K90's Under The Knife Remix)
- 99.9 (Mark Sherry & James Allan's Under The Knife Remix)
- Wave Guide System (Scott Attrill's Under the Knife remix)
- 4 Tribes (Wanna Be Startin' Somethin') (BK's Under the Knife remix)
- 4 Tribes (Wanna Be Startin' Somethin') (Joey V's Under the Knife remix)
- 4 Tribes (Wanna Be Startin' Somethin') (Will Atkinson's Under the Knife remix)
- Locked Tight (Neal Thomas Under The Knife Remix)
- Blackout (Mac & Taylor's Under The Knife Remix)
- Looking For Drugs (Vandall's Under the Knife remix)
- Mental Atmosphere (Andrea Montorsi's Undre The Knife Remix)
- Mental Atmosphere (Louk's Under the Knife remix)
- 99.9 (Scott Project's Under The Knife Remix)
- Rhythms Divine (Sam Punk's Under The Knife Remix)
- Rhythms Divine (Organ Donors Under The Knife Remix)
- Wave Guide System (Fausto's Under the Knife remix)
- 99.9 (Kidd Kaos Under The Knife)
- Blackout (Luca Antolini's Under The Knife Remix)
- In Power (Wragg & Log:One's Under The Knife REmix)
- Locked Tight (Thilo & Evanti's Under The Knife Remix)
- What's Up (Dark By Design's Under The Knife Remix)
- Blackout (Zany's Under The Knife Remix)
- Under The Knife (Continous DJ Mix)
Mehr Songtexte

- Freaky Deaky
- No Holds Barred
- Ultra Kaotica
- Turntablism
- Looking for Drugs (Class B Drugs)
- Baptism of Fire
- Stylus Over Substance
- Turntablism (original)
- Tranceplant
- Devolution
- Throw a Diva
- Ultrasound
- Off Base
- Eat Your Mind
- Tribalism
- Wasted
- Like A Hawk
- Laughing Gas
- Fuck Life
- 1000 Lullabies
- No Longer In Control
- Back Stabber
- Make the Girlies Wet
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Make the Girls Wet
- Cutting Edge (Techdance Retouch)
- Makes the Girlies Wet' (Techdance Retouch)
- Dr Kaotica (Joey V remix instrumental)
- New Era
- Dr Kaotica
- Bodyshock
- Defected
- Onephatslimboy
- James Brown Is Queer
- Bombthrush
- Looking for Drugs (Class A Drugs)
- Wave Guide System (a cappella)
- Moogerfoogin
- Mad as Hell
- Make the Girlies Wet (Breeze & Modulate rmx)
- 5ths of Fury
- Ket Is for Horses
- Kickin on Wax
- Jagged Edge
- 212
- Blackout 2008
- Looking for Drugs (FJ Project's Under the Knife remix - Part 1)
- Looking for Drugs (FJ Project's Under the Knife remix - Part 2)
- Locked Trance (K90's Under the Knife dub)