Olivier Derivière Songtexte
The Night Has Come
A Plague Tale Requiem
Ogou O
The Cross
Geboren am 26. Dezember 1978
GreedFall (Soundtrack)
- The Fallen Hope
- Death Is Upon Us
- The Beast Unleashed
- Fairwell Mother
- The Adventure Begins
- A Different World
- Building Our Future
- Bandits
- Mystical Landscapes
- The Calm of Nature
- Eyes Wide Open
- Human Nature
- Environmental Beauty
- TransNature
- Meditative Surroundings
- Making Peace With Ourselves
- The Suffering
- An Ancient Call
- Look at the Stars
- Misunderstanding
- Celebration
GreedFall II (The Dying World), Pt. 1 (Soundtrack)
Harold - The Original Funny Tracks (Soundtrack)
Music from Alone in the Dark (Soundtrack)
- Prelude to an End
- Edward Carnby
- The Fissure
- Collapsing Floors
- The Façade
- Reception Hall
- The Humanz
- Who Am I?
- Central Dark
- Crying New York
- Loneliness
- Bethesda Fight
- Killing the Fissure
- No More Humans
- Truth
- Niamam
- The Light Carrier Test
- Shto Li (a cappella)
- The Final Gate
- The Choice
- An End for a Prelude
- A Solo in the Park