Ar an bhFidil
- The Tap Room / The Kerryman's Daughter
- Mary Brennan's Favourite / The White Leaf
- The Strayaway Child
- The Flannel Jacket / The Maid That Dare Not Tell
- Moneymusk / John-Joe Gannon's
- Jackson's Morning Brush / The Rambling Pitchfork
- Bean a' Leanna
- Larry McDonagh's / Cock Up & C & C
- The Maids of Mount Kisco / Johnny Henry's
- The Morning Thrush
- The Lark in the Morning / Tony Kenny's / Sheila's Jig
- The Frisco Hornpipe / Walsh's Hornpipe
- The Tinker's Frolic / John Egan's
- The Merry Girl / Charlie O'Neill's
- The Rainy Day / The Trip to Durrow
- Peter Wyper's / The Killarney Wonder
- Aughamore / Hughie's Cap
An Géagán Glas
- Jackie Coleman's / Mayor Harrison's Fedora
- Mixing the Punch / Both Meat and Drink
- The Avonmore / All Hands Around
- Twilight in Portroe / The Mountain Road
- The Drunken Gauger / McGreevy's
- Veronica McNamara's / The Professor / Charlie Dolan's
- The Connachtman / Emmet the Piper
- David's Dream (comp. Charlie Lennon) / The Reel of Mullinavat
- The Ace and Deuce of Piping / Sarah Kelly's
- The Maids of Hollywell / The Thirteen Arches
- Captain O'Neill / Eddie Kelly's / The Green Branch
- Bright May Morning / Fowler on the Moor
- Céad Bliain ag Fás / The Salthill Hornpipe
- Miss Monaghan / Vincent Harrison's / The Woman of the House